
What characterizes anemia of the 1st degree: treatment and the causes of the disease

  • What characterizes anemia of the 1st degree: treatment and the causes of the disease

    Anemia is a pathological condition in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, as well as a decrease in the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood.

    Symptoms of anemia

    Anemia of grade 1 may manifest with symptoms such as weakness, dizziness and fatigue. However, it should be noted that the patient may not feel any discomfort with his health. Severe conditions can be accompanied by fainting and pre-fainting sensations.

    There may also be problems with the cardiovascular system - it is heartbeat with physical exertion, shortness of breath and exacerbation of coronary heart disease.

    Degrees of severity of the disease

    In some cases, there are no symptoms, others are very difficult. Usually, clinical manifestations do not determine the severity of anemia, although to some extent the symptoms reflect the degree of the disease.

    It is unequivocal to show that in an - patient with anemia of the first degree or more severe stage, only laboratory tests can be performed:

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    • anemia of the 1st degree is recorded when the hemoglobin level decreases more than 20% of the normal value;
    • grade 2 anemia is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin content by about 20-40% of the normal level;
    • grade 3 anemia is the most severe form of the disease, when hemoglobin decreases more than 40% of normal.

    Anemia 1 degree in pregnancy

    This disease, like grade 1 anemia, may not manifest itself during pregnancy - a woman learns about this condition after the first blood tests. Even in the absence of obvious signs of anemia in the pregnant woman, the fetus continues to suffer, as there is a shortage of oxygen.

    Complications of anemia in pregnancy:

    • early toxicosis;
    • low blood pressure;
    • placental abruption before the time;
    • delay in intrauterine development of the child;
    • premature delivery or outpouring of amniotic fluid;
    • weakness of labor;
    • fetal hypoxia;
    • increased risk of bleeding.

    Pregnant, in addition to adherence to a special diet, it is also necessary to start taking iron preparations, so that anemia of 1 degree does not go into a heavier form.

    Foods rich in iron should be abundantly present in the diet of a pregnant woman. These include chicken eggs( yolks), liver, heart and tongue( beef or veal), turkey meat, dairy products, cocoa, apricots, almonds and other products.

    The closer to childbirth, the larger portions you need to eat iron-containing foods. It is recommended to use this diet and as a prevention, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy.

    Treatment of anemia 1 degree

    How to treat anemia, you can find out from the information below:

    • for the effective treatment of anemia is not enough just to follow a diet. Iron from drugs is absorbed by the body 15-20 times more, so it is very important to take these funds.
    • if after prolonged intake of iron preparations the symptoms do not disappear, the doctor looks for other causes of anemia. Intravenous iron or injections may also be prescribed.
    • may need to take vitamins for anemia if the body is deficient in vitamin B-12.When you reach the desired level of the content of this vitamin symptoms of the disease significantly weaken. Vitamin B-12 can be obtained from foods such as liver, kidneys, any fish, shellfish, oysters, milk, eggs and hard cheese.
    • anemia of 1 degree can also cause a deficiency of folic acid. In this case, the doctor prescribes supplements with folic acid. In addition, it is important to make your diet complete - it should include fresh fruits, greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cereals from whole grains. Vegetables cook for a couple or eat raw.
    • anemia, caused by complications of the bone marrow and stem cells, can go into a chronic form and virtually resist treatment.

    Some types of anemia generally do not require treatment, whereas there are cases when a blood transfusion may be needed. Usually aplastic anemia goes into the stage of remission and yet patients with this condition almost always need a bone marrow transplant.

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