  • Games that promote the development of purposeful auditory perception

    Usually, by the age of three, children already have a rather large amount of auditory impressions, but they still do not know how to control their hearing: listen, compare and evaluate sounds by strength, timbre, character. Kids, as a rule, do not realize what they hear, that is, they perceive by ear. This is because the surrounding sounds are more often, they are all perceived unconsciously, merging with other, more important impressions for them. Sometimes the sounds are not noticed by children, they are not very prominent.

    The ability not only to hear, but to listen, focus on sound, highlight its characteristics - a very important human ability. Without it, you can not learn how to listen and listen to another person, to love music, to understand the voices of nature. ..

    The ability to listen and understand sounds does not arise by itself even in the presence of acute natural hearing. It should be purposefully developed in the child from early life. Of course, it's best to do this in the game. The games presented in this section are directed to the education of this ability.

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    The general goal of these games is to open a special world of sounds for the kid, to make them attractive, meaningful, talking, about something important. Most of the games have the nature of puzzles, in which children by sound guess its source.

    The sequence of games in the section is determined by the increase in the falsity of the auditory task and the awareness of the auditory perception. At first, children guess the source of the sound-the voice of their peer or a sounded toy: "Who woke Mishutka?", "Cap and wand", in the game "Meet the guests," different sounds become signals that anticipate specific events and set up children for appropriate gaming,in the future( the game "What did Petrushka choose?", "Sound puzzles"), children under the guidance of a teacher catch the characteristics of familiar sounds and convey their character through the means available to them - movement, onomatopoeia or word. This contributes to the fact that children begin to purposefully compare the sounds among themselves, distinguish them. So in the game the ability to hear and understand sounds is gradually formed.

    For the successful formation of a purposeful auditory perception in the game, two basic conditions must be observed. First, it is necessary to separate the "mysterious" sound from other sound impressions. For this, complete silence is necessary at the moments of guessing and guessing of sound puzzles. Silence in the group is needed, and so that all participants in the game can concentrate on the sound and evaluate each other's answers. Secondly, you need to make sure that the child, guessing the audio puzzle, could not see the source of sound. To do this, you can isolate the sound source with a screen or put the child back to the sounding object.

    For successful development of a child's hearing, it is very important to conduct these games systematically, repeating them day in and day out.