  • How can I remove my stomach?

    Today we will try to tell you about how to remove the stomach. This topic concerns not only women, but also men. The urgency of the issue is obvious, as according to the Ministry of Health more than 37% of the population of our country over 25 have problems with obesity in the abdomen. In this article, we will consider the causes of obesity and their solution, give recommendations on how to compose their diet and pick up a set of physical exercises.

    Know, from any obesity it is necessary to get rid, as besides inconvenience and discomfort in movements, it can lead to formation of serious illnesses, one of which is diabetes. The main reason why many people want to get rid of a full belly is finding a slender and athletic figure, and the hanging belly is the main enemy of harmony. Let's analyze why we have a hanging belly.

    Why does the belly of

    appear? There are many reasons for the appearance of obesity in the abdominal area, and this is due not only to the fact that a person drinks a lot of beer. Beer is far from being the only one, and often not even the main one, the motivation for the appearance of a drooping belly. Let's review and analyze the most common causes of obesity in the abdomen.
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    • Improper diet
    Most often, the cause of the appearance of the abdomen is just the wrong food. The lack of a full meal, replaced by snacks in "public catering" or spontaneous snack bars, leaves its negative imprint. These snacks consist of food harmful to the body, which, together with improper diet, has a negative effect on the body in a double degree.

    You can also include unbalanced food intake, when you have a cup of coffee for breakfast and eat a sandwich, you skip dinner at all, and you compensate for all the uneaten for the whole day with dinner. Thus, by the evening, you load your stomach and:

    1. As a result, the stomach is hard to cope with such a load, and it turns excess food into fat;
    2. As a result of the fact that for a long time the stomach is without food, he makes himself a "nest egg" in the form of fat, so that he could feed forces to normal eating;
    3. To cope with such a load, the digestive system needs a lot of time, and as meals take place in the evening, this process is delayed until you go to bed. Accordingly violated the main rule - do not load the stomach before going to bed;
    4. When you have eaten in the evening, you usually lie on the sofa and watch TV, as a result of which extra calories are not burned, but are deposited in hips, legs and stomach.

    The last cause of malnutrition is overeating. Overeating operates according to the same scheme as unbalanced nutrition.

    • Health problems
    The appearance of excess weight in the abdomen can be the result of any disease that leads to obesity. More often it is the problems in the work of the intestine and the digestive system as a whole that can serve to form fat around the waist.

    • Sedentary lifestyle
    Analyze at what age most often people face the problem of obesity in the abdomen? This begins after 25 years, when a person begins a sedentary lifestyle. Being young, you often walked with a company of friends and girlfriends, visited various entertaining institutions, in a word you had an active lifestyle. Now you already have a family, there is no time to walk around the city, and from point "A" to "B" we mostly move either by public transport or by taxi. As for men who have a car, then there's nothing to talk about any gestures, because even in a shop across the road they get by car.

    As a result of all this calories are not burned, the muscles do not get the necessary activity and this leads to the formation of excess weight.

    • The stresses and experiences of
    Few of us are experiencing stressful situations and experiences. But this directly affects our body. As a result of frequent experiences and stresses, our body creates a "protective layer" in the form of fat, trying to protect ourselves from external negative influences.

    • Beer
    How to sing in one very famous song from the past: "Drink beer at the dawn, drink beer before going to bed, drink beer on the grass, drink beer at the table. ..", and in fact some of us do exactly this, everyday translating the lines of this song into life. Everyone knows that drunk beer is measured not in glasses and not in bottles, but in liters. After you have drunk a couple of liters of beer, it is natural that the stomach is constantly stretched, and the stomach is enlarged. In addition, beer has a high calorie value, and also includes a large number of toxins.

    Why did we start with the causes of obesity in the abdomen? In order to combat any problem, it is necessary to understand where it originated and then eradicate it, the problem of the hanging belly is no exception. There is no sense in taking any action if their result is crossed out.

    Eliminate the causes of

    After we have analyzed the reasons, they must be eliminated, as this is an obligatory stage of weight loss in the abdomen.
    • Proper nutrition
    The first thing you need to start eating properly. It is desirable to distribute the daily ration in such a way as to exclude overload of the digestive system.

    Exclude hiking in fast food and refuse: hot dogs, shawarma, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries and other fast food products. This group of "enemy" products must include semi-finished products: meat, fish, pelmeni, khinkali, vareniki and other semi-finished products. Do not bypass the fast food: vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, rice and others. We use all these products for our main food, and as a snack at work - this must be forgotten, otherwise your dangling stomach with you will remain forever.

    In proper nutrition there is no place for beer and any alcoholic beverages. Their reception is not only necessary to limit, but to exclude categorically.

    More details on how to eat properly, and on a diet for losing weight belly, we will talk a little later.

    • Check your health
    It is advisable to consult your doctor before deciding on the question of your stomach, in order to determine for what reason you are overweight, not only in the abdomen, but in the whole body. Perhaps the cause of the appearance of excess weight is some kind of ailment, only after its treatment it is necessary to start diet and sports.

    • Lead an active lifestyle
    Try to move as much as possible. For example, if possible, go to work and walk with it, or get up early for one or two stops, if the work is far from home. As for men, if possible try to use your car less and walk. As often as possible, take evening walks with your family. Go to nature, visit various entertainment venues and other events in order to lead an active lifestyle.

