  • Hypertensive disease: 1, 2 and 3 degrees. Symptoms and treatment.

    It is known that hypertension takes more lives than diseases such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis.

    Every fifth person on the planet suffers from hypertension, this is one of the most common diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the world. What is hypertension and what are the causes of its appearance?

    Hypertension refers to cardiovascular diseases characterized by high blood pressure. The insidiousness of the disease is that not everyone suspects the problem, but connects the headache, weakness, heart ailment with usual fatigue. Most often, after a night's sleep and rest, the condition improves, and hypertensive patients for many years do not suspect about the violation of the functions of vegetative-vascular system and blood pressure.

    The human heart pushes blood into the vessels every minute, which circulates through the arteries, thus providing oxygen exchange between the cells in the body.

    1. The upper value of blood pressure indicates the force with which blood is pushed into the blood vessels by the heart. The higher this force and the greater the resistance of the vessels, the greater the magnitude of the systolic pressure.
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    2. The lower index is associated with the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, and the better the blood vessels keep the blood pressure between the heart pushes, the greater the lower figure of the arterial pressure, called the diastolic one.
    Hypertension causes great damage to health, leads to the development of dangerous diseases of the heart and brain( nephrosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris).If you do not adjust the pressure, you may experience arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis.

    Causes of Hypertonic Disease

    Why does hypertension develop and what is it? The disease develops as a result of functional disorders of the brain and vegetative system, regulating the contraction of the heart and the volume of ejected blood. There are negative factors that provoke hypertension.

    Risk factors:

    • is a hereditary predisposition to hypertension;
    • stresses, nervous disorders;
    • chronic heart failure;
    • increased weight;
    • smoking;
    • reception of alcoholic beverages;
    • lifestyle with little physical exertion.
    The higher the pressure, the more the human heart works with great zeal. It, like a pump, tries to perform its functions, up to an increase in size( hypertrophy).However, such loads do not pass without a trace, the heart weakens, wears out, which leads to heart failure.

    In addition, narrowing and thickening of the vessels, and the wall becomes inelastic, brittle, which often provokes the development of hemorrhagic stroke or heart attack.

    Causes of hypertension:

    1. 1) The action of adrenaline on the heart due to stress. The pressure is increasing due to an increase in heart rate and an increase in the volume of ejected blood;
    2. 2) Excess amount of sodium in the blood;
    3. 3) Elevated levels of calcium in the blood;
    4. 4) Sclerosis of arteries and plaques of an atherosclerotic nature on the walls of blood vessels;
    5. 5) Kidney diseases that cause the release of substances that interfere with the regulation of blood pressure;
    6. 6) Taking medication( oral contraceptives, glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory drugs);
    7. 7) Other diseases that cause endocrine, hemodynamic, renal, renovascular hypertension.
    Also read the symptoms of hypotension.

    Symptoms of hypertensive disease

    You can conduct self-diagnosis and check if you have hypertension. Symptoms of hypertension include headaches, tachycardia, dizziness, sweating, chills, swelling of the eyelids and faces in the morning, anxiety, irritability, numbness of the extremities.

    If performance is reduced, fatigue, weakness, a feeling of pulsation in the temporal region, tachycardia, then hypertension is most likely to develop. It is necessary to adjust pressure and way of life, otherwise irreparable changes and severe lesions of the kidneys, organs of the brain, vessels and eyes may appear.

    At a late stage of the disease, the symptoms are permanent. There is a violation of coordination of movements, gait changes, arms and legs become weak, vision deteriorates. Visibly decreases intelligence and memory.

    Degrees of disease

    It is common for women and men to distinguish between 3 stages of hypertension, which we will discuss in more detail below.

    1. First degree, when the pressure level slightly changes( 140/95; 160/100).Light headaches, minor sleep disorders. The condition is normalized after rest;
    2. The second degree differs from the first in that pathologies appear in the vessels of other organs( left ventricular hypertrophy, arterial narrowing, kidney proteinuria).High and stable pressure( 160/100; 180/120);
    3. The third degree with the development of circulatory disorders of the internal organs, the manifestation of complications( angina, heart attack, blockage of arteries, stroke, kidney and heart failure).The pressure reaches the level of 220/115;230/130.Sometimes doctors and do not manage to normalize the pressure and there is a fatal outcome.
    Depending on the changes that have occurred in other organs, they share the cerebral, renal and cardiac form of hypertension. Also classify the types of hypertensive crises: hypokinetic, hyperkinetic, eukinetic.

    Treatment of essential hypertension

    Treatment of mild hypertension is carried out according to the following scheme. Initially, non-drug therapy is performed. In order to avoid this disease, it is enough to lead a normal lifestyle, exercise, walk daily in the air, observe a certain diet.

    It is not necessary to resort to medications to prevent disease. It is important to observe the regime of the day, eat less salt and fat, give up such habits as alcoholism and smoking. Very effective are such physiotherapy procedures as electrosleep, reflexotherapy, acupuncture.

    Treatment of hypertension is conducted in a comprehensive manner, including non-drug therapy, non-traditional therapies and medications.

    To medical products are beta - adrenoblocker in combination with diuretic, calcium antagonist together with beta - adrenoblocker, ACE inhibitor and beta - adrenoblocker.

    In addition, an ACE inhibitor with a diuretic is prescribed, a calcium antagonist with an ACE inhibitor. Diuretic drugs are used immediately. And most often over a long period. The lack of use of diuretics - a deterioration in potency in men, a decrease in the level of potassium in the body.

    The goal of the treatment is not just to reduce pressure, but to diagnose the exact cause that caused the disease. In the treatment of more severe forms of the disease, combinations of several antihypertensive drugs are used.

    Diagnosis of the disease in any conditions with a tonometer, in addition the doctor can appoint tests of urine, blood, ECG, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, dopplerography, arteriography, etc.

    Complications of

    As a result of hypertension, a number of diseases are developing, related to cardiac, renal, brain, vascular disorders. With the defeat of blood vessels there is a risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure.

    Hypertension affects all organs - eyes, kidneys, heart, brain. Often, diseases caused by complications become fatal. That's why it is important to constantly monitor the level of pressure and monitor your health.

    Prevention of hypertension

    The main enemy of health is malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle and bad habits. To normalize the level of blood pressure, it is necessary to maintain the vessels in an elastic state, which largely depends on the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    Read also how to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    To keep the vessels elastic, you need to consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, use as little as possible animal fats and salt in the diet. Since salt retains water, and more than 30% of primary hypertension is associated with excessive sodium content in the blood, monitor the amount of salty foods consumed.

    It is important to exclude smoking and drinking alcohol. Avoid stress, since this is an important factor that provokes hypertension. The pressure increases because of the fact that there is a tachycardia, you need to follow and that's behind it. Constant stress significantly worsens the vascular system, hypertension due to stressful situations can become chronic.

    Remember that the likelihood of developing hypertension significantly increases the following diseases:

    • obesity;
    • liver disease;
    • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • kidney failure.
    Hypertension often does not manifest itself, so the disease is called a silent killer. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to measure it.

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