  • How to cure sinusitis alone, without puncture

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    If you are faced with such a disease, which people call "sinusitis" and want to learn about it as much as possible, then we will devote this article to this issue, telling about the causes of sinusitis, its diagnosis and treatment.
    Next we will consider the following questions:

    • How does sinusitis

    • Symptoms of sinusitis

    • Treatment of sinusitis

    • Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

    How does sinusitis occur

    Perhaps the greatest trouble in our population is that we always treat our diseases without knowing about them practicallynothing. One of such wonderful examples is sinusitis. Even those who often encountered in their lives with the genyantritis, do not really know why it appears and how it all happens inside. Someone believes that sinusitis is a complicated form of the common cold, someone believes on the contrary that there is no connection between the rhinitis and the sinusitis. Let us first answer the main question: what is genyantritis and how does it occur, and then proceed to its diagnosis and treatment.
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    In general, sinusitis has a completely different meaning, what we invest in it. That is, any runny nose is accompanied by the formation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, which in turn is called a sinusitis. You are most likely to ask yourself the question: how then is the condition when the nose is stuffy and the pain is felt!? - This condition is called either acute or chronic sinusitis, but most of us call the genyantritis these two types of complicated forms.
    As is known, 4 sinuses are connected to the nose:

    • Frontal sinus;

    • Latticed sinus;

    • The sphenoid sinus;

    • Maxillary sinuses.

    Any runny nose is accompanied by inflammation of the mucosa of the latticular sinus and as a result of the acute form of the common cold, all other sinuses overlap. When the exit from the maxillary sinus is closed, they accumulate pus, which is actually called a sinusitis. Due to the fact that the nasal mucosa can swell with illness, the maxillary sinus is blocked, and the pus in it is clogged. As a result, bacteria multiply, which in turn provokes pain.
    In normal illness, the maxillary sinuses are well ventilated and the formations that are located in them go out. When our body wins the disease, then the maxillary sinuses are cleared. Thus, we can conclude that the main reasons for the appearance of sinusitis is not the rhinitis itself, but acute respiratory viral infections. To a lesser extent, the causes of sinusitis are curvature of the nasal septum, allergic reaction and dental problems. This is what causes plugging of the sinuses, which leads to sinusitis.

    Symptoms of sinusitis

    The main signs of sinusitis are dull and aching pain, which is worse when tilted forward. Also, sinusitis can be accompanied by fever, severe headache and painful sensations in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. If in the lying position the pain subsides, then this is another sign of maxillary sinusitis. This is all about acute sinusitis.
    Speaking of chronic sinusitis, symptoms can be noted the presence of a strong night cough, which is due to the fact that the pus flows from the maxillary sinus to the back wall of the pharynx. Also to the causes can be attributed frequent relapses of the common cold and conjunctivitis.
    Probably, some will have a question, how to distinguish acute sinusitis from chronic. Correctly to diagnose your genyantritis the doctor can, but here it is important to know the most important thing, that a chronic genyantritis is a consequence of an acute genyantritis. Acute maxillary sinusitis lasts, as a rule, not more than three weeks, and chronic from two.

    Treatment of sinusitis

    Let's now turn, perhaps, to the most important: how to cure sinusitis. Often, many people want to know if it is possible to cure genyantritis at home. Genyantritis in principle and is treated at home, the reasons for which the sinusitis is treated in the hospital can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and all these causes are complications of chronic sinusitis.
    If you have found yourself with the symptoms of sinusitis - be sure to contact your doctor, as there is no point in enduring pain and self-medication, and besides, there is a risk of overgrowth of sinusitis from acute to chronic, which can lead to very serious consequences, including meningitis.
    Treatment of sinusitis is done using vasoconstrictors and antibiotics. Vasoconstrictors dilate the channels between the sinuses, which makes it possible to expel pus. Antibiotics, in turn, kill microbes and also contribute to the removal of edema. Antibiotic is prescribed in large doses, and the course of therapy should last 10-14 days.
    Thanks to these drugs, microbes are killed that provoked swelling of the mucous membrane, and also enlarged clogged channels that promote the outflow of pus and exit it from the nose. For some reason, there is an opinion that the antibiotic in this case should be injected intramuscularly( injected), and not taken orally( tablets).Modern medicine quite allows you to cure maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics in the form of tablets.
    In difficult situations accumulated in the maxillary sinuses, pus can be evacuated by vacuum or by puncturing.
    It is strictly forbidden to perform warming of the maxillary sinuses, as the pus can expand and get into the brain.

    How to cure sinusitis without puncture

    Very interesting and burning topic - a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Probably, it is unlikely that we will be mistaken if we say that the vast majority of people who have acute or chronic bronchitis are panically afraid of a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Unfortunately, our medicine is very far from the West and many doctors treat people till now on the Soviet system.
    Let's start with the fact that in itself a puncture, in countries with advanced medicine, is produced only in case of chronic sinusitis, for taking tests of pus there. That is, if the sinusitis occurs several weeks in a row and the prescribed treatment does not bring results, then the microbe causing the inflammation was incorrectly identified. Accordingly, to determine this microbe, make a puncture of the maxillary sinus and take pus from there for analysis to find out what antibiotics kill these microbes. At us the puncture use as a way of treatment to pump out from a maxillary sinus and to wash out it or her, and at times the given procedure also repeat. Therefore, the puncture is not a panacea in the treatment of sinusitis.
    To cure genyantritis at home without puncture - it is quite possible, for this it is necessary at the first signs of maxillary sinusitis to consult a doctor and not to delay with it, to take the medication prescribed by the doctor, about which we told above, and everything will be fine.

    Treating sinusitis with folk remedies

    Very often, many people treat sinusitis with folk remedies: decoctions, warming, potions, etc."Grandmother's recipes" - this is a special philosophy, but it is very important to show common sense and understand what kind of disease is genyantritis and how it can be cured by folk medicine. First, any heating of the maxillary sinuses, as already mentioned above, is strictly prohibited. Secondly, sinusitis is almost always caused by a microbe and it must be killed - how can the infusion of herbs help it? Sinusitis should be treated only by traditional medicine, by the types of drugs that we listed above.