  • Hunger is not the most common cause of crying baby.

    Usually, the mother begins to worry if the child whines immediately after feeding or between feedings. First of all, she thinks that she has less milk. But this conclusion is incorrect. The fact is that most babies, especially first-borns, cry at the age of two weeks in the afternoon and in the evenings. And children who are fed artificially, cry as often as babies. Those who have received enough milk, cry, like those who are not full. If the mother clearly understands that crying in the first weeks is caused by other causes, rather than by hunger, she will not lose so quickly the confidence in her ability to supply the baby with milk.

    Of course, and hunger can be the cause of a child crying, although it is much less likely. Hunger can awaken a child before feeding, but is unlikely to cause a crying in the first hour or two after the last feeding. If a child is hungry, perhaps his appetite suddenly increased or the amount of mother's milk decreased slightly due to fatigue and stress. In any case, the answer is

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    and the same: consider that one or several days a child will wake up earlier and demand food more often until the breast adapts to his requirements. Then he will probably return to the previous regime.

    In the event that crying is not caused by hunger, excess feeding will not hurt.

    It seems obvious to me what to do in case a child cries. Think of the milk mixture for a week or two. The child should be allowed to eat as often as he wants, at least every two hours, 20-40 minutes. If he normally arrives in weight during this time, think about the bottle for at least another two weeks. Soothe the child with a pacifier or a bottle of water( you can sweeten the water).The mother occasionally can feed him even more often than in two hours. This will not bring any harm to the child. I can not help sympathizing with the poor mother: try to protect yourself from gloomy thoughts, if all day long you just do that you are feeding the child. Breast emptying ten times a day, of course, best stimulates the flow of milk. However, the mother needs to relax and relax.