  • Planting seedlings

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    When the plants have already fully formed and the danger of late spring frosts has passed, seedlings can be planted in the open ground.

    Planting seedlings in the open ground should be done on a cool, cloudy day, so as not to cause its rapid withering. If it's hot dry weather, it's necessary to plant seedlings early in the morning or late in the evening. Practice shows that it's better to be somewhat late with the landing than to produce it in the heat of the scorching sun. A few hours before planting, the seedlings in the greenhouse and the house are watered abundantly so that the root of the earth is soaked in water and firmly adheres to the roots of the plant, leaving them bare. After excavating the seedlings from the ground, it should be planted immediately, since out of the soil the plants quickly lose moisture and wilt. Seedlings grown in plastic or clay pots are abundantly watered, allowed to stand, then taken out and planted with a whole root lump. Seedlings in peat pots are planted in the soil with them. Soil for

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    seedlings of seedlings should be prepared, loosened with rake and watered, wells should be made large enough that-

    How to properly remove the seedlings from the pot without damaging the root lump

    1. Plant a few hours before excavating abundantly water and give watersoak into the ground, hand a little to compact the surface of the

    soil at the base of the plant.

    2. Turn the pot over by placing it on the edge of the table and holding the earth with the hand of the plant.

    3 - Remove the pot from the earthen coma that remains in its hand intact

    Placing the root system of the plant in the ground

    1. The roots of the plant are incorrectly placed in the well, they are bent and twisted upwards. Perhaps the hole is not spacious enough.

    2. Correct vertical position of the roots in the hole: its depth and diameter correspond to the size of the root system of the plant

    Planting seedlings with a peg

    1. The position of the peg is incorrect with respect to the plant, when the ground is buried, the root system will shift, the plantbends and does not acquire the necessary stability in the soil.

    2. The correct position of the peg in relation to the plant, the pit will be evenly filled with earth, and the peg will seal it, providing the roots of the plant with the necessary contact with the

    soil, the root system of plants would be freely placed in them. When planting seedlings it is convenient to use a peg: with its help you can make a pit of the necessary depth and diameter, fill it with earth and compact the soil around the planted young plant.

    To make the seedlings better, you can soak roots of plants in a liquid slurry from the ground and the overgrown manure immediately after excavation and let them stand, then immediately land in the soil.

    Of great importance is also the depth of planting seedlings. Seedlings of most types of vegetable and ornamental crops are planted in the soil deeper than they grew before, almost under the very leaves. This gives the plant stability in the soil, and the side roots are formed from the stem. However, some types of vegetable crops, which in the course of vegetative development form a head, can not be planted deeply. On the contrary, seedlings of such crops are planted on a preformed mound of earth so that the plants are raised above the ground, otherwise they will not form a head. It is also necessary to withstand distance between plants, without being deceived by the small size of young seedlings, since, reaching adult size, densely planted plants begin to create each other a serious competition in the consumption of moisture and nutrients. In addition, in thickened plantations there is a significant shading, it is difficult to access the sun's rays and ventilated, which under unfavorable conditions can cause

    I . To maintain the distance between plants, you can use a measuring rod with the labels marked on it:m every 5 cm is applied short, and every 50 cm - long divisions. Putting the rail on the ground, you can easily verify the necessary distance

    rapid development of fungal diseases. Calculate the distance between plants is necessary, based on the needs of each type of culture, and the intervals between rows should be twice as large as between the plants in the row. Recommended data on the frequency of planting a culture is indicated in the descriptions of crops, but it should be borne in mind that they may vary depending on the variety. For example, early varieties of cabbage can be planted more tightly than late varieties, which form massive heads. After the seeding is finished, should be watered with and the soil should be moistened in the next few days. Sufficient soil moisture provides the most complete contact of the root system with soil and rapid rooting of plants.

    Plants with short root parts, such as cabbage lettuce, endive, kohlrabi, celery, Chinese cabbage, can not be buried in the ground, otherwise they will not form a quality head. It is recommended to make a landing on the mound of the ground

    When planting seedlings, we should avoid thickening of plantations, objectively calculating the necessary distance between the plants. Too often plant location can cause:

    lack of moisture and nutrients, as their consumption per unit area significantly increases;

    shading and difficult access of sunlight to the depth of landings;

    stretching of plants, accompanied by the fragility of the stem and branches;

    significant reduction in airing of landings;

    occurrence in plantings of a stuffy and humid microclimate, favorable for the development of fungal and other diseases;

    rapid spread of diseases and pests in planting plants.

    To prevent the occurrence of some diseases in newly planted seedlings, it is recommended that the rootlets of young plants be soaked for a while in a liquid slurry of clay and manure with the addition of a chemical preparation of topin M at the rate of 30 g per 1 l of gruel. Also, for the purpose of prevention, it is possible to mix soil for growing seedlings with a base stock preparation at a rate of 1 kg per 1 m, of land.

    Propagation of

    plants As already noted, two main ways of propagation of cultures are distinguished: generative, ie seeds produced as a result of sexual reproduction of plants, and vegetative, implying the cultivation of a new individual from a part of an adult plant. The vegetative mode of propagation of involves the formation of new copies of offspring from various vegetative organs and structures of the parent plant or their parts and is characteristic of almost all perennials, as well as some annual plants, where seeds are badly tied. The progeny obtained by the vegetative method completely repeats the qualities, properties and signs of the mother organism, while its grade is guaranteed, which allows to foresee the results of this method of reproduction in advance.

    The choice of the method of propagation of a plant - generative or vegetative - largely depends on the lifespan of the propagated plant. The purpose of the existence of the plant is to ensure the survival of the

    species, and most species realize this biological task by flowering and seed formation. The time spent by plants on this process is different. Annuals grow from seed, blossom, form seeds and die, that is, they pass the whole development cycle in one year. Biennial plants undergo the same cycle of development in two years: during the first year they grow from the seed and develop, bloom for the second year, form seeds and die off. Perennial plants live for several years, they usually bloom and form seeds every year, but do not die, but renew a new life cycle for the next year. Annual and biennial plants are mainly propagated by seeds, while perennials can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively, in various cases it is preferable to use one or another method of reproduction.

    Vegetative organs of plants

    Vegetative organs are the main organs of seed plants that perform such vital functions as absorption, transformation and metabolism, growth, biomass accumulation, plants, reproduction, and many others. The vegetative organs of the plant include rhizome or its forms, bulb, being a modified stem of the plant, and various forms of shoot. In most tree plants, the vegetative organs are already embedded in the seed in the form of a germ and kidney, and when the seed is germinated, first a root appears and then an escape. Perennial tree plant is a collection of uneven-aged theory, being its underground part, stems, performing the role of the aerial part in the impersonal state, and shoots, developing during the growing season and later passing into the category of stems. All components of a given set are structurally related to each other;they were formed as a whole and therefore have many common structural and functional features.