  • Exercises for the chest, legs and the press

    Push-ups from the floor

    . The palms are on the floor on the width of the shoulders, the fingers look forward. Socks together, back and legs are straight and are aligned.

    Bend your hands in your elbows, touch the floor with your chest. During push-up, the elbows should be along the trunk, the back should not sag in the lower back.

    Push-ups from the

    wall. - to approach the wall at a distance of elongated hands, raise hands so that they become parallel to the floor, put the palms on the wall on the width of the shoulders with your fingers up. Take a step back with your left foot. Then bring your right foot to the left.

    Bend your arms in the elbows and drop to the wall, touching it a little with the tip of the nose. Straighten your hands.

    Push-ups from the knees of the

    I.P. - on the gym mat rises to their knees, putting them together. Palms rest on the floor at a distance slightly wider than shoulders, palms parallel to the body. The feet should be raised so that the angle of the bend in the knees is 90 °.The hands are straight, but not the

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    is tense. Stomach to draw. The body should form a straight line from the crown to the knees. Bend your elbows, pulling them back and bringing them closer to the waist, and then lowering your chest until the shoulder joints are on par with the elbows. Straighten your hands and return to the starting position.

    Push-ups on the knees with the support on the chair

    I. n. - standing on his knees, legs together. Hold on to the seat of the chair with your hands. The body forms a straight line from the crown to the knees. Bend your hands in your elbows, touch the stool with your chest. Straighten your hands.

    Bench press, feet on the bench

    I.P. - lying on a straight bench, legs together, bent at the knees, feet standing on the bench. Hands are raised upwards perpendicular to the floor on the width of the shoulders. In his hands - the bar, taken by direct grip. Bending his arms in the elbows, start the bar by the head to the stop, while the shoulders remain perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your hands.

    The same exercise can be performed with a fixed bar.

    Press of dumbbells while lying

    .Legs bent at the knees, divorced to the width of the shoulders. The feet are on the floor. Under the upper back is a cushion - it can be replaced by a rolled towel. The head is at home. The arms are shoulder-widthed, raised upwards, in the hands of dumbbells, taken by the grip "from above."

    Dumbbells lowered to shoulder level.

    Press dumbbell, sitting on an incline bench

    I.P. - sitting on an incline bench, feet shoulder width apart. Hands are lowered along the trunk. In his hands - dumbbells, taken with a direct grip.

    Slowly bend your arms in the elbow, lifting the dumbbells up: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your hand to your palm and continue bending your arm. Then slowly lower the dumbbell: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your hands with your palm inward and lower them down to the end.

    Slanting in the slope of the

    I.P. - sitting on an incline bench, feet shoulder width apart. Hands raised up above their heads, are on the width of the shoulders. In the hands of a dumbbell, taken by the palms of each other. Wide arms or hand widely aside. Hands remain palms to each other. At the end point of the movement, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the dumbbells are at the neck level.

    Fitness in the office

    No. 1

    I.P. - standing or sitting, palms connected to each other directly in front of them at the chest level.

    With the power to squeeze the palms together, as if you want them to stick together. To sustain 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat the exercise.

    No. 2

    . The stump is standing, legs together, hands are lowered down, along the trunk.

    Raising the shoulders as much as possible upwards, make circular movements 8-10 times. Only the shoulders move during the exercise!

    No. 3

    . The stylus is sitting, arms are divorced in the sides parallel to the floor, palms up. On each palm lies on a topic of equal weight. Describe a few circles with your hands back: first a few small circles, then big ones. Do the same in the opposite direction.


    Raising the knee standing

    . The stump is standing, legs together. Right hand on the belt. The left hand rests on the back of the chair.

    Raise the right knee as close to the body as possible. Hold this position for 2 seconds. Slowly return the

    to its original position. Turn around, right hand rest on

    on the back of the chair, repeat the exercise with the other leg( r.

    Raising the knees( lying with the ball) I. n. - lying down. Head and hands are pressed to the floor, hands along the trunk. Legs bent at the knee at a 90 ° angle, feet in the air, between the knees the ball is clamped.

    Raise the legs to the chest, stay in this position for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position. Run the movement 10-15 times.

    Raising the knees on the uneven bars

    I.P. - climb the special simulator, grasp the handles with your hands, lower your legs so that the body forms a straight line from the crown to the socks.

    Raise the knees to the waist at an angle of 90 °.In this case, the head should be kept in line with the trunk, without tipping it back or pressing it to the chest.

    You can modify this exercise by holding a small ball between your knees or raising your knees to level i aliyah, and almost straight legs.

    Raising the knees in the

    hip. - use the armrests to fix the shoulder part on the uneven bars. The back is straight, knees are raised to the waist level. Raise your knees to your chest.

    Straightening of the legs while sitting

    - sitting on the floor. Hands stand on the floor next to the buttocks, palms facing forward. The knees are brought to the chest, the feet are torn from the floor.

    Straighten the legs without touching the floor, while the back leans back.

    Straightening of the leg and turn of the body lying

    I.P. - lying on the floor, while the scapula and legs are on weight. The legs are bent at the knees, hands behind the head.

    Straightening the right leg, turn the trunk to the left, touching the right elbow of the left knee. At the same time they continue to remain on weight. Repeat with the left foot. Run 8-10 times.

    Raising the legs lying

    I.P. - lying on the floor, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the heels rest on the floor, socks - on the weight. Hands are pressed to the floor near the thighs.

