
How to remove Botox from the lips - an unsuccessful Botox

  • How to remove Botox from the lips - an unsuccessful Botox

    In pursuit of the beauty of a woman from the 90s of the XX century carried away not so much a novelty in the field of surgery - plastic facial surgery, which was previously used, but not so massively. Millions of beautiful women rushed to adjust their appearance at their discretion to become even "more beautiful".I must admit that beauty of this type is very doubtful. Its controversy is also due to the fact that such a plastic procedure does not always give positive results. They often become unexpected not only for women, but also for the plastic surgeon. The appearance of a once pretty woman( and every woman, as you know, is good in her own way) becomes not only funny or funny, but at times ugly.

    Causes and consequences

    Lips Pamela

    One of the most common methods for changing the face was the increase in the volume of the lips in a non-surgical way( botox), which was performed using silicone, polyacrylamide gels or Formacryl. These funds "promised" to keep the result "for the rest of their lives."His alleged security and cheapness bribed many beauties, because the cherished goal will be achieved - to purchase lips in the style of Pamela Anderson! In addition, the cost of self-absorbable gels was significantly lower than the cost of the plastic procedure itself. This circumstance of many women was very happy, but did not bother, although it should have raised questions. In fact, the cost of contour plasty of the face should reflect both the quality of the specialist's work and the quality of the biopolymer. But, in no case the cost of the procedure should not be decisive when choosing a medical product, however convincingly your professional cosmetician has not claimed safety, for example, the Spanish gel.

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    Botox preparation

    Several years after the boom in the field of plastic surgery, the consequences of such procedures became clear. In nine cases out of ten, a negative result of Botox was observed when the shape of the lips changed beyond recognition, giving rise to the effect of a "hare lip" or "duck mouth".His face became hopelessly corrupted. Many girls confessed - in the morning I did not want to look at myself in the mirror. In my head, "knocked" one thought - how to remove Botox from the lips. Even in the case of successful injection plastics, after a decade, when a woman who has already matured and gives birth to a child becomes more wise, she wants to get rid of the silicone injected into her lips by her youth. Why?

    Resolving consequences of unsuccessful botox

    Consequences of unsuccessful botox
    Please note! The result of plastic injections can lead not only to the transformation of appearance to unaesthetic, but also threatens the health of the patient, provoking serious complications.

    Side effects require immediate intervention not only by cosmetologists, but also doctors because the gel injected into the lips begins to migrate, collect in clots, leads to even the formation of bruises on the lips and treacherously hinders normal facial expressions. It leads to a thrombosis of small arteries, to the inflammation of the lips, numbness, reduces their sensitivity, and, therefore, urgent recovery of blood circulation and "unloading" of the affected nerve is required.

    Please note! The gel provokes fibrotic changes in the internal tissues of the lips.

    Unsuccessful contour plasty occurs for several reasons - the incompetence of the cosmetologist, poor quality of the gel, individual intolerance, a peculiarity of the structure of the lips or a special reaction of the patient's body.

    Restoring the original form of the lips is a whole art. It is a mistake that the "pumping out" of the gel is a procedure as simple as its introduction - through the same thin puncture.

    Please note! The gel grows into the internal tissues, forming connective tissues( scars), which transform the natural form of the lips. Even for a professional cosmetologist or surgeon, reconstructing the old forms of the lips is not an easy task. But possible.

    For this purpose, a unique operation is performed for one procedure according to a special scheme. Removing the biopolymer gel within this operation is only part of the task. There are also excesses of the mucous membrane, which hangs in the region of the upper lip in the form of "curtains".Biopolymer is removed through the incision of the inner side of the lips, so as not to damage the vessels and muscles of the lips and not leave a scar on them. After removal of the polymer, the operation ends with the creation of a special, subsequently unnoticeable, suture from the inside of the lip. Excess gel is removed not only from the upper lip, but above it in order to avoid the effect of "duck mouth".

    Please note! Like any surgery, removing Botox from the lips requires a rehabilitation time of about a week. On the street you can go out after 5 days. Scarring is completed within a month or two.
    Changing the shape of the lips

    Unlike the biopolymer, a modern gel based on hyaluronic acid is not of great concern, since it is considered not only rejuvenating, but also therapeutic( normalizes metabolism, tones the walls of blood vessels).True, unconditionally to the positive results leads to the external application of the gel with hyaluronic acid. Another thing is to apply it for internal injections. Hyaluronic acid means preparations such as Surgiderm, Restylane, Juviderm 3, Theosal or Bolotero.

    Get rid of a cosmetic filler based on hyaluronic acid with hyaluronidase( longigase), a special enzyme that can remove hyaluron from tissues. The result of the injection of hyaluronidase into the problem area can be observed after a few days.

    Injections of the resolving enzymes

    It is easier to get rid of hyaluronic acid several times compared to the "eternal" biopolymer gels, since hyaluronic acid is a more natural substance for the body. It is capable of gradually and independently resolving itself for some time( 6-9 months).To stimulate a non-surgical resorption process, conventional injections of enzymes are made, Diprospan, Darsonval or problematic sites are exposed to the effect of phoresis, microcurrents.

    It is useful to know that botox is contraindicated in pregnant and breast-feeding women, those patients who take antibiotics, people with severe blood clotting problems, and if there are any rashes on the lips.

    If you want to correct your lips a little with the help of injection plastics, without getting an asymmetric "Siberian pelmeni", you should carefully choose a beautician, carefully study the means used by him, just in case, ask how to remove the botox from the lips, and whether it is possiblesuch procedure in your region.

    But it's better to understand, however, that to expose yourself to surgical intervention at a young age because of a momentary desire is not worth it. Before you inject botox, remember the old truth - which is natural, it's not ugly.