  • Hemorrhage in the eye: causes and treatment

    The manifestation of hyperemia( the overflow of blood vessels) in the areas of the middle protein shell - evidence of a clear sign of the fragility of small vessels of the eye.

    Such a pathology can be evidence of the disease of various organs and systems of the body.

    A possible consequence, without the timely assistance of an ophthalmologist, may be the rupture of the vessels in the eye with the manifestation of hemorrhage - eye hemorrhage( extravasate).

    Causes of bleeding in the eye

    Causes of hemorrhage in the eyes, not always are only internal diseases, such a result is quite predictable as a result of external manifestations:

    • with blunt eye trauma;
    • for a stroke applied directly to the eye;
    • for head injuries;
    • in case of damage to the facial bones;
    • striking in any area of ​​the torso.
    In appearance, a minor concussion( concussion) may well provoke a vascular change in the structure of the eye. Depending on the severity of the concussion, the degree of damage to the structure of the eye is determined.30% of eye diseases are the result of concussion.
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    1. 1) In a mild, first degree of concussion, there is no structural damage to the eyes and loss of vision.
    2. 2) The second, medium degree is expressed by structural changes, as a result of which vision is reduced, light perception is violated, expressed in the ability to distinguish the degree of brightness of a certain image.
    3. 3) In the third, thermal degree, concussion causes thermodynamics in irreversible processes in the eye structure, causing subatrophy of the eye( blindness).
    The cause and risk factor are various pathologies associated with eye diseases:

    • tumor intraocular diseases - as a result of compression and vascular lesion;
    • uveitis, iritis, iridocyclitis - the effects of inflammation of the uveal tract.
    • with myipia and developmental disorders of the embryonic ocular vasculature;
    • attempts at labor.
    As a result of numerous vascular diseases that cause pathological processes. The provoking factor of hemorrhage is manifested:

    • in hypertensive disease;
    • in vascular atherosclerosis and angiopathy;
    • in the development of microangiopathy,
    • due to metabolic disorders and many other diseases.
    All these vascular diseases cause various changes in the circulatory system, lead to narrowing of the arteries or thickening of the veins, the formation of cholesterol plaques and the violation of transcapillary exchange, which in the end, causes vascular rupture.

    Signs of hemorrhage in the eye

    A consequence of such pathologies is the manifestation of a different type of hemorrhage - blood clots pour into the area of ​​the anterior capsular sac of the eye, which hedges against the deposition of the vitreous body, poured directly into the retina or orbit.

    1. 1) Hemorrhagia with effusion into the anterior capsular sac is called - a hyphema. It spreads throughout the space of the container, in the form of a bloody patch with even outlines, sometimes localized at the bottom of the capsule. Hemorrhage causes a vascular lesion of the anterior squamous zone( sclera).Can not cause special symptoms and resolve for three days. Reduced vision does not occur if the blood does not cover the field of vision of the pupil.
    2. 2) Manifestation of hemophthalmus - manifests a bloody outpouring, both from the affected and the rupture of normal vessels into the largest structural department of the eye, called the vitreous body. Happens with complete and partial damage to the vitreous. It is shown by dark moving spots and flashes in the eye. It causes a rapid clouding of the department. Immediate qualified assistance within three hours, from the moment of injury, will save the patient from blindness.
    3. 3) Manifestations of hemorrhage in the retina are poorly expressed, but they have a more acute clinical picture - blurred vision, floating mesh and flies in the eyes, a manifestation of severe pain in the temples. Repeated hemorrhages contribute to the destruction of visual functions.
    4. 4) In the case of an extrovasal eye cavity, a provoking factor is vasculitis or blood disease. It is manifested by the sharp development of exophthalmos - puchoglazia. The motor functions are limited, the extrovasal passes into the conjunctive region and in the subcutaneous space of the eyelids.

    Treatment of bleeding in the eye

    When treating hemorrhage in the eye, special attention is given to the background disease, which provokes such a pathology. Prevention, and their treatment makes it possible to avoid repeated ekstrovazat and prevent serious complications leading to blindness.

    First aid in the manifestation of the first signs of the disease is the immediate and comprehensive selection of treatment. The treatment process is based on absolute rest and a number of procedures:

    • isolate the eye with an aseptic bandage;
    • provide a cold compress to the eye;
    • carrying out intramuscular vitamin injections;
    • oral intake of vitamin preparation of ascorutin and calcium chloride solution;
    • intravenous reception of glucose and lidazo, facilitating resorption of infiltrates and hemorrhages;
    • intramuscular injection of feces of protease;
    • is carried out vitamin therapy.
    In case of damage to the retina or vitreous body, surgical treatment is recommended.

    Treatment with folk methods

    In addition to the main type of treatment for hemorrhage in the eye, you can use additional methods, proven over the years - "grandmother's recipes" of traditional medicine.

    They will help ease the condition, and remove symptoms. Here are a few fairly effective compresses:

    1. 1) Strongly brewed black tea and willow leaves in the form of a compress on the affected eye removes inflammation.
    2. 2) As compresses, you can use a solution of a mixture of milk and incense or salt water with a few drops of ammonia.
    3. 3) A good pack of boiled ash, or water with the addition of a few drops of vinegar, is an effective means of compressing boiled wine and potassium carbonate.
    4. 4) In addition to lotions on a water basis, compresses are used from broths - chamomile and aloe juice, saffron and licorice roots, cooked and chopped cabbage leaves, flowers and leaves of Japanese Sophora.
    5. 5) To facilitate the symptomatology will help the lotions from fresh products - cheese, thinly peeled peel, lentils with rose oil.
    It should be noted that the recipes of traditional medicine are powerless in case of severe lesions, especially with hemorrhages caused by head injuries. Cure yourself such pathologies is impossible. The reference to the ophthalmologist and the therapist is inevitable.

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