
Treatment of hydronephrosis of the kidney is possible by various methods

  • Treatment of hydronephrosis of the kidney is possible by various methods

    Hydronephrosis is an enlargement of the renal pelvis caused by increased pressure inside the kidney itself or by the presence of an obstruction to urinary outflow.

    There are two types of hydronephrosis:

    1. congenital, or primary hydronephrosis, whose appearance is associated with anomalies in the development of the kidneys or ureters,
    2. acquired, resulting from diseases and injuries of the genitourinary system.

    Stages and symptoms of

    Three stages are distinguished during hydronephrosis.

    1. stage is characterized by the appearance of pyeloectasis - enlargement of the pelvis.
    2. stage - enlargement is not only pelvis, but also calyx buds, that is, the tissue of the kidney itself begins to suffer.
    3. stage - the kidney tissue is completely atrophied, the organ ceases to function.

    This particular pathology does not have any specific complaints and symptoms. Often, at the initial stage, there are no complaints at all in the patient, and in other cases, the following symptoms are most common:

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    • blunt lower back pain,
    • blood in the urine,
    • increase in blood pressure,
    • periodic body temperature rises,
    • general weakness.

    What is the danger of hydronephrosis?

    If the outflow of urine is not eliminated, the kidney becomes atrophic. In addition, there are a number of concomitant problems associated with the fact that the affected kidney secretes in an increased amount of substance( renin and angiotensin), leading to an increase in blood pressure. That is, developing nephrogenic arterial hypertension, which is usually considered malignant.

    Such hypertension does not lend itself to drug therapy and often leads to various complications, including such as a stroke. Also, the atrophied kidney is often infected, which leads to the development of purulent complications that require emergency surgery for vital signs. Bilateral hydronephrosis is fraught with kidney failure and the need for a donor kidney transplant or lifelong hemodialysis.

    How to treat the disease?

    In detecting hydronephrosis, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause that caused its development. For example, if it is stones with urolithiasis, then they are crushed, and congenital anomalies are eliminated by plastic surgery.

    Depending on the stage of hydronephrosis - the treatment can be both active surgical and conservative medication.

    If the kidney function is not broken and there are no complications, then the kidney state is controlled in dynamics and no treatment is prescribed. The localization of a one-sided process to the choice of tactics of patient management does not affect, i.e.hydronephrosis of the left kidney treatment involves the same as the right one.

    Nutrition for hydronephrosis

    Regardless of the chosen treatment strategy, hydronephrosis requires a diet that consumes about 3000 calories per day. The diet necessarily includes proteins containing essential amino acids. However, meat and fish with hydronephrosis must be excluded from the diet. Eggs are acceptable and the basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits. The patient should limit the use of salt and drink at least 2 liters of fluid every day.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Only hydronephrosis of the first degree can be treated with folk methods.

    In folk medicine, various herbal preparations are used to treat hydronephrosis.

    The most effective are the following:

    1. Kidney tea, herbaceous grass, raspberry leaves, chamomile flowers, currant leaves, calamus root, mulberry flowers and spongy grass are taken in equal parts and finely ground. Then the infusion is prepared: 2 tablespoons of the collection are filled with a glass of boiling water. Infusion drink 50 ml 3 times a day.
    2. Herbs spores, mints, volostushki, kipreya and celandine, althea root, alder cones and fruits of coriander are taken in equal parts, the infusion is prepared in the same way as the previous one. The method of treatment is also similar.

    Both collections are used alternately: after a course of treatment with one collection for 2-3 weeks, a two-week break is made, after which the second collection is started.

    Medication treatment

    If pathology is complicated by the attachment of infection and the development of pyelonephritis, then antibacterial therapy is necessary. In the presence of stones in the kidney, consisting of uric acid - urate, alkaline therapy is carried out. Also, the pain syndrome is medically treated. And in those cases when the development of hydronephrosis leads retroperitoneal fibrosis, hormonal treatment is prescribed.

    Operative intervention of

    If the kidney's condition worsens in the dynamics, it is necessary to treat hydronephrosis with surgical intervention. There are two types of activities aimed at improving the function in hydronephrosis:

    1. creation of an additional canal for urinary output,
    2. narrowing of the dilated calyceal system of the kidney.

    As a rule, radical surgery is preceded by drainage of the kidney. They are also used to treat hydronephrosis in pregnancy, which is caused by compression of the ureter growing in size by the uterus.

    If the patient has hydronephrosis 3 degrees - treatment involves the removal of a non-functioning kidney, which is, in fact, a thin-walled bag with liquid contents.

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