  • Symptoms of worms in an adult and a child

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    • Constipation. Parasites, because of their large body size and wide forms, can close the intestinal passages, resulting in constipation, which can last up to two or even more days.

    • Diarrhea. Some worms produce a special substance that causes the body to separate watery food particles. So, if you have diarrhea, then prophylaxis. After all, this sign can be not only because of incorrect nutrition.

    • Gases and swelling. Some types of worms can cause bloating in the small intestine. Gases appear. Constant swelling, this is a call to the fact that in your body there are some parasites. If not get rid of worms, the swelling can last several months.

    • Irritable bowel syndrome. Worms have a property that causes an eerie inflammation in the intestine. This leads to improper absorption of fat and nutrients. Substances fall into the large intestine, instead of thin, and cause there constipation and diarrhea.

    • Pain in the joints and muscles. Worms are so intelligent creatures that they are able to move to those habitats where it will be most convenient for them. In particular, these conditions include muscles. If some people start to have muscle aches, then they think it's because of overload or fatigue. But it was not there. In the muscles can be worms, which gradually destroy fragile tissues. Also, pain can occur due to the body's response to the parasite.
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    • Allergy. Harmful for the body allocation of worms can trigger the release of the body's special cells - eosinophils. Eosinophils inflame tissues, and this rarely leads to various allergic reactions.

    • Problem Skin. Parasites can cause a number of skin diseases, such as: acne, acne, urticaria, wrinkles, papillomas, cracks on the heels, breaking of nails and hair. All these are likely signs of the presence of parasites, from which one must get rid without delay.

    • Anemia. There are such types of worms that with their unique body stick to the walls of the intestine and suck from it not only nutrients, but also a large amount of blood. As a result, in some parts of the body anemia occurs, due to lack of blood. If such a sign is present, then this is nothing else than the active work of parasites.

    • Weight problems. Weight loss can be characterized by the presence of worms. Parasites eat and absorb most of the nutrients that come to them through food. Also, the presence of worms reduces appetite. Sharp weight gain means not only that you eat a lot, but also the presence of alien protozoa in your body. Obesity is a protective reaction of the body to the allocation of parasites. Worms eat all the sugar that gets into your body through food. So before you are going to lose weight, be sure to conduct prophylaxis.

    • Nervousness. Isolation of some parasites, often affect the human nervous system. The person becomes terribly impatient and slightly nervous. Depression appears again and again. This is another sign of the appearance of parasites in the body. After prevention, a person becomes calmer than before.

    • Sleep disorders. If you notice that every night you wake up in the area from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning, then this is a clear sign of the appearance of helminths. At this time, our liver begins its active work to get rid of harmful substances produced by worms. There are unpleasant sensations. Also at this time parasites can get out of the human body through the anus. There is a terrible itch, from which a person wakes up even under the influence of sleeping pills.

    • Grinding of teeth in a dream. This feature is called bruxism. This symptom manifests itself more often in young children in a dream. If you happen to hear that your child is scratching his teeth in a dream, then this is an obvious call to the fact that you need to treat a child. Never delay with treatment, since the child is small and the worms suck more substances out of it than from an adult.

    • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue manifests itself in the form of apathy, depression, lack of sleep and spleen. All this arises from the lack of nutrients in the body. Worms suck them into themselves with great speed. The organism simply does not have time to perceive them properly. As a result, there is a bad memory, emotional stress. Even if you eat very well, the body still does not perceive the substance, while in your body there are helminths.

    • Immune disorders. Parasites disrupt the human immune system, resulting in frequent colds and allergies to substances that you have never caused. Dysbacteriosis and colitis occur in the intestine. Herpes and acne can appear on her face.

    • . Oncological diseases. Worms often poison the body so that the immune system is not able to cope with it. As a result, complications occur on various organs. Malignant tumors appear, which are removed only surgically. So do not delay the time, but immediately go to the doctor.

    • Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Everyone knows that worms can move around all human organs. Breathing pathways are no exception. Parasites can block the respiratory ducts, and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and a cough and temperature appear. With the development of helminths, asthma appears.

    Worms are worms parasites, which are studied by medical helminthology. More than 25% of people worldwide are carriers of these parasites. Glistular invasion, this is the name of the disease in a person who is the owner of worms.

    Parasites can live in almost any human body( lungs, eyes, intestines and muscles).Determine where this or that parasite is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to determine in which part of the body it is located. Some symptoms reveal the location of parasites. Diagnosis reveals larvae, eggs and large worms.

