
Diet for osteochondrosis: treatment of the disease with proper nutrition

  • Diet for osteochondrosis: treatment of the disease with proper nutrition

    It would seem that such an osteochondrosis? Disease associated with the spine. What does the diet have to do with it? It turns out that special nutrition is needed in order to restore the structure of damaged cartilage and, in addition, to strengthen the intervertebral discs, and also - to reduce weight, because of which the spine gets huge loads, and osteochondrosis can begin to progress.

    Of course, treatment in this case is necessary, but the diet is no less important in combating osteochondrosis. Then the effect of other therapeutic measures greatly increases, the disease gradually becomes weaker. True, the word "diet" does not quite fit in this case, since it does not contain special prohibitions on certain products, but rather it can be called proper nutrition. But it is with this that the treatment of osteochondrosis begins.

    The diet for osteochondrosis of the spine is built on the basis of chondroprotectors, i.e.those substances that help strengthen the cartilage. They contain a considerable amount of chondroitin, mucopolysaccharides and others.

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    Chondroprotectors are contained in jellied, cold, jelly, jelly, foods with gelatin. In these dishes there is a lot of collagen, which is very lacking in the body at later stages of osteochondrosis development.

    Diet for cervical osteochondrosis is obliged to become regular, so that there is an effect. In order to maximize the benefits, you need to properly prepare your dietary meals. The main provisions are as follows:

    I. Exclude:

    • Hot and frying;
    • White bread and baking;
    • Pickles, marinades;
    • Smoked meat;
    • Alcohol;
    • Fast food.

    II.Be sure to add:

    • Vegetables and fruits in large quantities( as a source of fiber needed in this case);
    • Boiled meat, fish;
    • Lenten rabbit and chicken, veal;
    • Wholemeal / rye bread;
    • Rice( unpolished) is an important product for patients with osteochondrosis.contains many proteins with the help of which the cartilages are built;
    • Celery( as an active fat burner).

    It is worth recalling that the diet only creates favorable conditions for complex treatment, but in itself, without due procedures and other things, is not a cure. And the main rule, which must be remembered, is to ensure that there is no avitaminosis and a lack of microelements.

    Even before the treatment it would be good to conduct an antiparasitic program - any that you will like, but better - natural, and this, most often, dietary supplements. Choose the company you trust.

    Let's explain why this is necessary. The fact is that the parasites that live in each person in their vast variety, naturally feed on what we eat. They take away all our vitamins and other useful substances and trace elements, and when we have a lack of these substances, parasites begin to pull them out of hair, nails, bones, teeth. And problems with hair loss, brittle nails, bone system diseases begin.

    During antiparasitic measures( about 2-3 months, as a rule), drink even more water than usual, so that the body can more easily wash the mountains of corpses of parasites. Otherwise, you can earn yourself problems with the excretory system, if the fluid is not enough.

    Simultaneously drink the course of trace elements: selenium, copper, zinc, calcium( paired with vitamin D3), magnesium, iodine. A good complex is available from the company "Optysalt": there are several trace elements in one jar, "Siberian Health" also has trace elements, but there is only one in each jar, but they have high-quality calcium.

    Do not take expensive drugs just because of their price, most often it's a trick of pharmaceutical companies. The composition of expensive vitamins is often similar to cheap ones. All these measures, with strict adherence, will certainly ease your condition and improve your well-being!

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