    • Stress-resistance
    Get rid of stress and stress, even if this is not the reason for completeness. If stress forces you into work, change it, because the fullness is only the beginning, and then it can grow into chronic and serious diseases. Other reasons that less often than work cause stress and emotions are family conflicts. Do not close yourself and do not suppress everything in yourself, solve all the problems that cause you a stressful reaction and experiences.

    We make the right diet

    We have already touched on the fact that you need to give up food from fast food, convenience foods, fast food and beer. Also it is necessary to exclude products containing sugar: sweets, chocolate, cakes, pastries, cookies and the like. Eliminate fat from the diet: meat, butter, fat, sour cream, etc. White bread is included in the ban, only bread from wholemeal bread or cereal bread is allowed. As for cooking, it is strictly forbidden to eat fried foods. Products can be stewed, baked, cooked, steamed, or eaten raw.

    What should include the diet

    Your food should consist of healthy and nutritious food. Build most of your diet on consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, once again emphasize, fresh, not canned. Include seafood, eggs, poultry meat, low-fat dairy products, cereals, cereals and cereals in your diet.

    It is recommended to establish a 5-time meal, which should consist of: breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. As for the very intake of food, it is best to spend it at the same time at regular intervals.

    Consider in more detail how your diet should look.

    Breakfast. For breakfast prepare light and nutritious food. These can be eggs, cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese and the like. We recommend using a freshly squeezed fruit juice or compote.

    Second breakfast. Intermediate meal in the form of a snack. Best for this fit fresh fruit, yogurt, toast with low-fat cheese and milk.
    Lunch. For lunch, the body needs to fully provide food. Good dishes for dinner will be soups, or vegetable, or on a weak chicken broth. After eating, you can drink a cup of green tea without sugar.

    Snack. One more snack. We recommend a large batch of vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, or bake vegetables in the oven. You can also give preference to low-fat cottage cheese with fruits or dried fruits.

    Dinner. Last meal, but you do not need to eat. A very good option for dinner is baked fish or chicken fillet. To this you can add cereal or porridge.

    Once a week, try to make a fasting day, from beneficial to the body and effectively helps to fight excess weight.
    Separately, we want to specify the drinking regimen. During the day it is necessary to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet drinks, even store juice, only non-carbonated mineral water, green tea, compote and mors.

    Sports exercises

    When you started to use the diet and set the regime of proper nutrition, we begin to clean the stomach with the help of physical training. It is advisable to start doing this in the gym, where for this there are all the necessary simulators and a coach who will pick up a special set of exercises for you and will supervise your studies. We'll tell you about how you can remove a fast belly at home.
    For effective and fast weight loss of the stomach, it is best to split the sports activities into 2 stages, the first stage - morning jogging, the second stage - sports exercises in the evening.

    Let's start with the jogging. Runs must be done in the morning, before work. To do this, go to bed early, to get up easily and unproblematically in the morning. After you have breakfast, go for a run. Runs should last from 20 minutes, 5 days a week, and on Saturday and Sunday do yourself a day off. Beginning of the jogging is necessary with a sports walk, the main part of the jogging must be built on an intense run, you must complete the jog with a moderate run.

    Exercises for weight loss in the abdomen

    Here we have smoothly switched to physical exercises. The following complex of exercises is recommended to be performed every day until you achieve the desired result. When the desired result is achieved, perform the exercises 3 times a week to maintain the athletic form.

    To start sports is necessary with a little warm-up, they are known all from the lesson of physical education. Sports activities will consist of general exercises, which we will describe below, and special ones, which are described in more detail by fitness instructors in video clips.

    • Exercise 1
    Squats. A general exercise for the whole body. How to do it all know everything: legs at the width of the hip joint, the back is straightened, hands on the belt. At the exhalation we squat and straighten our arms forward, on the inhale we rise to the starting position. While squatting, keep your back straight and keep your heels off the floor. The exercise must have 20 repetitions.

    • Exercise 2
    Swing the press. One of the most necessary exercises. Lie down on the floor, take your hands in the castle and lead him by the head, legs slightly bent at the knees. On exhalation we raise the trunk in such a way that the left elbow touches the right knee, then vice versa. Exercise 20 times.

    • Exercise 3
    Slopes forward. Exercise for the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs. Lie down on the back, legs straightened and slightly spread apart, put your hands behind your head. On exhalation we raise the trunk and try to reach out with your fingers as far as possible forward. To achieve the best effect, when bending down, try to spring the body. It will be enough to 5 attempts.

    • Exercise 4 of the
    Turning the body. Promotes strengthening of abdominal muscles. Stand exactly, feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of you, bent at the elbows. Then turn the body first left, the spring 2 times, then fixed for a few seconds in a flat position and just do the exercise to the right. Must be performed within 30 seconds.

    • Exercise 5
    Circular rotation of the trunk. Strengthens the muscles of the back and the press. Feet on the width of the shoulders, arms bend at the elbows and press against the chest. Start the rotation of the body in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise. Carry out 10 circular turns in each direction.

    Other exercises, as we said, you can see in the videos posted below.

    Very important is the intake of water during exercise. Before beginning the workout, drink half a cup of water, then try to drink every 10-15 minutes, in between exercises, doing a few sips. This must be done in order to exclude dehydration of the body. After training, you can drink a glass of water.

    General recommendations

    Every morning, take a contrast shower, in the evening - a hot bath with foam. Water procedures have a positive effect on the body, and most importantly they help to get rid of the toxins that come out of our body together with sweat.
    Be sure to find a motivation to stimulate you throughout the period of diet and exercise. The main perseverance and self-confidence then you must necessarily get it.