  • A cap and a wand

    Features of the game and its educational value. The task of this game, as well as the previous one, consists in the formation of a purposeful perception of sounds, which is necessary for their successful discrimination. However, in comparison with the previous one, it is more difficult for toddlers. After all, now it is required to distinguish not only the voices of peers, but also sounds produced with the help of objects. Children are invited to learn by sound one of three toys. And although toys are familiar to them, this acquaintance is usually associated with a holistic perception, including sound, visual and tactile impressions. In itself, the sound emanating from the object for the child does not exist separately from its appearance, it is still quite difficult for the little child to recognize the object only by sound. After all, in order to guess, for example, which of the three objects sounds, you must remember all three sounds and associate each of them with a holistic view of the subject.

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    In this game, the child must guess the riddle not on behalf of the game character, as was the case in the previous game, but on his face.

    In addition, the game brings children together, teaches them to reckon with their peers, rejoice at their success. Beautifully designed objects-a cap and a wand( "magic helpers") make guessing of sound puzzles into exciting events, affecting personally each child.

    Game material. For the game you need three sounded toys, contrasting in timbre and the nature of the sounds produced. We give several options for combining such toys.

    / variant: a rattle, a bell( or a bell from a bicycle) and a children's accordion;

    // variant: voiced nevilyashka from plastic, drum, rubber toy with a food;

    /// version: a toy musical organ, a tambourine and a wooden rattle-tare cylinder( you can replace it with a wooden hammer striking the plank, or with two wooden spoons, which they tap).For this game, any of the listed sets is suitable. Toys should be stored in a specially designed, beautiful box.

    In addition to a set of toys, two more important attributes-a cardboard cap with a tassel or pomponchik( like parsley or a clown) and a wand will be needed. The cap can be made from a thick paper( pasting it for strength from inside the gauze) or a dense fabric. It should be light and put deeply on the child's head, holding on to the nose and not touching his eyes. Such a cap should exclude the possibility of seeing anything around. It is necessary to decorate it beautifully, make it attractive for children and convenient for use. Equally attractive is the "magic wand", so that the kids believe that this is not an ordinary wand, namely fairy, magical. The wand should be flat, strong enough( not to break when tapping on the floor) and long( about one meter) so that the child can touch it from the center of the circle to those who stand in a circle.

    Description of the game and its techniques. All children of the group take part in the game. A few days before the first acquaintance with her little ones learn that they are waiting for a surprise. They try on the cap, look at the "magic wand", admire the attributes together with the tutor. During the walk to the site, various sounding objects are brought out to be used in the game( a rattle, a voiced tumbler, a children's accordion, a wooden beater, etc.).The teacher shows how to extract from each object a pure beautiful sound. It is necessary for the children to hear how the accordion sounds and see how they achieve pure sound, that is, which movements are needed for this. Only then can the toy be given to children, so that they try to extract a not too loud but distinct, clear sound. Such exercises teach children to correlate their movements and auditory impressions. After the pupils learn how to use sounding toys, you can familiarize them with the rules of the game.

    Inviting children to sit comfortably, the teacher sits down at the table where the box with toys is located."The last time you guessed by voice were who wakes Mishutka," he says, "and today we will also make guesses and guess riddles, but in a different way, even more interesting. In some puzzles you will need to know by voice who speaks, and in others guess what toy sounds. "The teacher opens the box, takes out of each toy one at a time, and shows slowly how the rattle rattles, how the bell or bell rings, as the accordion sings slowly.

    Adult gives kids the opportunity not only to hear the sound, but also to see the sounding object. Then he takes out his cap and wand and informs me that these objects are magical. They will help to guess and guess riddles. But they will help only those who play together, can correctly Walk around, stand quietly and listen carefully.

    The teacher offers the children to join hands and stand in a circle. Then he chooses a child who goes to the middle of the circle: he will guess the first riddle. The teacher gives him a "magic wand" and puts a cap on his head. Then, moving along with the children in a circle in a dance, says the following words: "One, two, three( short pause). .. four, five! The wand will knock! "(The words are repeated two or three times).

    With the last words, everyone stops, and the child, who has to guess the riddle, strikes twice loudly and clearly with a "magic wand" on the floor, signaling that the most important thing will begin: if there is complete silence, the wand will "choose" the one whowill guess the first riddle. Telling the kids during the game each next action, the teacher suggests that they take two steps forward to approach the child in the center of the circle. The adult closes the circle and offers the child standing in the center to slowly rotate inside the circle, holding the wand on the outstretched arm( horizontally)."The wand will choose the one who she likes," he says. Unbeknownst to the children, an adult directs the child's movements. The one who touches the wand lightly must grasp the end, stretched out to him, name the singer by name and say the following words: "Will you recognize my voice? Call me, my friend! "(This appeal can be replaced by another, shorter and easier, for example:" Who am I? Call me "or" This is me, guess my riddle, call me! ") A child in the center of the circle should callthe name of the one who pronounced these words. If the riddle is correctly guessed, all participants in the game clap their hands together. Applause is addressed to the one who has made a wish, and to the one who guessed the first riddle. A cap and a wand return to the table with toys, and both children take a place in the general circle. The circle again widens, and in the middle comes a new child, he is put on a cap and passes the "magic wand".Everything repeats itself again: the children again lead the round dance to familiar words, stop at the sound of the "magic wand", which then, just as for the first time, shows who to ask the next riddle. The teacher reminds of the observance of complete silence, so that you can guess the riddle, and hands over to the selected child one of the sounded toys."Listen and guess what kind of toy I have in my hand?" - asks the child and draws a clear sound of medium volume( this he learned during the preparation for the game).

    The teacher with the applause of the children supports the players. If the child can not guess the riddle or gives the wrong answer( which is rare), the participants of the game express their sympathetic attitude to what happened as follows: squatting and holding their hands over their heads, they play the words: "Oh, oh! Oh oh! The cap did not help us! He was interrupted by someone, and he did not guess! "At the end of the game, all who thought and guessed riddles come out in the middle of the circle, and the rest, the children sing a melody to the people's dance melody, dancing as they can, a majestic song:

    All the guys are great! We'll all slap you, We'll sink the Legs, We'll wiggle the Pens, With you, we'll dance together!

    Rules of the game.

    1. Remember the words that speak before making a puzzle;try to guess so that it's easy to find out who is talking or what toy sounds.

    2. It's right to walk in a circle;stop and stand still in time to better hear voices and sounds, do not interfere with the "magic wand" to choose children.("Magic Wand" chooses only those who keep silence, do not interfere with guessing and guessing riddles.) -

    3. Play together, calmly wait for your turn.("Magic wand" chooses first of all the one who fulfills the rules of the game.) She can choose the same child several times.)

    Advices to the educator. This game is better to hold in the air or in the hall, because it requires space and freedom of movement. Previously, you need to teach the children to walk in a circle.

    Many children during the game want to stand next to the tutor and hold his hand. To avoid conflicts between children, one should immediately arrange their movement in a circle. For example, who has already made guesses( or guesses) of riddles, becomes on the left hand from the tutor, and the rest on the right.

    Robust and shy guys are better attracted to active roles at the end of the game. Successful solution of the problem by other children gives them courage and confidence. The approval of the caregiver is an important reinforcement of their efforts, increases the activity.