    Straightening the legs, raise the hips upward by 45 °, the shin with: keep the parallel to the floor. During the exercise, hands and head remain pressed to the floor.

    Raising the legs and pelvis lying

    I.P. - lying on the floor, hands along the trunk, legs raised perpendicular to the floor.

    Raise the pelvis as high as possible, leaning on the floor with the palms.1?The moment when the pelvis is lifted, the scapula, head and hands are barely pressed to the floor. The legs must remain perpendicular to the floor. Return to the starting position.

    Do not put feet on the floor during the exercise, the exercise is performed due to movements of the pelvis.

    Back torsion on the bench

    I.P. - lying on the bench, holding the bench with his hands, placing them behind the head. Raise the legs at an angle of 90 ° and cross.

    In this position, swing your legs in the direction of the chest and back.

    Twisting( arms on the shoulders)

    IM - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. The arms are crossed on the chest. The head does not touch the floor.

    Straining the muscles of the abdomen, climb up, tearing the shoulders off the floor. Between the back and the floor at this moment should be formed an angle of 30 °.At the time of exercise, the feet should remain pressed to the floor.

    The second variant of the exercise: hands are not on the shoulders, but behind the head.

    Twisting( legs on the weight)

    I.P. - lying on the floor, legs raised and bent at the knee at an angle of 90 °, hands are wound behind the back of the head. The head lies on the palms of the floor.

    Raise the trunk upward by 30 °, keeping the legs in their original position.

    Torsion with the ball on the chest

    IM - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, the feet rest against the floor. The head is on weight. In the palms of the palm is clamped the ball of medium size, the ball is at the chest level.

    Carry out torso elevations by 30 ° without lifting your legs off the floor. Slowly return to the starting position.

    Twisting with a turn

    an inflexion - lying on the floor, the right leg is bent at the knee. The left leg lies on the right knee. The right hand is wound behind the back of the head, the left hand lies along the trunk and serves as a support.

    Run a few turns of the trunk to the left, trying to touch the elbow of the right hand of the left knee.

    Change the position of the legs and perform several turns of the trunk to the right.

    Twisting on the bench

    . The pile is lying on a bench with a slope( head down), the legs are fixed under the roller. Hands along the trunk.

    Hold on the bench, raise the body by 45 °.Keep your head straight, hands reaching for your legs. At that moment, only the back breaks away from the bench, the loin remains pressed to the bench. Slowly return to the starting position.

    In the same way, you can perform an exercise by holding your arms crossed on your chest or wound behind your head or holding a small ball in your arms at the chest level.

    Raising the trunk on the inclined bench

    . The lap - lying on the bench with the slope( head down), the legs are fixed under the roller. The arms are crossed on the chest. The head is raised from the bench by 25 °.

    Strengthen the muscles of the abdomen to raise the body by 90 ° relative to the bench. Slowly return to the starting position, without touching the head of the bench.

    Another version of this exercise: hands do not hold on the chest, but behind the head.

    Slopes with dumbbells in the direction of

    . The stump is standing, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the right hand is on the belt. In the left hand - a dumbbell.

    Bend to the left, the back at this point remains straight, do not bend forward. After completing several tilting of the trunk to the left, shift the dumbbell to the other hand and execute the slopes to the right.

    Torsion rotations on an inclined bench

    . The stump is lying on a bench with a slope( head down), the legs are fixed under the roller. Hands are wound behind the head.

    Raise the trunk by 90 ° and make turns. It is necessary to turn around enough to make elbows on the bench at the moment of the maximum turn. Keep your back straight. Turn the turns 10-15 times in each direction.


    Cross torsions

    I. n. - lying on the back, legs raised at right angles, arms raised up perpendicular to the body, palms clamped the ball. The head lies on the floor.

    Take your hands off the ball, then for the right, then for the left leg. At the same time, the head and upper part of the trunk should rise, and the legs remain raised at right angles - during exercise they are not lowered.

    Ball. Turns of the legs

    I.P. - lying on the back, hands along the trunk, palms pressed to the floor. The legs are strongly bent at the knees, the feet are detached from the ground. Between the knees a small ball is clamped.

    Perform slow turns of feet to the left and right, holding the ball.

    Raising the legs with the ball

    1. An infringement - sitting on the floor, the legs are bent at the knee at an angle of 90 °.Ankles and feet to clamp the ball. Lean on your hands, taking your hands back. The fingers are pointed at the feet. Back to straighten,

    to bring the scapula together and straighten the thorax. Take a breath.

    2. On exhalation strain the abdominal muscles and slowly straighten the legs up. Tighten them closer to the trunk, while, as far as possible, keeping the forward position of the back. The ball should be squeezed tight so that it does not fall out. At the same time, you should try to keep your legs straight, without bending your knees, and pull your socks away from you. At this point, concentrate on the constant tension of the abdominal muscles. Hold in this position, making 3 more breaths and 2 expirations.

    3. On the third exhalation return to the starting position, smoothly dropping his legs down and again bending them in the knee joint.

    During this exercise, make sure that the back is not rounded and shoulders are not raised.

    Repeat the exercise as many times as possible. At first, the exercise may seem rather complicated. Do not over

    reset yourself, take a few repetitions and rest, then take another approach. Do not believe the statement: "The more, the better."You will feel the effect of the exercise,

    even after performing a small number of repetitions, but with the proper technique.

    After exercise, be sure to pull the muscles. This can be done in the prone position on the abdomen, stretching all over the crown of the head forward.