  • How to deal with the unpleasant pathology of caries of enamel?

    Caries of enamel is a representation of the carious process. The pathology is subdivided into the initial and superficial carious process. In the course of time, the nature of the disease is slow and rapid.

    Where does the disease come from?

    Caries enamel is considered one of the most well-studied dental problems. According to modern doctors, the main provoking factor for the development of this unpleasant disease is the microflora of the oral cavity.


    Dentists distinguish two kinds of tooth enamel caries:

    • is a carious speck affecting exclusively tooth enamel;
    • surface caries process( the enamel-dentinal border of the damaged tooth is not affected).

    Clinical picture of

    If caries of tooth enamel involves the presence of small specific lesions, then a person does not experience discomfort. The risk of damage depends on its size. The larger its diameter, the higher the risk that the disease will progress rapidly.

    When the fast-flowing form of pathology progresses, the picture is as follows:

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    1. A smooth speck is transformed into rough and matte over time.
    2. During the examination in the dental office, the probe sticks to the surface.
    3. Enamel softens and scraps off easily enough.

    Plaque causing tooth decay of the tooth enamel, in some cases, prevents the examination of the pathological speck. For this reason, the disease can be diagnosed at the stage of carious cavity not affecting the dentine.

    The danger is that this process is not characterized by specific manifestations. The tooth, affected by the initial carious process, refuses to respond to temperature or mechanical stimuli. A person does not hurry with a visit to the dentist, which contributes to the progression of the disease in more severe stages.

    How to help?

    In modern conditions, the treatment of enamel caries is not only to restore the correct form of the actual crown, but also to ensure the introduction of the systemic approach. It includes:

    • filling of the affected cavity;
    • dissection of dental hard tissues;
    • carrying out sealing and remineralizing therapy;
    • careful hygiene of the oral cavity;
    • the operation of toothpastes, which contain fluoride;
    • exclusion from its diet of harmful products;
    • use in the treatment of caries enamel preparations containing fluoride.

    Presentation of the development of caries is treated much easier and faster. To avoid adverse effects, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

    Remineralizing therapy plays a special role in the treatment of pathology, contributing to the rapid "revival" of enamel. During the procedure, the dentist uses fluoride-containing varnishes and gels.

    How to prevent the development of the disease

    Prevention of caries enamel is not fundamentally different from the measures that are recommended to take in order to prevent other carious processes.

    A person at risk is advised to:

    1. Daily clean teeth( twice a day) with a paste containing fluoride.
    2. Rinse the mouth after eating( dentists recommend using clean water or chlorhexidine solution).
    3. Give preference to solid products.
    4. To exclude or reduce the consumption of sugar, to refuse confectionery.
    5. Regularly( every six months) is examined in the dental office.

    It is also recommended to abandon alcoholic beverages and nicotine. The use of strong coffee and non-alcoholic carbonated beverages should be reduced.

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