  • Skin itching with diabetes mellitus, its treatment and therapy

    Diabetes is a disease in which carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, and as a consequence, there is an elevated sugar level in the blood and urine. The constant circulation of excess sugar in the blood gradually disrupts the natural processes of toxin withdrawal, since vessels are used to purify the body.

    Skin itching refers primarily to problems associated with dermatology, but can also occur in other diseases. Itching is a very unpleasant sensation when there is a need for constant mechanical irritation. One of the types of pathologies, which can cause skin itching, is endocrine pathology, associated with a violation of metabolic functions. Diseases of this system include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, menopause, hypothyroidism.

    Why does itching occur in diabetes?

    The smallest vessels start to "clog" with sugar crystals, causing microangiopathy, nephropathy( impaired kidney function), retinopathy( decreased vision).To change the process of withdrawal of toxins, the skin reacts always - its moisture and natural turgor decrease, it can become rough and itch. Itching in diabetes is a characteristic feature and one of the symptoms of this severe disease.

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    Do not stay away from hair and nails, which also become dry and brittle with diabetes, dandruff may appear on your head. The reason for this is the fact that hair and nails are deficient in nutrients. Very often, as a result, patients with diabetes mellitus begin to grow bald.

    In some cases, especially with a high sugar content in the blood, blisters can appear on the skin, which can not be removed until the blood sugar level decreases. Skin itching with diabetes can cause scratching and infection, with all the ensuing complications.

    Even small wounds on the skin( in the presence of sugar in the blood) heal very poorly, bringing a lot of trouble to people suffering from diabetes. On the skin due to non-healing wounds, fungal and other diseases occur, the skin can become inflamed, pigment spots, abscesses, rashes may appear.

    Currently, there are more than 30 different skin diseases that accompany as a concomitant disease of diabetes. The most complex of all is considered to be neurodermatitis, which is characterized by constant itching and disruption of the nervous system.

    All skin diseases are divided into 3 groups, which are divided by the etiology of the disease, but the common cause of diseases is diabetes:

    • Primary skin diseases - all diseases occur due to angiopathy and violation of the process of removing toxic substances from the body. They, as already noted, include diabetic blisters, diabetic dermatopathy, diabetic xanthomatosis.
    • Secondary skin diseases - when due to scratching pyoderma( pustular inflammation of the skin) joins, as well as candidiasis caused by the attachment of a fungal infection.
    • Skin diseases that can be caused by medications that are used to treat diabetes mellitus. It can be various dermatoses, eczema, urticaria and other allergic reactions.

    Itching of the skin with diabetes mellitus is not always treatable and takes a long time, with occasional exacerbations.

    Varieties of pruritus

    1. Diabetic xanthoma - occurs due to a violation of fat metabolism, which often accompanies the violation of carbohydrate metabolism. On the skin appear plaques of yellowish color, mainly on the flexural surfaces of the hands and feet.
    2. Diabetic erythema - occurs in men aged 40 years and more who have diabetes mellitus. On the skin there are large spots of red color, which have clear boundaries, large sizes, and are localized mainly in open areas of skin.
    3. Diabetic blisters - arise on the feet, fingers, on the feet. Inside the bladder there is a light serous liquid, sometimes pink in color. The size of the spots can vary from a few millimeters to a centimeter or more.
    4. Diabetic dermatopathy - occurs very often in comparison with other skin diseases and is characterized by the appearance on the anterior surface of the shins of the blisters of red-brown color and size 5-10 mm. Over time, the bubbles turn into pigmented spots.
    5. Neurodermatitis - in most cases it can occur before the appearance of signs of diabetes.
    6. Diabetic scleroderma - in which there is thickening of the skin, mainly on the neck and in the back.

    Treatment and therapy

    When itching occurs in diabetes mellitus treatment is always associated with the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism. It is proved that the increase of sugar in the blood directly affects the deterioration of the skin and skin itching.

    The most common and basic method of treatment is diet therapy, in which there should not be carbohydrate food and fats. Sometimes adherence to a diet can significantly affect the course of the disease and reduce discomfort on the skin.

    Special importance is attached to the use of sugar reducing drugs, which are selected by the endocrinologist strictly individually and only after careful examination of the patient.

    In addition to general measures, local medications( cream, gels, ointment) that contain antibiotics or antifungal agents are also prescribed. The use of local medications can significantly reduce the itching of the skin and alleviate the condition of patients. With neurodermatitis and eczema of itching, ointments with corticosteroids are well removed( Prednisolone, Flucinar, Dermozolone).

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