  • Completeness

    Avoid tight clothing, narrowed down skirts and trousers, dresses and blouses without sleeves, fabrics with horizontal stripes( especially with low growth) and a large pattern. Do not wear extra accessories at the waist - wide belts, jackets and sweaters carelessly tied around the hips, this is not for you. Also, one should abandon loose baggy pullovers, massive knitted things, clothes from voluminous fabrics such as corduroy, blouses with ruffles or large embroidery. In clothes, do not open your back. Suitable silhouette - in the form of an elongated rectangle with an uncentrated waist. A good option - cut-off dresses with the lowered waist and shirt top cut, whole-straight straight dresses, dresses with high waist, dresses with a smell. If the extra pounds are concentrated in the abdomen, you should wear blouse or straight jacket silhouettes.

    When choosing clothes, give preference to soft flowing fabrics. But in any case, do not buy clothes from

    thin materials, including knitwear - in this case, all skin irregularities, including cellulite formations, will be visible.

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    Semi-transparent fabrics are also a good option for fat: they hide excess weight, but do not weight the figure. However, it is desirable that the linen in such clothes was as hidden as possible - do not focus on the parts of the body covered by it. Therefore, when buying a translucent skirt, make sure that it necessarily had a lining. Well you will look blouse, which has a solid foundation, but translucent sleeves.

    Picking up a wardrobe, take a few nuances into account. So, at the level of your widest place in the hips you are strictly prohibited horizontal lines. But go up three fingers up from the "forbidden" level - and you will get the length of your short top, which you can wear with trousers and a long skirt. Around the palm below is your long top, with which you can wear skirts to the knee. However, this length does not fit the ladies who have thin legs.

    A universal suitable length skirt for complete does not exist - you will need to pick it yourself. However, if the thickest place on the calves is just below your knees - the length is not for you. The same rule applies to the selection of capris, which is better to choose more authentic and broad, rather than narrowed, as it is fashionable today. Pants for full - not taboo, but they must be matched correctly. So, the preference should be given wide across the length of the trousers, preferably with cuts on the sides - it will tie you up. Also fit slightly flared pants.

    As for the top, then, if you have full hands, forget about clothes without sleeves and sleeves in a tight-fitting. You will fit a free sleeve, which, depending on the characteristics of your figure, can be by the elbow or even shorter. Hide the full hands will also help the shawl.

    If you are young, do not hesitate to wear the neckline - by choosing a good supporting bra, you will favorably emphasize the lush breasts and distract attention from the other parts of the figure. In general, to "take away" the view from problematic places is the favorite tactic of image-makers. So, the contrast collar perfectly attracts attention to the face. If you have full shoulders and a magnificent bust, opt for an oval cutout. Ladies of age should wear more closed cutouts.

    The effect of visual diminution of volume is possessed by dark tissues. But do not focus on black, so as not to create a sad mourning look. After all, there are many other dark colors - dark cherry, dark blue, chocolate. In addition, very often full women look charmingly in light fabrics, unless it is dazzling white and if there is something light - either up or down. Lovers of light colors can advise textural fabrics( better - in a vertical strip) or fabrics with a rare fine pattern.

    For ladies with excess weight concentrated mainly

    in the lower part of the body, the following clothing option is suitable: light, from a fabric with a pattern or with a bright finish, the top( it will distract attention to the face and hair) and the dark bottom( he will trim the thighsand legs).

    Visually reduce and extend the shape of straight vertical lines, so in your wardrobe should be at least a couple of things with such a pattern. Another way to use the vertical for the purpose of visual "slimming" - the allocation of fasteners on the jacket or shirt with contrasting buttons, protectors, slats, embroidered drawings. Wide creases on skirts( not pleated) will also make you slimmer in the eyes of others.

    It will be nice to look at you clothes with diagonal lines - for this fabric with a horizontal or vertical pattern you need to cut along the braid.

    When full figure and low growth should avoid unnecessary horizontal combinations. Instead of a skirt with a blouse, it is better to wear a sundress with a blouse, and instead of a dress-suit - a dress. Forget about multilayer ensembles with clothes of different lengths - such outfits further expand the figure.