  • How to get rid of acne?

    Acne is a pretty unpleasant cosmetic defect, tormenting both guys and girls. Therefore, all without exception try to get rid of this scourge by all available means. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and not do yourself harm. How to get rid of acne on the face and other parts of the body?

    Extrusion of acne

    The first desire that each of us experiences, noticing on the face of the ill-fated pimple - quickly squeeze it and forget how terrible a dream. Frankly, most do so, forgetting about the main thing - you can squeeze out only mature pimples that have a white head and do not respond with pain when pressed. In addition, during this procedure, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of hygiene - the hands should be clean, and the place where the pimple "flaunted" a few seconds ago must necessarily be burned with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide in order to prevent bacteria from getting there.

    Cleansing the face skin

    An excellent means of preventing acne and alleviating skin conditions when they appear is the right choice for cleansing the skin. Responsible approach to his choice, you will spare yourself from the regular torment on the topic of how to get rid of pimples and acne.

    When buying a cleanser, pay attention first of all to its compatibility with your skin type. You may have to try several cleansers before you finally stop on the one that's right for you. In addition, for washing you can use ordinary water with a few drops of lemon juice, and also wipe the face with an ice cube in the morning.

    Cleanse your face twice a day - morning and evening.

    It is better to refuse frequent( more than 3 times a day) and deep( scrubs, peeling) cleansing of the facial skin with pimples, as these procedures only activate the work of the sebaceous glands, leading to an even more spread of acne.

    Local preparations

    If acne has appeared, you can use a number of local preparations( ointments) that do not require doctor's prescriptions, are moderately effective and practically safe. These are traditional salicylic acid and sulfur, modern benzoyl peroxide( clerazil, oxy-10), azelaic acid. What means will be more effective for you - you will learn by means of samples. Perhaps you will be able to pick it up the first time, you may have to try a few options.

    When should I see a doctor?

    In a number of cases, the question "How to get rid of pimples and acne?" Can not be solved independently. If acne has passed into a severe stage, there are scars on the skin, and overall well-being leaves much to be desired - one should immediately consult a doctor.

    Also it is worth to discard the independent treatment of acne and immediately seek medical help from those who seek to get rid of acne fast.
    After examining you and asking a number of necessary questions, the doctor will find out the causes of acne, diagnose and prescribe the optimal treatment. You may need to pass tests, for example, on hormones or on susceptibility to prescribed medications.

    Healthy lifestyle

    If you do not want to constantly ask how to get rid of acne on the face and body, once and for all give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol contribute to various problems with the skin, including acne enhancement.

    But regular walks in the fresh air, sunbathing in the sun( but not under direct sunlight!), Proper nutrition and sufficient drink will have a beneficial effect on the skin condition and prevent the appearance of acne.

    Traditional medicine in acne control

    Folk cosmetology is rich in recipes for how to get rid of acne quickly and easily. These recipes have been tested for years and decades by more than one generation of women - but this has not lost its magical effect. Especially relevant are people's recipes for those who for some reason can not use pharmacy products in the fight against acne.

    .Masks for the face are quite effective in combating acne. Prepare them very simply - it can be grated cucumbers, tomatoes or ripe quince, mashed spoon berries of raspberries or strawberries, white clay or therapeutic mud.

    Steam baths .This is an excellent tool for cleaning the pores, after which it is very easy to remove ripened pimples. How to get rid of acne and acne with the help of steam baths? You need to do them twice a week. You can add soda or herbs to the water. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, at its end you need to wash with warm water and soap and rinse your face with cold water. Wipe face and rub 1% alcohol with salicylic acid solution.

    Herbal infusions of .Infusions of chamomile, aloe, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, celandine, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, burdock, dill well help to cope with pimples.

    Brewer's yeast
    .This remedy has long proven itself in the fight against acne, especially adolescent and youthful. It is necessary to use 1-2 tsp. Brewer's yeast daily before meals or during it.

    Diarrhea from acne

    Often the cause of aggravation of acne is malnutrition. Provocators of acne are sweet, fatty and spicy food, fast food, strong black tea and coffee, carbonated drinks.

    How to get rid of acne on the face with a special diet? The main food for you should be vegetables and fruits, greens, sour-milk products, a variety of cereals, bread from wholemeal flour, low-fat varieties of meat and fish. In the diet must be present lemon, garlic, carrots, parsley. You need to drink mineral water without gases, green tea, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits.

    Acne spots - how to get rid of

    After removing acne, there are often traces of spots and scarring. How do I delete them?

    A mask from green clay will help you to get rid of marks of acne. Half-a-teaspoon of clay should be diluted with cold water to the consistency of sour cream. Add 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil to the resulting mass. Apply to the spots where acne spots are left, for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water, apply moisturizer. Make these masks need four, every other day.

    The same mask can be made from white clay - it is especially effective if there are red marks after the acne. Dilute white clay in the same way as in the recipe above. Add 2-3 tsp to the received mass.lemon juice. Apply to stains for 15 minutes.wash off, moisturize the skin.

    Cucumber mask will help to get rid of marks of acne. To make it simple - just grate the fresh cucumber and apply the received mass to the problem areas for 15 minutes.

    Good at getting rid of acne spots and decoctions of parsley, St. John's wort, marigold. You can make gadgets or wipe your face with ice cubes from a frozen broth.

    In general, as you can see, the means of getting rid of pimples are similar to folk ways of getting rid of acne.

    You can get rid of pimples and acne either independently or with the help of doctors. Remember only that the appearance of this defect is directly related to the internal state of the body. So, watch your health and your skin will answer you with reciprocity: purity and lack of acne.