  • It is not that simple

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    Young children have no idea of ​​the property, because they believe that they own everything. The child reaches out to everything that comes to his eyes. The idea of ​​a stranger still does not exist. More often this representation is formed painfully - the child is selected a toy, because it is not his, a spoon, which he liked in someone else's house. But why he is selected, and something is given, remains a mystery to him for a long time. The conclusion is not too clear for the child, and the conclusion to which he can come in practice: if you put a spoon in your pocket so that no one will notice it, it will not be taken away. A charge of theft would in this case be unfair. The child simply takes, and the worst thing that can be done with it is to make him ashamed of his actions.

    Sometimes we force children to give their things, in general, that in this way we educate them in comradeship and collectivism. With regard to early childhood, a hopeless undertaking. It is even harder for him to understand why he is forced to give his toy when Diana, for example, always takes her brilliant lighter back. He does not distinguish things at their price, does not understand that the lighter is more expensive than the toy or that the father keeps it as a memory.

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    When we see that our beloved boy gives his cookies to another, we will not be touched. Most likely, he does not want to eat and he has found a way to get rid of cookies. Makarenko wrote: "The child is an X-ray. To this successful definition, I just want to add that in the family and only in the family, all the antisocial properties of the future society first arise and grow.

    Tell me that I'm not at home! Says father or mother, it does not matter who. This banal example is typical and sufficient to assimilate-the truth is not always said. When and why? I do not understand this yet. But gradually it becomes clear to me that the lie protects from inconveniences, from unpleasant sensations.

    I play in the crib with my bare foot, look at my fingers, this is a very curious sight. And I hear at this time that my mother is coming. I instantly take cover and pretend to be asleep. She usually guesses that I'm not sleeping, but still, just in case, I'm frowning. I know that she is angry, but I do not sleep. Why? It's not known why, but he also gets angry when I do not drink my milk and pour it into the washbasin. Then I start the water so that I can not see white.

    And so that some foam does not catch on the bars and does not ruin the whole thing. After that, it's very difficult to determine whether I have drunk milk or not.

    The worst thing is that sometimes mom and dad are terribly outraged by my lies, and sometimes they admire my ingenuity. Try to understand them! When they get angry, they punish me;you will not watch TV( they do not melt, that this punishment, perhaps, is doing me a favor).Do not go to the zoo. And then suddenly, quite unexpectedly, they begin to laugh at my "number.""Go see what he has done, go quickly!" And then, if they decide that their antics are original, they enthusiastically tell me about my tricks close and distant.

    A child, if he is excited for some reason, can not force himself to fall asleep by force of will. This is not possible and adults. Therefore it is absurd that such a natural circumstance causes their anger. The same is true of lunch, breakfast, and many others. In such cases, punishments turn a child from a miscreant liar into a liar of the conscious. Lying becomes deliberate, it improves.

    We insist that our children obey us, knowing full well that we are forcing them to do something useful and necessary. Yes, but they do not know this and do not tend to obey us. Angry with a child for not wanting to drink a spoonful of fish oil with a disgusting taste is absurd. A child evaluates good not as a prospect, but as a feeling at a given moment.

    When our son got measles, the doctor suggested that he inject a gamma globulin. The boy was terribly worried. Of course, we agreed. To our surprise, not someone, but the doctor himself, a kind old doctor, which in our time for some reason can not be found any more, refused to inject."We all had measles without infusion," he said. "You should not injure a child unless there is an emergency."From that moment for our son there was no better doctor in the world. He opened in him an adherent. Both disliked infusions and injections, and this was enough for the son to get to the doctor with confidence and that every word of it became law for the boy.

    To find out the psyche of a child, every child is a difficult and complicated matter, but you should not spare any effort. ..