  • Injury of the eye

    The eyes are the organ of vision, which develop in the form of two protruding "kidneys" from the brain in the embryo. Already from birth, the child has a visual "dictionary".The eyeball has a complex structure and consists of three layers: the sclera, visible as the white part of the eye;a vascular membrane rich in blood vessels that feed the sensitive inner lining of the eyeball;a retina containing photosensitive nerve cells that capture the image and transmit it along the first optic nerves to the brain. It is in the brain that these images are deciphered and created.give visual perception.

    Any eye injury should be treated with increased attention and caution. If I have any questions or doubts, it is best to show the child to the doctor - the danger is too great. The foreign body must be removed from the eye, for there is a threat of eye infection and even loss of vision.

    Be extremely careful if the child is injured by eye J as a result of the impact of one metal object on the other. In this case, in the eyeball!could get a small particle of metal.

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    Under certain circumstances, you can independently treat a damaged eye. If the size of the foreign body is small, as, for example, in a grain of sand, and it got into the eye without having a high acceleration, it is often possible to sense its presence in the eye even when it is not already 1.Small round particles]( sand) rarely stay under the 1st upper eyelid for a long time.

    If there is a feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye, but in fact it is no longer there, then the cornea of ​​the eye is damaged. Moderate damage to the cornea

    is satisfied quickly and leaves no traces;Serious injuries require medical attention.

    Eye pain is a fairly rare symptom;he signals a serious infection of the eye( iritis or a serious infection of the herpes virus).In the case of a child, the doctor should be shown.

    Your actions

    Be careful. Water in this case is the first and best means. Rinse the eyes of the child. Examine the eye, let someone else help you. Do a survey in good light so that the light falls on the eye and from the side, and in front. Pay special attention to the cornea of ​​the eye, a thin membrane covering the color part of the eye. Do not rub your eyes, if a foreign body gets into the eye, you can damage the cornea. Eye lotions help to reduce pain;They should be

    for 24 hours or even less. Gadgets are made from gauze, tightly pressing them to the damaged place. Check the vision of the child daily and compare the visual acuity of both eyes. As soon as you have any suspicions, contact your doctor.

    The doctor will check the vision of the child, will conduct an examination of the eye and the area under the upper eyelid;this is not a painful procedure. Usually the eye is instilled with a fluorescent substance, after which the eye is examined in the ultraviolet. This procedure is not dangerous and completely painless.

    If a foreign body is found in the eye, the doctor will remove it with a cotton ball, eye solution, a small needle or with a special eye scraper. If a metal foreign body enters the eye, the

    doctor uses a strong magnet to remove it. If all these measures are not enough, the child will be referred to an ophthalmologist( a surgeon dealing with eye injuries).In some cases, the doctor may recommend an ointment containing an antibiotic. If the foreign body gets into the eyeball, an x-ray is prescribed. With the development of iritium, the doctor will recommend eye drops containing steroids, as well as drops that dilate the pupil.

    Foreign bodies in the eye

    The eye can get sand, cilia, midges, etc. The victim must constantly blink, while the foreign body will be pulled to the inner edge of the eye and it will be easier to push out.

    Place the child on a chair, let him throw his head back, alternately pull down the lower and upper eyelids, while the kid first has to look up, and then down. When you see the foreign body, pull it out with the tip of a clean handkerchief. If you do not find anything, ask the

    baby to look down, and you examine the upper eyelid.

    If the child has a sore eye, examine both eyes to make sure that they do not have a foreign body.

    Remove the foreign body with a clean handkerchief or a sterile bandage pre-moistened with water. Be very careful not to damage the cornea.

    The eye must be viewed with a light directed at it. If the foreign body is on the protein, it is removed, carefully shifting the corner of a clean kerchief or sterile gauze, which is pre-moistened.

    Liquid in the eye

    Most chemicals( alcohol and hydrocarbons) cause only temporary burning and surface irritation. However, various acids contained in household chemicals and alkalis due to contact with the eye can seriously damage.cornea.

    To prevent damage to the cornea, it is necessary to rinse the affected eye immediately and thoroughly with running water. Flushing should be done as quickly as possible.

    For this, the child is placed face down under a stream of running water or placed on his back, slightly turning his head to one side and constantly watering the eye with warm water. In

    , the flushing time is needed so that the eyelids remain open. For most chemicals, 5 minutes of rinsing is sufficient, acids are washed off for 10 minutes, and alkalis -20 minutes.

    After you have rinsed the eye with water, cover it with a wet cotton cloth and with this bandage go immediately to the doctor. The dressing will not allow the child to rub eyes and relieve the pain.