How to breed a mixture
To prepare for the use of liquid and powder mixtures, proceed as follows. Ready-to-use mixture can be poured directly into a sterile bottle, without diluting with water( before opening the can, wash it thoroughly from the top).
• Boil tap water or bottled water for five minutes. We do not recommend the use of distilled water, because it deprives the child of valuable minerals. Let the boiled water cool down.
• Place six sterile bottles in a row and fill each with the recommended amount of cooled boiled water. Add the recommended amount of a liquid or dry mixture. For example, if you use liquid concentrate and bottles of 240 ml, pour 120 ml of boiled water and 120 ml of liquid concentrate into each.
• Put on all the bottles of the nipples and covers, then put them in the refrigerator.
• It is preferable to use the cooled mixture for twenty-four hours, maximum for forty-eight hours.
Correct concentration of
Never mix with a higher concentration than specified in the instructions. Always add exactly
Tips for quick and easy sterilization and preparation of the mixture
• Use disposable plastic bags for feeding, which are fixed in a plastic holder;they are convenient and minimize the amount of swallowed air, as the packet falls down during feeding.
• Use a dishwasher to sterilize bottles and nipples;use also ready-to-use liquid mixtures. You do not need to boil water, you do not need to sterilize again, you do not need to measure the ingredients.
as much water as recommended by the manufacturer of the mixture. If you add too little water, the mixture will turn out too thick for the immature baby's intestines and kidneys, and the child will have dehydration. Sometimes your doctor may advise you to additionally dilute the mixture with water for vomiting or diarrhea. It is not necessary to breed the mixture without a pediatrician's recommendation for more than a couple of days, since too liquid a mixture will not provide your child with enough calories.
• Most children prefer the mixture to be slightly warmed up;hold the bottle for several minutes under a stream of warm water. Drip a little on the inside of your wrist to check the temperature.
• To allow the child to swallow as little air as possible, tilt the bottle so that the entire nipple is filled with milk, and the air rises to the bottom of the bottle.
• Keep the baby's head straight in relation to the body. If the child drinks, turning his head to the side or with his head thrown back, it will be difficult for him to swallow.
• To make your hand less tired and the child see you in different angles, change your hand every time you feed.
• Watch for signs that the hole in the nipple is too large or too small. If the baby suddenly has a full mouth of milk, it chokes and almost chokes during feeding, it may be that the milk flows too fast. Turn the full bottle upside down and do not shake. If the milk is poured by a stream instead of dripping, the opening in the nipple is too large;throw out this nipple. If you see that the child is trying hard and is quickly tired of sucking, and his cheeks sink during sucking movements inward due to the formed vacuum, the hole in the nipple may be too small( as indicated earlier, milk should drip from the nipple asat least one drop per second).
• Know when to retreat. Children know when they are full. Struggle with the temptation to finish the bottle. If by the end of the feeding the child has fallen asleep deeply, but has not finished the bottle to the end, stop. Often children close to the end of the bottle fall into a light nap, but continue to intermittently suck. They ate, but pamper themselves with an easy "dessert" of sucking for pleasure. Remove the bottle and allow the child to suck the tip of your finger for a few minutes.