
Anemia in infants: symptoms, causes and treatment

  • Anemia in infants: symptoms, causes and treatment

    A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in a unit of blood is called anemia. In addition, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes is often noted. Anemia in infants is common.

    Causes of the disease in children

    Children are usually diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia( HPA) - hypochromic anemia, the development of which is due to a deficiency in the body of a baby iron. The following factors lead to iron deficiency:

    • Malnutrition;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Insufficient accumulation of iron stores during fetal development;
    • Prematurity;
    • Artificial feeding;
    • Acute infectious diseases.

    Symptoms of the disease in infants

    Attentive parents can promptly suspect that their baby has anemia. With this pathology, the mucous membranes and skin become pale. Too dry skin in a crumb is also one of the symptoms of an ailment. In addition, the ailment in infants is often accompanied by frequent occurrence of stomatitis, cracks in the corners of the lips. Digestive processes are violated, which leads to the appearance of constipation.

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    The kid quickly becomes tired, moves little, becomes irritable and whiny. If you notice signs of the disease in children, then always consult a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to make the child a general blood test.

    Depending on the hemoglobin content in the blood, three degrees of severity of the disease are distinguished. Anemia of 1 degree is considered to be mild and with it the hemoglobin level is above 90 g / l. At the second( average) degree of severity, hemoglobin is kept in the range from 70.0 to 90.0 g / l. And at the third( severe) degree the hemoglobin level is below 70 g / l.

    Anemia in newborns

    Iron deficiency anemia in newborns is usually due to malnutrition of their mothers during pregnancy. If the pregnant woman suffered from anemia, her baby in the prenatal period of development will not be able to accumulate enough iron reserves and after birth anemia will develop.

    In addition to iron deficiency in newborns, hemolytic anemia also occurs, which occurs against the background of rhesus-conflict or intrauterine infection of the child with toxoplasmosis, rubella virus, herpes.

    How to cure the disease

    For the treatment of iron deficiency anemia children are prescribed iron preparations. It is best to give them in between meals;in the diet of children a lot of milk and dairy products, because.milk proteins bind to iron and make it difficult to absorb in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Treatment of anemia in children is best done with liquid forms of iron-containing drugs. Usually they are appointed at the rate of 3 mg( in terms of elemental iron) for each kilogram of the child's weight per day.

    Therapy with iron preparations rather quickly leads to an increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood. However, despite this, the treatment should be continued from 2 to 6 months, so that in the body of the baby a sufficient supply of iron is formed.

    In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe an injection of iron preparations by the injector.

    Nutrition of children with anemia

    A full-fledged treatment for iron deficiency is impossible without the organization of proper nutrition of the child. Vitamins C, PP, B group should be included in the diet.

    For synthesis of hemoglobin, in addition to iron, protein is also required, so the baby's food must contain it in sufficient quantity.

    The best nutrition for children of the first year of life is breast milk. If, for some reason, the mother can not carry out natural feeding, then the baby should be fed with special adapted milk formulas, which are enriched with vitamins and iron. To give children the first year of life, cow's milk is not recommended;the content of vitamins and trace elements, including iron, in it is much less than in breast milk or an adapted milk formula.

    If the baby suffers from iron deficiency, then as an additional food you should use apple puree and oatmeal. A little later in the diet of the baby should be added pomegranate juice, beets, cream soup from the liver, as well as other iron-rich foods.

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