  • How much sleep do you need?

    How many people need to sleep? It would seem that the answer to the question is obvious - everyone knows that we are sleeping one third of our life, i.e.8 hours a day. However, scientists can not come to a consensus on this issue. Some of them convince that 8 hours of daily sleep is already a lot, others assure that it is possible to get a good sleep for the organism within 4-5 hours, while others are sure that there can not be generalizations in this question - all individually for each person. So how much sleep do you need to get enough sleep and feel cheerful and rested during the day?

    How much sleep do you need per day?

    To an average adult person in order to sleep, you need to sleep 6-8 hours a day. Many people know the rule of three eights: 8 hours for work, 8 for rest and 8 for sleep. Indeed, the body of most people is configured for an 8-hour sleep.   

    However, there are exceptions. There are examples of famous people who slept much less or, conversely, more. So, Napoleon, who believed that spending a third of his life on a dream - an inadmissible luxury, slept 5 hours a day. A brilliant brain Einstein, apparently, needed a good "recharging" - and he slept for 12 hours. The experience of the outstanding scientist of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci is striking - according to legend, he slept every 4 hours for 15 minutes, only one and a half hours a day!

    Experiments with sleep

    What are fraught with experiments with sleep in the form of frequent nedosypy or, conversely, too long everyday sleep?

    In most cases, lack of sleep contributes to reducing the protective forces of the body, disrupting the nervous system( irritability, absent-mindedness, deterioration of reaction, memory and attention).Frequent shortages can lead to hypertension, type 2 diabetes, insomnia, a depressed state, a set of excess weight.   

    Overabundance of sleep is also unfavorable for the human body. Recent research scientists questioned the rule of three eights: it turns out that if you sleep more than 7 hours a day, you can fall into the category of people who are facing an early death.

    In addition, studies have shown that a lack of sleep or overcrowding is fraught with the emergence of suicidal tendencies - most suicides have problems with sleep.

    Individual approach to sleep

    Still, many researchers agree that a person should always listen to the requirements of their body, to their individual biological clock. If you feel cheerful, sleeping only 5 hours a day, or if you do not split your head from a 12-hour daily sleep - then your body requires just such a duration.

    In addition, sleep can be not only nightly but also daytime - the latter will not only restore strength in the middle of the day, but also in a relatively short period of time( 20-30 minutes) will make up for the hours you did not sleep at night. Regular daytime sleep helps reduce the risk of heart attack, increases efficiency. The inhabitants of Spain are right, they arrange a daily siesta for themselves!

    It is also very important to determine for yourself what hours you sleep best. It is known that "owls" and "larks" need completely different hours for a qualitative, compensating force of sleep. If you sleep exactly in the hours that your body requires for rest, you will be able to get enough sleep in a short period of time.

    We should not forget that the quality of sleep depends not only on its duration, but also on other important factors: the optimal level of temperature and humidity in the room, a comfortable bed, the refusal of heavy meals, alcohol and nicotine in the evening, a positive attitudeand complete relaxation before bedtime.

    So, the main criteria in the question of how much to sleep per day are the individual characteristics of the organism of this or that person, its ability to recover over a certain period of time, the degree of person fatigue per day, the sleeping factors accompanying sleep. Having determined which sleep duration is optimal for you, you should try to strictly adhere to it in order to avoid health problems.