  • Sex education for adolescents

    Adolescent sexuality can not be eradicated neither by "moral" admonitions, nor by physical education lessons, it does not lend itself to pedagogical control of adults. The main thing that parents can and should do is to teach teenagers to take sexual decisions responsibly and reasonably, thus avoiding the most dangerous consequences of early sexual intercourse. Only 17% of the inexperienced and 30% of

    Influence of others. A teenager seeks to establish his "I" through the formation of his own erotic ideals and values. At first, parents' views are strongly influenced( 1), but they are beginning to be revised under the influence of teachers, the media and, most importantly, peers( 2).

    experienced teenagers believe that they have sufficient knowledge about sex. Young people are concerned about the problem of homosexual relationships, the myth of the dangers of masturbation.

    Girls are interested in information about abortion, sexual aggression, the consequences of casual connections, contraceptive methods. A typical error of parents and teachers is an underestimation of the real level of interests and knowledge of children and adolescents.

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    Differences in public assessments of the behavior of boys and girls.

    Adolescent boys are perceived in terms of sexual success( 1), and from the girls the society demands to be erotic attractive and sexually restrained( 2).

    Age of the first sexual partners in adolescents:

    1. 40% of 13-14-year-old girls lose their virginity with adult men, among boys of this age, the first sexual experience with an adult woman is every fifth.

    2. 90% of 17-year-old boys had a sexual debut in their age group, among girls - in 40%.

    Adults mostly lag behind with their information, report the necessary information too late and in insufficient volume.

    Sexual education and the availability of contraceptives, according to the World Health Organization, do not lead to early sexual activity, but, on the contrary, contribute to a delay in sexual activity and safe sex. The most successful programs are those that begin earlier than schoolchildren have sexual relations, and equip students not only with knowledge, but with practical skills of safe sex( for example, teaching the rules for using a condom or means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases).