
How to pump pectoral muscles? How to pump up the chest at home?

  • How to pump pectoral muscles? How to pump up the chest at home?

    You can quickly pump the pectoral muscles with push-ups. This is one of the most accessible and excellent complex exercises, as several muscle groups are involved in it at once. In addition to the breast, the muscles of the press, arms and back are also active.

    Do not underestimate the push-ups from the floor. A classic variant of push-ups is a position: the body is straightened, the legs are on the floor, and the arms are shoulder-width apart. If you put your arms even wider in such an exercise, then the effect on the pectoral muscles will be stronger. In turn, the narrow position of the palms when performing push-ups will shift the emphasis to the hands, but this is also a wonderful exercise if you want to give the chest a relief. Do push-ups before touching the floor.

    During the exercise of such exercises, the load, first of all, will be distributed between the lower and middle parts of the pectoral muscles. If you change the position of the legs, putting them on the dais and doing push-ups with different staging of hands, then you can load the upper and middle sections of the muscles of the chest well.

    Push-ups from chairs

    Breast muscles can be inflated using push-ups from chairs or other elements. The main task is to lower the torso even lower at the lowest point. To perform such an exercise, put chairs at a distance of your body's length from the bed or any other elevation on which your legs will rest. Between the chairs should be a distance, allowing you to lower your body as much as possible.

    In this exercise, you can increase the amplitude, that is, maximally stretch the muscles of the chest at the bottom point. So the muscles of the breast are worked out most effectively. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you need to linger for one second at the bottom of the exercise and then just go up.

    Push-ups on the uneven bars

    Also a great exercise in order to pump your chest at home is push-ups on the uneven bars. Such exercises are also considered complex, but the pectoral muscles in them are perfectly loaded. Although there are no bars at home, it is still possible to carry out similar loads.

    Arrange the two chairs so that you do push-ups, as if on regular bars. Choose the position of the legs in such a way that they do not interfere with your performance of the exercise. First, go down as far as possible, and then go up. Do not stay at the top during the exercise, because this reduces its effectiveness.

    Do these exercises for 4-5 approaches. Do the maximum number of repetitions in each such approach. And after you have reached the limit, rest for about a minute. Then again, do 2-3 repetitions. Only in this way will you achieve results in building up pectoral muscles.

    Exercises on Smith's simulator

    Let's consider one more exercise which will help to quickly pump up a breast in house conditions. Unlike the sports exercises described earlier, it provides for the presence in the house of a horizontal bench, the so-called simulator of Smith.

    First of all, this exercise affects the development of the large pectoral muscle. Therefore, for those men who want to pump up their muscles, presses on the Smith trainer will perfectly suit. When performing the exercise, use a bench that has a reclining back. Arrange at an angle of 15 degrees.

    The technique of doing the exercise is simple enough. Head and body should lie on the bench, and the bar is taken with a wide grip so that it is located above the middle of the chest. Breathe make when lowering the bar, and exhale - when it is rising. So, you can perfectly pump up the muscles of the chest.
    Do this exercise in 3-4 approaches. Each of them should include 8-12 repetitions.

    To pump the pectoral muscles of the house, alternate the described exercises. Only in this way your lessons will not only be more effective, but will also contribute to a good mood for the whole day. For example, one day do classic push-ups on the uneven bars and off the floor. Rest on the next day. Let your muscles recover a little, do not load them. It is best to warm up and stretch muscles on such a day. This will increase the flow of nutrients and accelerate the recovery of muscle mass. After a couple of weeks, change the exercises again.

    Such exercises do not require any special equipment and are quite suitable for studying at home. They provide significant help in building up the muscle mass of the breast and improving its condition.

    The role of sports nutrition

    During classes at home, do not forget to eat a balanced diet. After the use of sports nutrition will allow you to quickly pump the pectoral muscles, make your home workouts more intense, and the results - higher. But besides this, sports nutrition will strengthen your health by enriching the body with nutrients.

    Despite the obvious advantages of such power, some are skeptical about it. Some think that it is not entirely useful, while others place great hopes on it. Although from the very title it is clear that sports nutrition stimulates sports activities. And here there are no secrets, as well as substances that we would not eat. Just in sports nutrition contains a higher concentration of useful components. The best solution for inflating the muscles of the breast of the house are protein shakes, which are made in a conventional mixer with the addition of milk.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that when training the pectoral muscles, it is also worth paying attention to the muscles of the back. After all, with good development of the first and weak development of the second you will certainly begin to stoop, as the muscle mass will pull you forward. Follow our recommendations - and you will be able to quickly pump your chest at home.

    Many of us want to have tight, relief and beautiful breasts muscles. But how to achieve such results without visiting the gym? Is it possible to pump the pectoral muscles of the house? Of course!

    Note that at home it is not enough just to do exercises that help to build up the pectoral muscles. Here, special attention should be paid to the quality of performance, although the number of such exercises is also important.

    Push-ups from the floor