  • Uvch-therapy

    UHF-therapy is a complex therapeutic method, which uses the effect of an alternating electric field of ultra-high frequency( UHF), supplied to the problem places of the patient's body with the help of condenser plates. UHF-therapy procedures are used by such devices as UHF-30, UHF-66, "Ekran-1", UHF 8-30 "Undaterm"( a universal medium-power device that operates using a capacitor technique, induction cable and a tuned circuit), stationary device "Screen-2".These devices( portable and stationary) are connected to an alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V or 127 V. The electrical circuit of these devices consists of a power transformer, one circuit that is inductively coupled to a therapeutic device having capacitor plates-electrodes through which an impulse fieldultrahigh frequency on the problem( pathological foci) of the patient's place.

    Condenser plates-electrodes are:

    • disc metal plates of small dimensions coated with insulating material( plastic, rubber, plexiglass);

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    • flexible soft rectangular plates with an area of ​​150, 300 and 600 cm2.

    The procedure is carried out using two condenser platinum which are disposed transversely, longitudinally or at an angle to the surface of the body, the distance between them being at least equal to the diameter of the plate, otherwise there may be an increase in the field strength and overheating of the skin in the patientup to a burn).In the case where the capacitor plates-electrodes are located transversely, the lines of force of the electric field that arise when the apparatus is turned on penetrate the entire thickness of the focus of the impact on the patient's body. This technique is used for the deep location of the lesion( pathological).

    In the other case, when the pathological focus is on the patient's body surface, the capacitor plates-electrodes are installed longitudinally. According to this technique, the lines of force of the electric field are superficially located, but cover the pathological focus to a small depth, without penetrating into the interior.

    In medical practice, the first technique with transverse arrangement of condenser plates is most often used.

    When carrying out UHF-therapy procedures, the following condition must be observed: an air gap is left between the electrode plate and the patient's body surface, the magnitude of which is determined by the depth of the pathological focus. For example, with a superficial location of the lesion, the air gap is set at 0.5-1 cm, and at deep - from 2 to 4 cm. At the same time, the total clearance under both plates should not exceed 6 cm when using portable devices. In addition, the air gap must be kept unchanged throughout the procedure. This is achieved by using special gaskets made of perforated( ie with small holes) felt or felt of a certain thickness.

    When carrying out UHF procedures for children and adolescents, these gaskets are fixed on the electrode plates, and similarly with flexible soft electrodes.

    When performing the procedures, UHF observes the following condition: the air gap between one of the plate electrodes and the pathological focus should be minimal - from 2 to 1 cm, and the gap under the other electrode is large, but not more than 4 cm. For example, with pneumonia of the posterior segmentthe lower lobe of the right lung electrode plate is located at the front with an air gap of 4 cm and at the rear in 2 cm.

    Depending on the magnitude of the pathological focus, UHF procedures use electrode plates 1,2 or 3.

    When performing UHF procedures,dosagesThe effect of the electric field on the lesion( pathological) on the output power of the corresponding apparatus, on the patient's thermal sensations, and also on the time of exposure.

    In medical practice of UHF procedures based on sensations, patients distinguish between doses: athermic, oligothermic and thermal. At an athermal dose, heat formation in the pathological focus is negligible, so the thermal receptors of the skin are not perceived, and as a result, the patient does not experience a sensation of heat. To obtain an athermal and oligothermic dose, UHF procedures usually use the lowest output power of the corresponding apparatus. In the case when the patient feels a feeling of intense heat, increase the air gap in the permissible limits.

    To reduce the thermal dose due to resonance imbalance, focusing on the weak luminescence of the neon light bulb introduced into the electric field of UHF, is not recommended.

    Instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia established that exposure to the electric field of UHF in adults in the face, neck area is carried out at a power current of 20-30-40 W, in the chest, abdominal and small gas - 70-80-100 W,on small joints of brushes, wrist, ulnar, on humeral - 30-40 W, on ankle, knee, hip joints - 70-80 100 W.

    When performing UHF procedures in children and adolescents, the intensity of exposure is determined by age. For example, when exposed to an electric field, UHF in the face and neck area is set at 15-20-30 W, in the chest, abdomen - 30-40-70 W, on the upper and lower limbs - 15-20-30-40 W.To maintain a constant air gap during UHF procedures, children or teenagers between the electrode plates and the body surface are placed felt or flannel circles 1, 2, 3 cm thick, depending on the air gap.

    The procedure is carried out daily, but sometimes every other day. For the entire course of treatment, UHF therapy is prescribed from 5 to 15 procedures in adults and from 4 to 12 in children.

    The mechanism of action of the UHF-field is relatively complex and is expressed in the vibrational motion of charged particles with subsequent physico-chemical changes in the cellular and molecular structure of tissues in the region affecting the pathological focus of the patient. As a result of processes occurring in the surface and deep tissues under the influence of the UHF field, heat is released at different intensities, depending on the current supplied to the plate-electrode electrodes. At the same time, the application of the UHF field in the nonthermal dosage according to the methods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia has a pronounced oscillatory effect. It is practically impossible to isolate the thermal and oscillatory effects, therefore, the response reactions of the patient's body when exposed to pathological foci are related to the total effect of the UHF electric field, but with some procedures, it is possible to create the advantage of thermal or oscillatory action.

    Conducted in the USSR in the 1970-1980's.special clinical studies have reliably established that the electric field of UHF during the corresponding procedures has such actions as:

    • increased blood and lymph circulation in the pathological focus;

    • dehydration of inflamed tissues;

    • stimulation of the functions of the reticuloendothelial system, increased activity and intensity of phagocytosis;

    • a noticeable increase in the number of calcium ions in the inflammatory focus;

    • decrease in the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, slowing the absorption of toxic products from the focus of inflammation;

    • Strengthening the formation of a protective barrier from the elements of connective tissue;

    • antispastic action on the smooth musculature of the stomach, intestines, gall bladder;

    • marked stimulation of bile secretion;

    • a certain decrease in the secretion of bronchial glands, acceleration of regeneration of nerve elements in inflammatory-degenerative and traumatic injuries;

    • expansion of capillaries, arterioles;

    • acceleration of blood flow in the pathological focus;

    • Decrease in high blood pressure( bradycardia is often manifested);

    • increasing glomerular filtration;

    • increased blood flow in the kidney area.

    The following indications are scientifically substantiated for the use of UHF therapy:

    • acute inflammatory processes in organs and systems;

    • trauma to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves;

    • radiculitis;

    • neuralgia;

    • poliomyelitis;

    • encephalitis;

    • myelitis during periods of subacute and chronic course;

    • Raynaud's disease;

    • obliterating endarteritis;

    • acute and subacute inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

    The following contraindications were found in specialized clinics:

    • malignant neoplasms;

    • systemic blood diseases;

    • Heart failure of II-III degree;

    • aneurysm of the aorta;

    • hypotension( persistent low blood pressure);

    • tendency to bleeding;

    • myocardial infarction;

    • pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase.