  • Treatment of diarrhea with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is diarrhea( diarrhea): causes, symptoms, types
    • Treating diarrhea at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful advice on how to prevent the development of chronic diarrhea

    Home treatment for diarrhea: folk recipes.

    Diarrhea is a frequent secretion of liquid feces, which can bring discomfort and pain.

    The first and effective assistance in this process is able to provide traditional medicine, while limiting the intake of medicinal, expensive drugs.

    What is diarrhea( diarrhea): causes, symptoms, types ^

    Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition characterized by frequent urges for defecation, a mild liquid or watery stool, spasms, cuts or abdominal pain.

    The causes of diarrhea are:

    • Incorrect food, poisoning;
    • Regular stress;
    • Acute intestinal infections;
    • Viral infections;
    • Parasitic diseases.

    Diarrhea is usually divided into the following forms: acute, chronic, osmotic, secretory, after antibiotics, exudative and psychogenic.

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    Folk treatment of diarrhea offers an extensive list of drugs that are aimed at removing inflammation, sorbing effect, removing toxins causing diarrhea and restoring the water-salt balance in the body.

    The medicinal formula of folk medicine includes the following effective folk remedies for diarrhea:

    • Potatoes, rice, carrots, honey;
    • Medicinal herbs - balan, oak bark, wormwood, mint, calamus, St. John's wort, etc.;
    • Berries - blueberries, raspberries, bird cherries, mountain ash, sour cherry, viburnum.

    Treatment of diarrhea in adults

    Diarrhea in adults, accompanied by no fever and deterioration of well-being, is eliminated on its own. Sometimes for this, light anti-diarrhea over-the-counter drugs are used.

    Treating diarrhea with home remedies can quickly eliminate symptoms that begin. To do this, you can use a rice broth or herbal infusion of badana.

    In the presence of severe intoxication and blood in the bowel movements, the treating doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy.

    Treatment of diarrhea in children

    Diarrhea in a child can be associated with many factors - poisoning, intestinal infections, medication or malnutrition.

    Before starting direct treatment of diarrhea, you need to find out the reasons for this condition. If a child develops nausea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain along with an intestinal disorder, immediately seek medical attention.

    If diarrhea in a child does not cause dangerous symptoms, then it can be removed with the help of home medicine - herbal weak broth, rowan juice or tea with raspberries.

    Treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women

    Diarrhea is an undesirable phenomenon that a future mother may face. In this case, the use of medication depends on the extent, duration and nature of the intestinal disorder.

    Home therapy for pregnant women with diarrhea consists of a special temporary diet and some safe folk remedies in the form of rice broth, berry jelly and broth of pomegranate peel.

    Treatment of diarrhea at home: folk recipes ^

    Folk treatment of diarrhea: home recipes.

    Treatment of acute diarrhea

    • Two tablespoonsdry bird cherries pour 250 ml of water, put on fire, boil for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and insist for 1.5 hours. Take this decoction in two divided doses during the first half of the day.
    • Half a cup of rice pour 4 cups of water, boil until cooked, then strain and the resulting broth take every three hours for 150 ml.

    Treatment of chronic diarrhea

    • Vinegar berries( 0,5 cups) pour water( 500 ml), boil for 10 minutes, then strain and combine with 4 tbsp.honey.
    • The resulting broth is taken before each meal of 100 ml.

    Treatment of diarrhea after antibiotics

    • Take ch.l.bark of oak with the same amount of root of ara, pour them 250 ml of boiling water for 45 minutes.
    • The received infusion to accept in three admission during the day on 100 ml before meal.

    Treatment of diarrhea with blood

    • Collect dry collection - three parts of plantain with cranberry leaves, two parts of rowan, mint and eucalyptus fruit.
    • Four tbsp.of this collection, pour a liter of water, boil for a minute, insist an hour, cool and strain.
    • To consume the broth should be 30 ml.up to seven times a day.

    Treating diarrhea and vomiting

    • Squeeze the juice from the herb of common acidum, combine it with milk( 1: 3) and take it at a time.
    • Pomegranate crumbs without pulp, dry, chop, in the amount of ch.l.pour them a glass of boiling water and boil for five minutes. A pomegranate broth 50 ml is taken.15 minutes before meals.

    Treatment of diarrhea and nausea

    • Dried raspberry leaves pounded, then in a volume of st.l.pour them with 200 ml of water, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. After the broth cools down, it should be filtered and consumed throughout the day.
    • Ст.л.mint insist for two hours in a glass of boiling water and take 50 ml three times a day.

    Treatment of diarrhea and abdominal pain

    • Two tablespoonsleaves and berries of cranberries boil 8 minutes in 500 ml of water, then insist another hour.
    • After cooling the broth, it is filtered and taken in four divided doses of 50 ml per day.

    Treatment of diarrhea by famine

    Fasting is an acceptable technique for treating intestinal disorder that occurs when poisoning and vomiting occur.

    • The essence of treating diarrhea with hunger is to consume liquid and to completely give up solid food for a certain time.
    • The duration of this procedure is no more than two days.

    Treatment of diarrhea with water

    • Water therapy implies the use of a plentiful drink in the form of still mineral water, berry and herbal decoctions, raspberry or dog rose tea.
    • Tap water in the absence of diarrhea is strictly prohibited.

    Treatment of diarrhea with herbs

    • Prepare a collection - 2 parts of the root of the althaea, 3 parts of St. John's wort, 4 parts of the rowan fruit. Art.of the mixture to pour a half liter of boiling water for 50 minutes, then strain.
    • Drink the resulting infusion by ½ cup in 3-4 divided doses.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of obesity with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to prevent the development of chronic diarrhea ^

    Diarrhea diet is the foundation on which the entire effectiveness of diarrhea treatment is maintained. Therapeutic nutrition in this process is aimed at unloading the digestive organs, reducing fermentation and gassing in the intestine. The food ration with diarrhea is mainly composed of the following foods and dishes:

    • Liquid porridge - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
    • Low-fat varieties of meat, fish in the form of cutlets or soufflé;
    • Fruit - only in the liver;
    • Boiled or steam-wiped dishes.
    • Dairy products - limited.

    To prevent diarrhea, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • Observe basic hygienic rules - handling of vegetables, fruits, fish and washing hands;
    • Daily eat right;
    • Take antibiotics with caution;
    • Avoid stressful situations;
    • Drink clean water and benign food.