
How to join a new team at work - a relationship in a new team

  • How to join a new team at work - a relationship in a new team

    For almost every beginner, the first day of entering a new job is always accompanied by fear, fear and a strong desire to make a pleasant impression, like a long-established team. Collectives are different, and not all of them are friendly. Quite often the first time a new member of the team has to face with some waryness and estrangement of others. It's not an easy task to orient yourself immediately, immediately to determine how to join a new team at work and like employees. Perhaps, in such a difficult life situation, you will be able to help several recommendations outlined in the article.

    Recommendations for beginners

    How to become a part of the

    team So, imagine that you have come to a new job, perhaps you have been dreaming about for a long time, and now you need to do everything to stay in the already formed collective, to become an integral part of it. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it in your desire to please people.

    Be yourself. Your behavior should always be natural. Do not try to seem better than you are( smarter, prettier, more communicative, etc.).Any mask will have to be removed sooner or later, and then the colleagues will see you present. So is it worth it to wear? Think about it.

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    Stay calm and do not rush. In some teams newcomers are pouring in for months. Do not expect that you will immediately appreciate and love. As for trust, it is generally a delicate matter. Sometimes people's trust in a certain person is formed over the years and his actions play an important role in this. If you really want to become a member of the team, you just have to be patient and wait for a while.

    Try not to bother. Control your behavior. Brake your desire to ask too many questions or constantly offer help. Remember that excessive obtrusiveness begins to irritate others. Therefore, restraint in emotions and behavior should become your good helpers.

    Discussion of the working project

    Take an active part in the discussion of working projects. Do not be afraid to ask questions on the merits, make rational suggestions and express your opinion. Speak everything delicately and with respect to your colleagues, in no case do not behave arrogantly and categorically.

    Forget about the criticism - is a very bad habit. Try to stay away from discussions of your colleague behind his back. The first time in general, it is best to refrain from making any statements about other people, as this can serve you unkindly and set up colleagues against you.

    Be always responsible for .Conscientiously perform any order given to you. The begun business always should be finished to the end. Each of your misses while performing a task can affect the attitude of the team to you. But if you show yourself to work with the best hand, then a good boss will assess the level of your competence and qualifications. You can become an indispensable employee of the company.

    Be nice to your colleagues. In any difficult circumstances of office everyday life, in unpleasant situations try not to accumulate a negative, in all look for positive moments. Be able to support people with a kind word at a difficult moment. It is always possible, for example, to offer a cup of tea to a colleague who for some reason is not in a better mood, and at the moment of tea drinking, talk with him on abstract topics. Positive and friendly people always like others.

    Consult the colleagues .Remember that consultations should not be frequent and to the point. Always thank for the help you provided - only so you can quickly make friends with the team.

    Be interested in the affairs of your colleagues .So we are arranged that each person wants to be understood and heard. In modern society, it is common to hide their problems, although sometimes it is so desirable to share them with someone. If you feel that you can help a colleague, after listening to him or talking to him on any topic, then do it. Sometimes a person needs to simply speak out. Maintaining good relations with people is as important as doing work in good faith.

    Participation in collective events

    Take part in the collective events of .You yourself can offer colleagues after work for an hour to look at the cafe to chat in a relaxed atmosphere. It is these non-working moments that bring people together, they get to know each other, learn more about each other's spiritual qualities.

    What else can I advise? Before finding a job, try to find out as much information as possible about the company you are striving to have at least some idea of ​​the work ahead. To get you out of this can be both familiar and ubiquitous Internet. Do not hesitate to ask questions during the interview, they can relate to both your activities and the company as a whole.

    We wish you success in your new team!


    We offer to watch a video about how to behave correctly in a new team: