
Prevention and treatment of folk remedies kidney nephroptosis

  • Prevention and treatment of folk remedies kidney nephroptosis

    The use of non-traditional methods of treatment of some diseases often gives positive results due to the rich experience of their use. Therefore, treatment of folk remedies nephroptosis kidney in a number of cases is quite effective.

    Nephroptosis and its brief characteristics

    Pathological mobility of the kidney is called nephroptosis. Although the term itself in the full sense of the word means the omission of the organ.

    Under normal conditions, the kidneys are almost constantly in certain positions. This is the back surface of the body in the area of ​​the last thoracic.first lumbar vertebrae. The following topography of the kidneys is considered the norm. XII - XI thoracic - upper border, I-II lumbar vertebrae are the lower boundary. Deviations from these landmarks more than a centimeter is considered a nephroptosis.

    There are several reasons for the appearance of pathological mobility of the kidneys. They include pregnancy( especially in the case of a large-scale and multiple pregnancy), sudden weight loss, kidney and lumbar injuries.

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    There are several stages of the pathological process.

    1. Stage 1 or minimal degree of ptosis. The kidney is slightly displaced and the tip is in the region of the last rib.
    2. Stage 2 or moderate degree. The kidney is completely removed from the costal arch, but does not reach the pelvic bones.
    3. Stage 3 or severe nephroptosis. The kidney is partially or completely lowered into the pelvic cavity.

    In all these stages, the main clinical manifestation of ptosis is pain in the lumbar region. Only the intensity depends on the degree. Violation of urination is noted only with bilateral severe nephroptosis.

    Complications of nephroptosis

    In most cases, the pathological displacement of the kidney can give the following complications.

    • Urolithiasis. Stasis of uric acids due to disturbances of urodynamics as a result of ureteral bends creates favorable conditions for precipitation. And this is the basis for the formation of concrements.
    • Inflammatory diseases. First of all, we are talking about pyelonephritis. The fact is that ptosis of moderate and severe severity can lead to disturbances in urodynamics due to inflexion and twisting of the ureter. As a result, the outflow of urine slows down. This creates favorable conditions for the penetration of bacteria from the underlying urinary tract into the pelvis and calyx buds.
    • Increased blood pressure and the development of hypertensive disease.

    Treatment of nephroptosis. Traditional medicine

    Therapy for nephroptosis depends on the degree of severity and the presence of complications. Both surgical and conservative treatments can be used. The first is mainly shown at a severe degree, which has severe( even life-threatening) complications and is difficult to treat conservatively.

    This is important! Non-surgical therapy involves the use of physical and medicamental methods of influence both on the cause of prose and its manifestations. Moreover, non-drug treatment is in this case a leading place, giving drugs an auxiliary role. Basically, they are used to correct and prevent complications.

    As for alternative medicine, in many ways treatment of folk remedies kidney nephroptosis involves the use of physical exercises and medicinal properties of certain plants.

    Exercises for nephroptosis are now actively used as complexes of therapeutic physical training. Therefore, a number of specialists like traditional medicine, they are no longer considered. However, this is not entirely correct

    Folk recipes for plant preparation for nephroptosis are mainly used as additional measures to eliminate pain and combat many complications of the "wandering kidney".

    All physical exercises in traditional exercise therapy, as well as in folk therapy of kidney ptosis, are grouped into three complexes. This is the initial, basic and final( final) complex.

    1. Initial set of exercises. Performed in the supine position on the back. The main physical stress is directed only at the lower extremities. The legs rise and fall together. At the same time, their flexion in the knee joints is not permissible. Depending on the training, this can be done 5 to 10 times. Then you need a short rest for one or two minutes. After a daily exercise is easily performed 10 times without a break, proceed to the next. Legs and arms are raised upwards and they are shaking movements in opposite directions: legs bend one side, and hands simultaneously on the other. This exercise should be performed only after 1-2 minutes rest after the first.
    2. The basic or basic set of exercises is also performed in the supine position. But the legs do not just rise to the right angle with the trunk. They must be thrown back and touched by them to the floor in the head area, as is done in the "plow" exercise. Or at the rack on the shoulders, the legs stretch as far as possible, and the arms prop up?rising back. Finally, when performing the so-called "fish" in the supine position, they try to lift only the upper part of the trunk by maximally tipping the head backwards. It is important to remember that during the execution of all exercises of this complex, pauses should be made for 1-2 minutes without returning to the starting position.
    3. The final exercises are done with good tolerability of the first two complexes and after a short pause. Basically, they are performed from the position, standing on their feet or squatting. However, they are absolutely contraindicated in severe nephroptosis. At which only the first two complexes are satisfied.

    In addition to physical effects on the body, folk remedies use kidney nephroptosis using certain plants. Mostly it is flax, pumpkin seeds, plantain, St. John's wort, nuts. Their use is based on a positive effect for various complications of ptosis.

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