
How to get rid of complexes - get rid of complexes

  • How to get rid of complexes - get rid of complexes

    Complexes. .. It's pretty hard to understand where they come from and why they ruin their owner's life. Complexes are able to oppress, cause depression, make a person misinterpret themselves and believe that this is how others perceive it. How to get rid of complexes, removing them from your life forever? Read the article and learn the secrets of a successful fight against the worst enemies of the human psyche - complexes.

    Causes of the

    complexes The causes of the complexes are the contradictions between what the external world tries to impose on us and its inner self. There are such main reasons for the appearance of inferiority complexes:

    Causes physical

    Causes physical

    We are all different and therefore appearance has a considerable influence on the formation of personality. A person can be either too small in height, or be overweight, or have other external characteristics that do not distinguish him from others better. If the above signs live in a person, he begins to feel that other people are much better than him: worthy of a better life, love, wealth.

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    Get rid of complexes of appearance you need as soon as possible otherwise start, sometimes even subconsciously, behave as if that other person is worth much more and only because he looks better. And this will not lead to anything good.

    The reasons for the appearance of complexes are hidden in the transition of a person from childhood to adolescence. In this transitional age, when perestroika is actively beginning to take place, not only physical, but also psychological, and complexes appear.

    Reasons for social

    Reasons for social

    It can not be said that the causes of complexes are hidden only in physiology, because man, whatever one may say, is a social being. To live it needs a society of other people.

    The seeming lack of understanding and rejection by others leads to the fact that a larger number of people constantly live with a misconception about themselves, constantly trying to match someone imposed by standards. Sometimes complexes lead to a variety of psychological pathologies.

    The reason for the appearance of complexes can become excessive parental love and guardianship. Even after a time when childhood is already behind, a person still thinks that he can do nothing by himself, without parents. Such people are not ready to create their own family, to live independently. Often these people remain with their parents and find themselves insanely lonely.

    Media industry

    Media industry

    All of us constantly see on the screen people who are considered the ideals of beauty, wealth and power. And we all understand that we will never become like that. So the already existing complexes are being strengthened and new ones are appearing.

    We get rid of the

    complexes To get rid of the inferiority complex, it is necessary to take the following steps:

    1. Understand the cause of the complexes. Do you understand exactly where your complex came from? People often think that in some ways they do not like the people around him: the boss is not satisfied with the quality of the work you have done, the opposite sex does not pay attention to you, because you are not beautiful enough. Some even think that their own friends are constantly whispering about them behind their backs, and completely unfamiliar people discuss their shortcomings. Have you noticed the key word in all these phrases? This word - it seems. Some indirect reasons for the appearance of complexes can be a huge number, but the main one is we created it ourselves. Insecurity, low self-esteem and suspicion - these qualities become a perfect soil on which complexes subsequently grow. The most effective way to deal with complexes is to change yourself!
    2. Soberly assess the situation. Do you think that there is a person in the world who has an ideal appearance, an ideal career and the same marital status? No, most likely, such a lucky beggar simply does not exist. Everyone, even seemingly the most ideal person, has its own shortcomings, which means that there is a reason for the complexes. There are only people who do not focus on their shortcomings, do not put them on public display, but there are those who only think about them. Moreover, they attract the attention of strangers to their weak sides. What for? Maybe you should just honestly confess first of all to yourself that you are not the only one, all have shortcomings? Believe me, it will be easier to live like this.
    3. Get rid of fear. One of the most important steps that you will need to take in combating the complexes is getting rid of fear. Fear of the opinion of society, in the first place. You do not want to do everything in your own life, having previously looked around at others? And not always, the opinion of others around you in some way decries. In general, do not be afraid to prove yourself, make a mistake, even be ridiculous. Not worth it! Treat the world around you easier, stop thinking about your every step ten times, do not try to please everyone you meet( and it's impossible).If you try to do all this, all that available load of complexes after a while will simply fall off your fragile shoulders.
    4. Believe in yourself."I can not" and "do not know how" should forever leave your vocabulary, from your thoughts. Understand that everything in this life can be achieved, you only need to strongly want and stop being afraid. It will be helped in that simple training: pick up a piece of paper and write on it all those qualities that you would like to have, but do not have it yet. Every day, reread this list, say it out loud. Believe me, in time all of the listed qualities you will have. And be sure to remove from your life a particle of "not": "do not understand", "do not like me". ..
    5. Start acting. Of course, psychological training is quite good, but the struggle with the complexes requires very active actions. Are there extra pounds? Start to go to the gym. Do you suffer from an inferiority complex? Try to establish normal communication with the people around you. Set yourself specific prices, reaching which you will be able to overcome your own complexes.
    6. Think about your merits. Constantly concentrating on their shortcomings, we completely forget that we also have dignities, the number of which, moreover, uniquely exceeds. To defeat complexes, you can repeat the training with a sheet of paper and a list, only now write on it those qualities that you like in yourself. Do you feel that you are too self-critical and can not make such a list? Approach the problem with your relatives and relatives. Believe me, they certainly will not tell you a dozen of your merits. In addition, you learn that in the gases around you, you are not nothing at all.
    7. Love life. Remember always about one thing: life is beautiful! Suppose sometimes you do not think so at all. Smile every new day, people that surround you, your reflection in the mirror. Remember how life is short lived and that you should not waste it on sadness and despondency.

    "Battle" with the complexes should be easy and pleasant for you, only in this way you can make them retreat forever.