  • Enter the fruit.

    Fruits are usually the second kind of a child's solid food. They begin to give in a few weeks, after the child gets used to the porridge. Some doctors prefer to introduce them earlier, because usually children like fruits.

    In the first 6-8 months of life, all fruits give the children a boiled, with the exception of the pulp of a banana. Usually it is apples, pears, apricots, plums, pineapple and prunes. You can buy canned mashed fruits in small special jars. You can use fresh or frozen fruit, cooked for the rest of the family, just strain them for the baby in addition and add sugar to fight off the acid. Most canned fruits for adults are too sweet, so pour out at least syrup before rubbing them for the baby.

    Fruits can be given during any feeding of the child, even twice a day, depending on his appetite and digestion. Usually they are given at 2 pm and at 6 pm.

    As the child gets used to eating fruit, gradually increase the portion. Most children are satisfied with half of the jar. The second half can be given the next day. In the fridge, fruit can be kept for three days.

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    Bananas should be very ripe. On the skin they should have dark spots, and the fruits themselves have a tan color. Thoroughly stir the banana pulp with a fork. Add some milk or milk mixture, if it seems too thick.

    Fruits generally act as a mild laxative. But in most people, including infants, the stomach does not relax from them, except for plums and plum juice. Plums for almost all children act as a laxative, so they are doubly useful for those who are prone to constipation. If a child loves plums and needs them, he can give each day a single meal of crushed plum or plum juice, and the next - other fruits.

    If the baby's stomach is too relaxed, plums need to be excluded, and other fruits given once a day.

    In the second half of the first year, you can replace the banana or add to it other fruits: grated apple, pears, avocado.(Berries and grape seeds are usually delayed up to two years.)