
Means for motion sickness for children in transport: tablets and folk methods to help parents

  • Means for motion sickness for children in transport: tablets and folk methods to help parents

    Children sway in transport - a fairly common phenomenon. It turns out that according to statistics, more than 58% of children under the age of 12 are susceptible to motion sickness.

    Slewing can spoil any trip. What joyful impressions can the parents have when their kid is pale green and sits all the way with a bucket in his hands.

    Now in pharmacies are sold all sorts of means for motion sickness, but whether they fit the child? What means of motion sickness for children in transport is better and safer?

    Pharmacological preparations

    Dramina is the most popular drug. Dramina is designed to overcome dizziness and nausea of ​​various causes, but most often it is used against motion sickness. This drug can be given to children from one year. Despite a not very pleasant list of contraindications, the drug is popular.

    Avia-Sea is a homeopathic remedy designed specifically to combat seasickness. Produced in the form of capsules and caramels, but this drug can not be given to children under 6 years.

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    Kokkulin is also a homeopathic remedy for prevention and motion sickness syndromes. Do not give children younger than 3 years.

    As you can see, the funds that will help the child, if it is shaken in transport, pharmacology did not work out specifically, the list consists of only three items. Therefore, let us turn to folk remedies.

    Folk remedies

    The first thing to recommend is to suck on sour candies or even lemon slices. It's not about acid or sweets, but in sucking movements that mislead the stomach and prevent the passenger from concentrating on the feeling of nausea. It is even assured that holding a match in your mouth helps to move the trip more calmly.

    Mint tea with lemon helps with motion sickness. Brew tea and take it with you on the road. Drink on the pharynx while driving.

    Another grandmother's remedy for "seasickness": mix a spoonful of honey with a drop of peppermint essential oil and allow to suck the baby.

    The ice packs on the base of the skull and the solar plexus help well.

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