  • The easiest pizza recipe in a hurry

    If you want the easiest pizza recipe, then you can use the test, which is sold in the store. This significantly saves the cooking time of this favorite dish.

    It's enough to think about stuffing, which can be varied. From banal sausage to seafood. Do not forget about the Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes and greens.

    But not always there is a shop dough in the fridge. Therefore, we offer you several interesting pizza recipes in quick turn from home-made dough and simple products that are always in the house.

    Fast pizza from home-made dough

    There are different options for making pizza. For the test, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of dry yeast in a certain amount of water. We set aside this mixture, and in another bowl we need to beat one egg with 1 tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1.5 cups of yogurt or curdled milk.

    When the mass is thoroughly mixed, we combine it with dissolved yeast. Flour poured in portions, until you get a soft dough, about 4 glasses of flour. We knead everything, then leave the mass in a bowl in a warm place.

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    To prepare the filling, you need to take a boiled or smoked sausage, fry and combine it with stewed cabbage. You can add greens for flavor.

    The ready dough is rolled out in a thin layer, one centimeter thick. Spread on a sheet for baking or a baking tray, oiled. First we put a layer of ketchup, then spread the filling. The edges of the dough should be tucked.

    Pizza is sent to the oven for 40 minutes, 7 minutes before the preparation is abundantly sprinkled with cheese, we return to the oven again. When the cheese melts, you can take it out, cut it into pieces and treat yourself to it.

    A very simple and quick recipe from Jamie Oliver

    For 1 small pizza for breakfast you will need to test: 3 table.tablespoons flour, 3 table.spoon of sour cream, kefir or mayonnaise - what you like best, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon of soda and vinegar to pay it off.

    Whip the egg whisk. In mayonnaise( sour cream, yogurt) add soda, gpshenuyu vinegar. Then pour in the beaten egg, add flour and mix everything. The dough is ready.

    We cook any stuffing from what is in the refrigerator. Suck and sausage, and sausages, cheese, olives, mushrooms, eggs, greens, etc.

    Heat the frying pan, grease it with oil and pour the prepared dough onto it. Fry the pancake over medium heat until the top layer dries.

    Then remove the frying pan from the fire and quickly turn the pancake. Lubricate it with sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise and lay out the filling. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

    Put the frying pan on a small fire, cover and fry the pizza until cooked.

    It's interesting

    The birthplace of pizza is Italy. More precisely, Naples, where everyone's favorite product was originally the food of peasants and soldiers - it is not only tasty, but also extremely rich.

    True, initially under pizza meant an ordinary flat cake, which was cooked on the red-hot lights under a layer of coals. Then it was laid out a variety of products.

    This dish was spread all over the Mediterranean - from Egypt to Greece. In each country, a flat cake absorbed the local culinary traditions, which were passed on with merchants and seafarers from the people to the people.

    In a typical Italian cafe, pizza is cooked in about 10 minutes. Together with her serve fork and knife with denticles - to cut the bottom crust is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

    Hands real Italian pizza eat only in American films.

    The cost of pizza depends on the chosen type, as well as the prestige of the cafe and the city where you stopped. But on average, its price ranges from 5 to 15 euros.

    Video pizza recipes in a hurry

    Simply nowhere:

    Pizza "Minute"

    Pizza for the lazy from the store test:
