
What causes anemia and how to stop the disease?

  • What causes anemia and how to stop the disease?

    Anemia is the reduction of the hemoglobin content in a unit of blood volume, often with a simultaneous decrease in the number of red blood cells. Currently, more than 400 different types of the disease are described.

    Causes of the development of the disease

    Despite the diversity of species, there are only three mechanisms for its development:

    • Disruption of erythropoiesis( red blood cell production of red bone marrow);
    • Shortening of the life of erythrocytes or their hemolysis( destruction);
    • Acute or chronic bleeding.

    With some types, it is possible to combine these mechanisms.

    Iron deficiency anemia

    Iron deficiency is a hypochromic anemia that occurs as a result of an absolute decrease in iron resources in the body. The reasons for this form are:

    • Insufficient iron content in the diet;
    • Chronic blood loss( menstruation, gastric bleeding, etc.);
    • Disturbance of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract( resection of the stomach and / or intestines, anacid gastritis, malabsorption syndrome, etc.);
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    • An increase in the body's need for iron( pregnancy, helminthic invasion).

    What are the causes of anemia in pregnancy?

    Anemia is a frequent pathology complicating the course of pregnancy. The causes of the development of the disease during pregnancy are the following:

    • Early toxicosis and a high level of estrogen prevent absorption from the gastrointestinal gland, phosphorus, magnesium and many other microelements needed for the process of hematopoiesis.
    • Increased consumption of iron. The mother's organism gives the child all the substances necessary for him, even if he himself does not have enough of them.
    • In the body of many women of childbearing age, even before the onset of pregnancy, there is already a lack of iron, caused by heavy menstruation or frequent childbirth.

    Causes of anemia in adults and children

    In adults, this disease can occur under the influence of a wide variety of causes. Most often, the disease in adults develops against a backdrop of various ailments and thus are secondary in nature.

    A pathological decrease in hemoglobin in the blood can occur as a result of bleeding, a deficit in the body of iron, not the body's ability to absorb iron and some vitamins, hereditary diseases and some other factors.

    In children, iron deficiency anemia is most common. The main reasons for their development are:

    • Disturbances in nutrition;
    • Glistular invasion;
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Anemia in infants often develops when they are transferred to artificial feeding. This is due to the fact that the proteins of cow's milk are very poorly absorbed by the baby's body. In addition, in cow's milk, the content of iron and vitamins is less than in women.

    Treatment of anemia in children is necessary. After all, hemoglobin is an oxygen carrier and, with its shortage, oxygen starvation of the child's organism develops, in which the central nervous system suffers most.

    Why does hypochromic anemia occur?

    Hypochromic refers to anemia in which the low hemoglobin content of the color is less than 0.8.The reasons for the development of hypochromia in the general blood test are:

    • Iron deficiency;
    • Chronic lead poisoning;
    • Disruptions in the utilization and synthesis of porphyrins;
    • Various thalassemia;
    • Hypovitaminosis B6;
    • Some chronic diseases that lead to a disruption of iron metabolism.

    Hemolytic disease

    Hemolytic anemia is a large group characterized by a decrease in the mean life span of red blood cells.

    Hemolytic anemia can be caused by a wide variety of causes. In some cases, the disease is caused by infectious agents or certain medications that cause the destruction of red blood cells.

    To lead to the emergence of hemolytic anemia can bite a poisonous snake, stinging insects, severe stress and even some food.

    There are autoimmune hemolytic anemia. With them, the patient's immune system mistakenly recognizes its own red blood cells as foreign cells and actively attacks them.

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