
Hygiene of the girl and prevention of gynecological diseases

  • Hygiene of the girl and prevention of gynecological diseases

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    Non-observance of hygiene rules in childhood and puberty may further cause irregular menses, abnormal pregnancy, complicated delivery and even cause infertility. Therefore, the hygiene of a woman should begin with the hygiene of the child, more precisely with the hygiene of the newborn girl.

    It should be borne in mind that the conditions of intrauterine development of the fetus to some extent determine the health status of the newborn child and are sometimes reflected in its further development.

    One of the most serious of the consequences of diseases of young infants is rickets. It is a disease of the whole body. It often leads to underdevelopment of the uterus and ovaries, which in the future can cause irregular menstruation and impaired fertility. Rickets adversely affects the development of bones, including the spine and pelvis.

    This is extremely important for girls, since the constriction or curvature of the pelvic bones that occurs with rickets, affects in adulthood and can lead to serious complications during childbirth. Prophylaxis of rickets consists in the correct breast feeding of the child, timely and correct feeding with sufficient vitamins in the food. The child needs a dry light room, frequent outdoor activities and, most importantly, strict observance of the correct regime of the day.

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    Female pelvis.

    1 - normal;2- narrowed after rickets in childhood.

    Young children often have metabolic disorders - the so-called diathesis.

    Under diathesis is understood the unusual reaction( allergic state) of the child's organism to various stimuli. Such irritants can be some food products( berries, eggs, etc.), various medicinal substances, etc.

    The manifestations of diathesis are very diverse;often they are expressed in the form of skin eruptions with itching. Similar rashes are observed in the area of ​​the child's genitalia. Combing the itchy areas, breaking the integrity of the skin can lead to infection of these areas, leading to inflammation. In the prevention of diathesis, the general hygienic regimen and especially the diet regime are of great importance. At the slightest manifestations of diathesis, especially when affecting the external genitalia, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

    At a later age - preschool and school - prevention of infectious diseases is very important. Diphtheria, scarlet fever and other diseases can seriously disrupt the child's health, cause chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs, leading to complications in pregnancy and childbirth.

    Common infectious diseases can also have an adverse effect on the subsequent development of the reproductive organs of the girl, cause changes in the ovaries with a violation of the endocrine function.

    Sometimes gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature occur in girls when infected with worms. Getting into the vagina of a child, they cause itching, irritation, whiteness. The untidy content of the child, a rare or improper washout can promote the transfer of worms from the rectum into the vagina.

    A rare, but very serious disease for a girl is gonorrhea. It can be a source of severe complications for many years. This is a contagious disease. Infection of the girl with gonorrhea occurs from adults, sick with gonorrhea, most often from the mother. This is possible in cases where a child sleeps with a sick mother in the same bed, is washed from one pelvis, uses her toiletries, when the baby's underwear is stored together with the underwear of adults, etc. It should be noted that adult women who have gonorrhea, do not always know about their disease.

    With these violations of personal hygiene rules in the vagina, girls( girls) can get the simplest unicellular microorganisms, the so-called trichomonads, and cause an acute inflammatory process. The disease is called trichomoniasis. It is manifested by abundant secretions from the genital organs, itching, deterioration of the general condition of the child and requires compulsory treatment.

    During menstruation it is necessary to observe a number of special hygienic rules, to strict implementation of which it is necessary to accustom the girl with the appearance of the first menstruation.

    The hygiene of a girl during menstruation consists primarily of cleanliness of the body and especially of the external genitalia. It is necessary to wash out with warm boiled water over the basin in the direction from top to bottom. We need to monitor the cleanliness of the laundry, especially the tights, which need to be changed more often. In the autumn-winter period, during the period of menstruation, the girl should wear long warm trousers in order to avoid cooling.

    When menstruating, you must use a special belt. Change the pads should be at least 2 times a day. When using cotton it is discarded after use;it is better to use a gauze pad.

    Sports activities( jumping, walking, training on shells and other sports) on menstruation days should be stopped. During menstruation, it is recommended not to eat spicy seasonings, since this increases the flow of blood to the pelvic organs and prolongs the period of menstruation.

    All these rules of personal hygiene of girls are based on the peculiar development of their body. However, for the state of their health, adherence to general hygiene rules is of great importance: rational change of occupations and rest, hygiene of food, clothing, etc.

    The food of the child must be fresh, high-calorie, contain a sufficient number of vitamins. In winter, it should be additionally given to the doctor's prescription vitamins in the form of preparations. The child should receive food in the same

    time, at least 4-5 times a day. Inadequate nutrition leads to anemia, and this can lead to rapid fatigue of frequent headaches, poor sleep, and sometimes fainting. With a deficiency in food vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, the growth of the child is disrupted, the development of individual organs and systems is delayed, in particular, the period of puberty is delayed.

    Great attention should be paid to the child's clothing. It should be free, do not obstruct movement. It is necessary to avoid round garters, tightening belts and bras, that is, everything that can disturb the proper blood circulation and breathing. Harmful also close cowards that irritate the skin of the external genitalia. Outerwear must match the season. You can not allow cooling( especially on menstruation days), but you should not too much to wrap the child. Comfortable should also be shoes. Do not allow adolescents to wear high-heeled shoes, as this can lead to improper development of the pelvis and curvature of the spine.

    From an early age the child should be accustomed to physical education: to morning exercises, wiping, mobile games, especially in the fresh air. Especially useful for girls and girls are gymnastics, skiing, ice skating, tennis, swimming. Gymnastics and sports prevent violations in the proper development of the girl, contribute to the normal course of nervous processes, strengthen her body, make him more resistant to fighting infectious diseases.

    At school age, a well-organized work day routine plays a big role in preserving the girl's health: school classes in light, ventilated classes, correct boarding at the desk, corresponding to the child's growth, alternation of work and leisure, hygienic gymnastics, excursions, etc.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the proper development of the girl's organism, especially during puberty, must be inextricably linked with proper upbringing.

    Healthy pillars in the family, normal parent relationships are the main condition for proper upbringing. Words and instructions should be supported by the example of the parents themselves. Parents should inspire children that the most beautiful property of a human character is modesty. Modest behavior of the girl is her best decoration. When talking about sexual education, the age of the child should be taken into account. Before puberty, we must answer the questions of interest to children, but not develop them. Only gradually, using conversations about the life of plants and animals, as well as the best works of literature, one should imperceptibly introduce a girl into the circle of questions connected with the attitude of the sexes and with the function of the sexual organs. At an older age, all explanations must be true. The knowledge of the physiological side of these issues must be combined with the knowledge of the ethical and social aspects. In a family where a girl is 16-17 years old, it's ridiculous to continue to consider her a girl and try to hide from her certain shady aspects of life. So, one should not hide from it the cases of frivolous attitude of some youth towards their health, marriage, family, children. If she is told about the serious consequences of an abortion or about the infection of a sexually transmitted disease as a result of the frivolous behavior of a girl, she will remember these cases for a long time and will try to take into account in her later life. Parents should help the girl to obtain the necessary information, recommending her reading relevant literature, which describes the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body and the hygiene of women during different periods of her life. Sexual education should go parallel to sexual development so that the girl not only physically but also morally was prepared for the honorable and responsible function of motherhood. All this will help her to properly enter life and proudly pass through it, passing through her purity, femininity, fulfill the sacred duty of motherhood.