    What are the signs of worms in an adult?

    Symptoms can be quite different. Worms are so intelligent and cunning creatures that they are able to disguise themselves under any other disease. Therefore, doctors all over the world and editors of our online magazine Vse-Sekrety.ru recommend to conduct prophylaxis of worms, if you do not help drugs from a particular disease. There are a few of the most common symptoms when a worm stays in a person.

    What are the symptoms of helminths in children?

    Detecting worms in a child is very difficult. Therefore, some experts judge not by feces, but by signs with symptoms. If the feces of a child are not found worms, it does not mean that the child is completely healthy and can not be treated. Worms are very clever and agile worms and they do not intend to give themselves out so simply. To check the feces of a child you need 7 times a month to identify helminths, and sometimes you can not find anything out. So taking the tests is a complete nonsense, because of which, you will lose a lot of time.

    Worms will drive you along false paths, disguising themselves for other various diseases. A child may be disturbed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Parents think that these are problems with the stomach intestines and start giving different medications. But they will not help. And at this time worms triumphantly, will continue to feed on the useful substances of the child. Fatigue, malaise, crying and pain in the abdomen is the obvious and clearly expressed sign of the presence of worms in the body of a "small man."With these symptoms, you should immediately get rid of parasites.
    If you have a real suspicion of the presence of parasites in the body of the child, then do not judge by two or three signs. The child may lose his appetite, and he may not eat all day or can happen the other way around, the child often becomes malnourished at the table, and then starts to pull food from the kitchen. It is not uncommon for a child to wake up feeling hungry at night. This is the first most important sign of worms. A child can have constipation and diarrhea. This is the effect of worms on the intestines, which causes irritation in this area. This is the second most important sign of the appearance of helminths in the body. It is not very difficult to find traces of parasites from a child. Ask the child to lie on his back and take the position of the birch. Then ask him to relax his tummy. After that gently push on the intestines with warm hands. The child will have a sharp discomfort, and you can feel the hand finding the parasites.

    Worms can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the habitat of the parasite and the path of infection. Also important is the appearance of this or that parasite. When there are parasites such as pinworms in the body, the child has a terrible itch in the area of ​​the anus and the vagina, so the child begins to scratch the area itself, as a result of which bright red traces appear.

    In ascariasis, the child does not have almost any characteristic features. The child feels completely calm and balanced. But in the period when the roundworms turn into whole balls, constipation occurs. Ascarids clog the intestinal passages. To treat such a disease is necessary immediately.

    The most popular types of worms in the child's body are pinworms and ascarids.

    They are also distinguished by common features:

    • Restless sleep( the child plunges into sleep in the evening, turns, can sharply shout at night);

    • The child grinds his teeth during sleep( not necessarily, it is probably a symptom of bruxism);

    • Irritability and dullness( irritation due to stable fatigue);

    • burning cramping or indistinct pain in the abdomen( especially near the navel);

    • loss of appetite( it disappears, it increases);

    • sharp weight loss;

    • nausea;

    • the child has frequent salivation;

    • at times vomiting;

    • a nasty smell in the mouth;

    • the child is malnourished and often choked with food;

    • frequent cough for no reason;

    • appearance of constipation and diarrhea alternating friends after another;

    • constantly changing temperature;

    • sharp headaches;

    • the child is often dizzy;

    • from time to time pain in the muscles;

    • callousness and pallor of the skin;

    • often develops a rash on some parts of the skin;

    • itching;

    • is allergic to various items;

    • appearance of the inflammatory process of the genital organs in girls;

    • ches and burning near the anus and in the anal ring;

    • lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the child's body;

    • the child more often is ill with catarrhal diseases( herpes, acne) and ARVI;

    • bruises around the eyes;

    • a sharp drop in hemoglobin in the child's blood( and an increased level of eosinophils in the baby's body).

    Parents, remember a few simple rules to protect yourself and your child from parasites. Always wash your hands and food before using them. After patting your pet, be sure to wash your hands under hot water and with soap( preferably in large quantities).Give the child vitamins for children that will stimulate all the functions in the child's body. And if you see some signs of worms, immediately contact the clinic, as the parasites develop fairly quickly and are difficult to stop. Carry out prophylaxis against the worms themselves, the baby and your pet because they are often a source of parasites. If you follow these rules, then you and your child will always be perfectly healthy. Be healthy!