  • Oily skin

    This type of skin is characterized by excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. It can occur at any period of life, but most often occurs during puberty. The cause of increased secretion is poor nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins, disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

    Oily skin in most cases has a grayish shade, it shines, it often shows dark dots - enlarged pores. Sometimes it resembles the skin of an orange.

    Oily skin well tolerates the effects of weather, water and soap, but it does not resist the infection. Therefore, when caring for it, you must carefully observe the hygienic requirements.

    Women with fatty knives should, if possible, monitor themselves and not touch their faces with their hands, refrain from scratching or scratching. Hands and face should always be clean, nails short-cropped. Strongly squeezed out acne is strictly forbidden.

    Oily skin should be washed 2 times a day with neutral or glycerin soap with warm water and then rinsed with colder water. In the evening, wash your face very carefully, soaping and rinsing it several times. In this case, a little table salt( 1 teaspoon or 1 liter of water) can be added to the water. Instead of soap it is useful to wash your face with milk whey from time to time, rinsing it with warm water and wiping it with a cotton swab dipped in lotion for oily skin. With a relatively moderate secretion of the sebaceous glands, the home remedy is thoroughly disinfected, prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon boric acid dissolve in a glass of hot boiled water, add 20 drops of glycerin and after the solution has cooled, add 1/2 cup of vodka.

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    Sometimes oily skin after washing pulls together, begins to peel and turns red. If such phenomena occur, the person should be washed with a decoction of chamomile( 1 teaspoon per glass of water).If there are small blackheads, it is helpful to wash your face with a decoction of oat flakes( 2 tablespoons oat flakes and 1 teaspoon salt per glass of water) and rinse with acidified water( peel acidic apples or lemon peel with warm water and leave for 2 hours).

    When sensitive oily skin helps mask consisting of whipped egg whites, one tablet of vitamins C and B and a teaspoon of potato flour. Tablets with vitamins are triturated with two tablespoons of boiled water, adding a teaspoon of starch and whipped protein to the resulting slurry. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes and washed off with a decoction of chamomile.

    It is possible to recommend for oily skin and other masks.

    Yeast Mask.1 teaspoon of yeast is mixed in 1 tablespoon of freshly warmed milk.

    Cranberry mask.1 teaspoon of cranberry juice and 1 teaspoon of potato flour should be stirred in the egg whites egg.

    Apple mask.2 tablespoons rubbed sour-sweet apple( papyrovka, antonovka) to stir with the beaten egg whites egg or 1 teaspoon of potato flour.

    Masks are applied for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.