
Symptoms, forms, causes of candidal stomatitis and the main methods of its treatment

  • Symptoms, forms, causes of candidal stomatitis and the main methods of its treatment

    The mucous mouth of a person, regardless of his age, is very vulnerable. The most numerous pathologies can be provoked by bacteria, infections and fungi. Known pathology is candidal stomatitis. Fungus, penetrated into the body, develops in the mouth of the patient, and in other vital organs.

    At risk are small children and elderly people, whose immune system has weakened considerably.

    Why does the disease occur?

    Modern physicians distinguish the following reasons for which this pathology arises and progresses:

    1. Wearing dentures.
    2. Abuse of nicotine.
    3. Operation of oral contraceptives.
    4. Fetal bearing( the onset of candidal stomatitis is explained by changes on the hormonal background).
    5. Pathologies of the digestive tract.
    6. Non-compliance with hygiene recommendations.

    The manifestation of the pathology

    Physicians are known for chronic and acute candidiasis. If treatment is incorrect, then the pathology is transformed into a chronic form.

    Acute process

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    Symptoms of candidiasis stomatitis during the course of the disease in this form are fairly pronounced. The general symptoms include temperature increase, general weakness, rapid fatigue.

    One of the most common forms of this pathology is pseudomembranous stomatitis, which in common people is called thrush. The risk group includes infants and children born before the due date. The development of this form of stomatitis in adults is possible only in the presence of such accompanying pathologies as:

    1. Diabetes mellitus.
    2. Pathology of the blood.
    3. The presence of a malignant tumor.

    Symptoms of candidal stomatitis in children are expressed as follows:

    1. On the mucosa, spots( or plaque) of white color are formed, which, in the case of a mild illness, are quickly eliminated.
    2. Distribution of articulated foci of plaque throughout( when removing plaque, painful bleeding wounds can be detected).
    3. The child does not sleep well, often fusses and refuses to eat.

    In case of incorrect treatment, the risk of converting pseudomembranous candidosis to atrophic is very high. Also this kind of pathology can develop against the background of taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

    In adults, the symptoms of candidal stomatitis look as follows:

    1. High degree of soreness.
    2. Painful syndrome is accompanied by dryness and palpable burning sensation in the mouth.
    3. Appearance on the border of the lips of specific crusts( no plaque).
    4. Distortion of taste sensations.
    5. Atrophy of the filiform papillae of the tongue.

    Chronic process

    An untreated acute form of pathology often flows into a chronic one. Most often, there is a progression of hyperplastic candidiasis. People at risk are those suffering from tuberculosis, as well as taking antibiotic and cytostatic drugs. The following signs are observed:

    1. Articulation of white plaques, "repainting" them in a dirty yellow shade.
    2. Distribution of the raid everywhere.
    3. Presence of bleeding erosion under the plaque.
    4. In the mouth of the patient feels a burning sensation and dryness.

    Persons wearing plate dentures are at risk of developing atrophic chronic candidiasis. The patient feels discomfort and pain, as well as dryness and burning sensation. Specific plaque is formed on the "sides" of the tongue and in the deepest folds.

    Effective assistance to the patient

    Treatment of candidal stomatitis involves the rapid elimination of the penetrated fungus and the relief of relapse. Often, the doctor appoints a patient a course of etiotropic therapy, which includes the use of antifungal medicines for local and systemic use.

    Local medicines

    Local treatment of candidal stomatitis involves the use of solutions, ointments and sprays. These drugs are used if the disease is mild.

    The doctor prescribes the use of:

    • nystatin;
    • clotrimazole.

    Apply these ointments recommended for painful areas. The procedure should be twice a day. Within thirty minutes the patient should not eat or drink. The course of treatment is ten days.

    Doctors advise to use and antiseptic solutions that help to destroy the fungus. Rinse should be done at least six times a day.

    If the disease is severe, the doctor recommends that the patient take medicines for systemic action:

    • pimafucine;
    • fluconazole;
    • polishenaks;
    • clotrimazole;
    • nystatin.

    Recommended medications should be active against yeast-like fungi.

    Ancient means from the misfortune of

    Everyone who has encountered this pathology is probably thinking about how to treat candidal stomatitis without the use of medications. To help here comes "grandmother's" wisdom.


    Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of herbal decoctions. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. In addition to rinses, it is recommended to make lotions.


    You can also rinse the mouth with cranberry, carrot and raspberry juice. If the freshly squeezed juices are also consumed inside, the disease will quickly recede.


    Treatment with folk remedies is carried out with the help of special applications. They use rosehip oil and sea buckthorn, which have not only anesthetic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to these applications, the wounds heal quickly enough.

    The patient should eat garlic because there are substances in it that stop the spread of the fungus.

    Nutrition of the patient

    In order to relieve the condition of a person suffering from candidal stomatitis, the attending physician recommends that he adhere to a sparing diet. The adoption of certain foods contributes to rapid relief of the painful syndrome.

    It is recommended that you exclude foods containing carbohydrates from your menu. It should not be during the treatment to eat semi-finished and canned food.

    To include in your diet you need:

    1. Fiber.
    2. Meat steamed.
    3. Groats.
    4. Sour-milk products.
    5. Vegetables.
    6. Fruits.

    It is possible to ease food intake by rinsing the food in puree. It is important to ensure that the food is not hot, but warm.

    Risk elimination

    In order to exclude the appearance of an unpleasant disease, it is important to abandon the harmful habits, avoid injuring the oral cavity, adhere to the diet and correctly take prescribed by the doctor antibiotic medications.

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