  • Treatment of atherosclerosis with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    What is atherosclerosis of the vessels: the causes, types, symptoms
  • Treatment of atherosclerosis folk remedies: homemade recipes
  • Prevention and useful tips how to avoid the development of arteriosclerosis of the vessels

Treatment of atherosclerosis at home: folk recipes

Atherosclerosis is a dangerous age-related disease, untimely detection and improper treatment of which can lead to serious consequences and even to death.

Regularly applying folk methods of treating atherosclerosis, together with medications, it is possible to perfectly improve the condition of the vessels and the whole organism, and also to minimize the intake of pharmacological agents.

What is atherosclerosis of the vessels: causes, types, symptoms ^

Atherosclerosis is a disease of medium and large arteries of the muscular-elastic and elastic type, resulting from a disruption of the protein and lipid metabolism, leading in turn to the deposition inside the arteries of cholesterol, plaques and plaques.

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Causes of atherosclerosis:

  • Age( 45 years and over);
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Overweight;
  • Harmful habits;
  • Incorrect food;
  • Hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis vary depending on the location of the disease:

  • Vessels of the limbs - pain during movement, cyanosis or pallor of the skin, cooling or numbness of the limbs( arms, legs, fingers);
  • Vessels of the heart - pains in the region of the thorax, stenocardia;
  • Brain vessels - increased fatigue, violation of attention and memory, absent-mindedness;Renal arteries - hypertension, dizziness;
  • Abdominal aorta - flatulence, moderate tenderness in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, belching.

Atherosclerosis is dangerous because its development contributes to the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, stroke and other undesirable consequences.

It is accepted to distinguish the following types of atherosclerosis - obliterating or occluding, cerebral, stenosing and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis consists of the following procedures:

  • Survey and examination of the patient, elucidation of symptoms;
  • Determination of cholesterol and lipid metabolism in blood( laboratory test);
  • Ultrasound examination, cardiovisor, angiography and other instrumental procedures.

Folk treatment of atherosclerosis uses a variety of means, which in combination with proper nutrition and lifestyle can effectively affect the sick vessels.

The folk remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis are most effective and popular:

  • Medicinal herbs, berries, roots - hawthorn, dog rose, raspberry, mountain ash, chamomile, viburnum, cowberry leaves, Japanese saphora, strawberry, clover, valerian, immortelle, dandelion and others.;
  • Potato, carrot, beet, lemon juice;
  • Onion, garlic;
  • Honey, citrus fruits.

Treatment of atherosclerosis in the home consists of the mandatory internal use of cleaning and treating vessels of decoctions, infusions, juices, teas, various mixtures and the use of external natural ointments or applications.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with folk remedies: home remedies ^

Folk treatment of atherosclerosis: home recipes

Treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis

  • It is necessary to mix equal parts of chamomile, St. John's wort, string, plantain and sage, then place 1 tbsp.collection in boiling water( 150 ml) per day.
  • From the resulting herbal infusion it is necessary to make applications for sore spots twice daily.

Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis

  • Prepare two tablespoons.potato juice, st.l.honey, mix and take thrice daily. The next day, the potato juice should be replaced with beetroot.
  • Natural spirits of ginseng apply 5 drops three times a day.

Treatment of stenotic atherosclerosis

  • Pink clover flowers should be dried, filled with 500 ml glass jar, poured them with natural vodka and put into a dark place for 14 days.
  • Prepared alcoholic infusion should be taken for three months before going to bed on a tablespoon.

Treatment of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis

  • Collected by ch.p.leaf strawberries, peppermint, dill, horsetail, dandelion roots and rose hips combine with 300 ml of boiling water, stand for two hours, then remove the infusion from the collection.
  • It should be taken within a month for 150 ml at intervals of 5 hours.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of lower extremities vessels

  • Place 400 grams of water in a liter of water.rowan bark, give a boil, then cool.
  • Ready and filtered broth should be taken before meals for 3 tablespoons.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the heart aorta

  • Collect pine cones and needles, fill them with a glass jar of jars, and then pour them with natural vodka.
  • The prepared composition should be removed to a warm place for 10 days, then filtered and administered in a volume of 15 drops three times before meals daily.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of carotid arteries

  • Pass through a large grater 50 gr.horseradish, pour it 3 liters of hot water and boil for 15 minutes.
  • After the decoction of the horseradish cools down, it should be filtered and taken three times with 100 ml per day.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta

  • Place a small spoon of strawberry root into a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, then add more strawberry leaves and let it rest for an hour.
  • A filtered decoction is taken during the day, previously divided into three divided doses.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with honey

  • Connect the following components - st.l.pure natural honey, two tablespoons.linseed oil, st.l.lemon juice.
  • Mixed mixture should be eaten once a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with garlic and lemon

  • Clean garlic head, grate, then combine it with crushed lemon. The resulting slurry should be poured into 0,5 l of water for four days, then filtered.
  • Take a ready-made drink every morning no more than three st.spoons.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with herbs

  • Take 50 gr.inflorescences of hawthorn, mistletoe, chamomile and valerian root. To prepare the broth should be placed in a glass of water st.l.herbal collection, boil a couple of minutes, then insist another 20 minutes.
  • Treat atherosclerosis as follows: 100 ml before meals( 10 minutes) three times daily for 20 days.
We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of bradycardia with folk remedies.

Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid the development of arteriosclerosis of vessels ^

A diet for atherosclerosis is the main treatment technique that prescribes the use of the following products:

  • Seafood, fish;
  • Salt - up to 4 gr.daily;
  • Lean young meat( beef, veal, rabbit, chicken);
  • Vegetables( fresh, boiled), greens, fruits, dried fruit;
  • Cereals;
  • Sea kale;
  • Dairy, sour-milk drinks and products.
  • Fruit natural compotes, juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas.

Under strict prohibition placed fatty meat, by-products, dairy products of high fat content, egg yolks, meat broths, coffee, buns, confectionery, white bread.

The main preventive measures to prevent the development of atherosclerosis are:

  • Complete cessation of smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol;
  • Timely therapy of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and other heart diseases;
  • Maintain a more active lifestyle;
  • Compliance with the right balanced diet;
  • Exclusion of products that can increase cholesterol.