  • Present a dog

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    Do all parents know about the role of pets in the development of many positive qualities in children?

    To be clear, let's start with an example.

    The first-grader Mikhaska, to envy all the friends, a dog appeared. The real sheepdog, however, is still very small, a puppy. The boy had long dreamed of a dog. It was only necessary to close his eyes when a faithful friend, a beautifully beautiful dog Guy, appeared before him. This nickname was invented in advance.

    And then one day my father came home not alone, he brought a fluffy, club-footed puppy. I put him on the floor and said: "Here you are, son, a friend. Grow it, take care of it, love it, be it good, good master. "

    There was no greater happiness in the life of Mikhaska: this wonderful puppy is not a toy, but a real one, alive! And Guy seemed to understand who his master was, went to the boy, who was also on all fours, and licked it right in the nose.

    Guy grew up quickly. From an awkward puppy, he soon turned into a still not quite big, but real sheepdog with intelligent eyes, broad chest and strong paws. He knows how to walk "next door", jump over the barrier, gives a paw( only to the owner - Mikhaska!).One trouble - does not tolerate the neighbor's cat Masha, but he is not quite an adult. .. Gaius lives in a beautiful warm house in the courtyard, which was made for him by his father with Mikhaska.

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    And Mikhaska himself is a diligent student. He writes well, reads, solves problems and will soon become an Octobranch. He has many worries. But he never forgets to feed Gai in time, take a walk with him. Even in a dream the boy does not part with his pet. In his miraculous dreams, the dog necessarily performs various heroic deeds: he pulls out a little girl from the burning house, then someone rescues from a deep river, then detains a dangerous criminal. ..

    Once dad took his son with him to the city. When they returned home, the bus was crowded and Papa suggested staying with relatives to spend the night."But what about Gaius?" - Mihaska burst into tears. "He misses me, I have to walk with him. .." All the way the boy was standing in a crammed bus without complaints about fatigue. And my father was happy, and wondered at the adult sense of responsibility with his baby.

    Daddies and moms, take a good look at your child when he strokes or just looks at a dog, cat, film, foal. How much in his look of tenderness, kindness, admiration!(It's not often that children give such a look to their loved ones.) These feelings pass if they are not fixed in practice, if there is not a living being near the child who needs to be cared for, protected, loved.

    Therefore, the first and most important advice - give our child a dog, a cat, any other animal. And the sooner you do it, the better. A child, surrounded by the love of his relatives, gets used to it, it seems to him that it should always be so. This leads to the development of selfishness. If the child has an animal, which he himself must take care of, for which he feels responsibility, since he understands that he can not talk about his pain, offense, this gives impetus to the development of deep moral feelings. Such a child, and then an adult, will always show kindness, sensitivity to the weak, will be able to take the place of another, sympathize, help.

    Do not impoverish the feelings of your children. And those small inconveniences and troubles that an animal brings to the family, will be repaid many times by understanding that it will certainly make your child better, kinder, more humane.