  • Foreign body in the ear

    The human ear is a very complex "device" for perceiving sound signals.

    The ear consists of three main departments.

    The outer ear of the includes an auricle that collects and directs sound waves, and an external auditory meatus through which they pass to the eardrum, propelling it.

    The middle ear of the consists of a tympanic membrane and three small ossicles that transmit the oscillation of the membrane to the inner ear. The air pressure in the cavity of the middle ear corresponds to the atmospheric due to the auditory, or Eustachian, tube, which connects it with the nasopharyngeal cavity. In children, this tube is shorter and direct than in adults, which facilitates the penetration of infection from the nasopharynx into the cavity of the middle ear.

    The inner ear of the is filled with fluid and contains a cochlea that converts vibrations transmitted from the middle ear into nerve impulses. These signals come from the auditory nerve in the

    brain. The inner ear also contains a labyrinth that controls the balance of the body.

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    The ear is important for the body not only as a means of communication, it also has a center of equilibrium.

    First aid for a foreign body in the ear

    Ear infections in young children often arise because they push the

    into the ear with tiny objects, such as beads or peas. In such cases, do not attempt to remove this object yourself, unless it is located near the entrance to the external ear canal and you are absolutely sure that do not damage the eardrum or tender mucous of the auditory J passage. If you have any doubts, contact your doctor or the emergency department where specialists will do it.

    Insect in the ear

    If an insect has entered the ear of the child, you can try without risk removing it by pouring warm water into the ear so that it flows out. When you pour water, gently pull the ear I behind the lobe back and up to straighten the ear canal.

    Another, easier way: put the baby in the bath so that his ears are under water. If by these measures the insect is not removed, I contact your doctor.