Sexual development and maturation of a girl
Sexual development of the girl , as well as the activity of the sexual organs of an adult woman, is regulated by special hormones. The main of these hormones( follicular and the hormone of the yellow body) are produced by the ovaries. In turn, the release of these hormones by the ovaries depends to a large extent on the hormones released by other glands of internal secretion( pituitary, adrenal, thyroid), and the activity of the entire system of these glands is controlled by the central nervous system.
In early childhood, the concentration of sex hormones in the body of a girl is so insignificant that she does not show herself.
As the body grows, the production of hormones of the ovary gradually increases and by the age of 8-10 years they are already producing such an amount that begins to significantly affect the growth of the genital organs and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. During this period, the appearance of the girl changes, the expression of the child's face acquires the characteristic features of her sex, the body forms begin to round off, first in the hips and torso, and then in the shoulder girdle and arms. Shortly before the onset of menstruation appears vegetation on the pubis, and then in the armpits, develop mammary glands. Then the first menstruation appears.
With the onset of puberty in the ovaries of the girl, cyclical changes begin to occur. One of the primary follicles, in the process of its growth, reaches its full development - the stage of the so-called Graaffian vesicle. In this case, it increases in size due to the accumulation of a follicular fluid in it. Having reached full development, the graafov bursts, from its flesh, along with the follicular fluid, an egg is allocated. This process is called ovulation. At the place of the bursting graafovoy bubble formed the so-called yellow body, which produces the hormone progesterone. After a short period of time, the yellow body undergoes reverse development;begins to mature a new follicle.
Parallel to these processes, rhythmically occurring in the ovary, characteristic cyclic changes begin to occur in the mucous membrane of the uterus. Under the influence of hormones released by the growing follicle, the surface layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to thicken, the uterine glands are shown to grow in length, while they twist snappingly.
After ovulation and the appearance in the ovary of a yellow body producing progesterone, the uterine glands secrete a secret that, filling the lumen of glands, stretches them. In the future, after the blossoming of the yellow body and its reverse development, the enlarged layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected, bleeding begins from the bursting blood vessels. This process is called menstruation
The first menstruation appears most often between the ages of 13 and 15 years. The onset of menstruation much earlier or later than this period should be considered a pathological phenomenon, in such cases, a doctor's consultation is always necessary. The interval between menstruation is different: from 3 to 4 weeks, and actually menstruation usually last 3-4 days.
Shortly before the onset of the first menstruation, some girls develop leucorrhoea, there is increased nervousness, irritability, poor sleep and appetite. During this period, the child should be given very great attention to the parents. The mother should prepare the girl in time for the possibility of bloody discharge from the genital tract. This is very important, as it will save the girl from unnecessary mental trauma.
The friendship of the mother and the girl will help the child in case of irregularities in the menstrual cycle without hesitating to tell the mother about it, who can consult the doctor in time and, if necessary, bring the girl to him. This is especially important for girls suffering from prolonged heavy menstruation, passing into bleeding, or painful menstruation, etc. In well-developed, healthy girls, regular menstruation is usually established immediately, without complications, a disorder in their menstrual cycle is a rare occurrence. The girls are painful, the weak ones are much more likely to suffer from a cycle that results in a reduction in the interval between menstruation, in reduction, and more often in an increase in the amount of bloody discharge. These disorders worsen the health of the child, sometimes can lead to anemia.
The first appearance of menstruation is not yet an indication of puberty, which is usually achieved only after several years, an average of 18 years. By this time the ovaries have reached full development. The development of the uterus and mammary glands is completed. The girl becomes an adult girl.