
Hydronephrosis of the kidney: causes, symptoms, types and treatment

  • Hydronephrosis of the kidney: causes, symptoms, types and treatment

    Hydronephrosis of the kidney is a disease characterized by a progressive expansion of the bowl-and-pelvic system caused by a violation of the outflow of urine and, as a result, an increase in hydrostatic pressure, resulting in a gradual atrophy of the renal parenchyma.

    Hydronephrosis of the kidney: causes of

    It is customary to isolate the congenital and acquired type of disease.

    The main causes of the development of this disease are compression of the ureter abnormally located in the renal artery or its branches, obstructive changes in the inferior urinary tract of a congenital nature, retrocaval arrangement of the ureter, in which compression of the ureter of the inferior vena cava is observed, narrowing of the ureteral orifice.

    The acquired species develops as a result of traumatic injuries of the urinary tract, urolithiasis, or ureteral compression of the tumor.

    It is also possible to develop kidney hydronephrosis during pregnancy. As a rule, this occurs as a result of the compression effect of the enlarged uterus on the ureter. This type is manifested by the pain of a pulling or dull character in the lower back.

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    Degrees of hydronephrosis

    Depending on how pronounced the atrophy of the renal parenchyma, the following degrees of hydronephrosis are distinguished:

    • 1 degree, no damage to the kidney parenchyma;
    • 2 degree, characterized by minor damages of the parenchyma;
    • of the 3rd degree is characterized by significant disturbances in the structure of the parenchyma;
    • 4 degree of the kidney ceases to function, the parenchyma is almost completely absent;

    Stages of the disease

    Three stages of development of hydronephrosis have been identified:

    • in the first stage, although the renal pelvis is enlarged, the kidney functions normally. There may be minor dysfunction of the kidney;
    • in the second stage of hydronephrosis there is an increase in the size of the kidney by 15-20%, a significant expansion of the renal pelvis and, consequently, thinning of its wall. At this stage, the kidney function is reduced by 20-40%;
    • in the third stage, the size of the kidney is 1.5-2 times higher than normal, as a result of a significant expansion of the cup-and-pelvis system, the kidney is a multi-chamber cavity, practically not functioning. Most often there is hydronephrosis of the right or left kidney. In 35-40% of cases develops hydronephrosis of the right kidney, a little more often affects the left kidney. Bilateral lesion is extremely rare, usually in 5% of cases.

      Symptoms of hydronephrosis of the kidneys

      For hydronephrosis of the kidneys is often characterized by an absolutely asymptomatic course. It manifests itself, as a rule, with infectious diseases, traumatic injuries, it is also possible to detect accidentally during palpation of the abdominal organs. Specific symptoms for hydronephrosis do not exist. Usually there is a presence of pains of different intensity in the lumbar region. The pain has a pulling, aching character and arises irrespective of the time of the day, both during the day and at night.

      In the early stages of hydronephrosis there are attacks of renal colic, which are accompanied by bloating, nausea, vomiting, a significant increase in blood pressure. Characterized by frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain, blurred urine. Patients quite often note that the amount of urine released decreases before colic attacks and increases after attacks.

      In the event that an infection is attached to hydronephrosis, an increase in body temperature may occur during seizures.

      For the late stages of the disease is characterized by the absence of acute pain.

      As a rule, the localization of pain indicates which kidney is affected. That is, the symptoms of the right kidney disease include pain on the right side, and with the disease of the left kidney the pain is localized on the left.

      Diagnosis of hydronephrosis

      If the symptoms described above and the slightest suspicion appear, it is urgent to see a doctor for the necessary tests. The specialist conducts a survey and an examination and determines the set of necessary diagnostic measures to confirm or exclude the alleged diagnosis.

      The tests and tests used to diagnose hydronephrosis allow collecting all the data necessary for further treatment - to find out the cause of the disease development, to determine the stage and degree of hydronephrosis.

      The first in the diagnosis is the analysis of urine and a blood test.

      The ultrasound examination of the organ is then performed, which allows to determine the size of the renal tubular system and determine the degree of its increase, the thickness of the parenchyma.

      The main diagnostic method is X-ray examination. A detailed radiograph allows you to determine the size of the kidneys, to establish the presence of stones and stones in them. Carrying out a series of intravenous urograms makes it possible to observe how slow the accumulation of contrast medium in altered as a result of the disease, dilated calyces and pelvis. In the advanced stages of hydronephrosis, the contrast medium used in the study in sufficient concentration usually accumulates only after a few hours, or the affected kidney may not show up.

      If necessary, in order to clarify the degree of hydronephrosis, a radioisotope study, a kidney scan, can be performed.

      In order to differentiate hydronephrosis with other kidney diseases, and also to exclude the presence of a tumor, it is recommended to perform computed tomography, angiography, magnetic resonance imaging.

      Right kidney hydronephrosis: treatment of

      Correct, reasoned choice of tactics for treating hydronephrosis determines the outcome of the disease and a good further prognosis for the patient. Treatment should be primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and restoring the kidney function.

      The role and potential of drug, conservative treatment in this case are limited. It is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and facilitating the course of the disease or on preventing the infection process and complications.

      Removal of mechanical obstructions to the outflow of urine requires surgical intervention.

      Hydronephrosis: postoperative period

      It takes about 1 month, the close supervision of the attending physician continues. This period includes medical measures from the moment of the operation to the full restoration of working capacity, aimed at the prevention of complications, the restoration of kidney function.

      After discharge, the patient should periodically undergo examinations and examinations for up to 3 years. An important complement to treatment is the diet.

      The diet consists of eating fresh fruits and vegetables and limiting the consumption of fat. The amount of liquid consumed during the day: no more than 2 liters.

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