  • 7 Ways to Efficiently Lose Weight Without Diets

    There is a truly huge amount of a wide variety of diets and nutrition systems. Some of them are absurd, others are ineffective, and others are generally dangerous to health! While nutritionists argue endlessly about the fact that when and how much you can eat, there are a number of simple and time-tested recommendations, in respect of which most of the relevant specialists show a rare unanimity. These axioms of dietetics are usually simple to use, accessible to everyone losing weight and lead to healthy and stable results.

    7 ways to lose weight effectively without diets

    1. Eat less, but more often. According to recognized experts in the field of weight loss, the fractional mode of eating is an important strategy for correct weight loss. Five or even six meals a day in small portions ensures a regular and timely supply of calories, controls the sugar content in the blood, serves as a good prevention of overeating and, most importantly, relieves the body of the need to make stocks "in case of hunger."
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    3. Do not overeat and eat slowly. Everyone must have heard that the meal should be finished with a slight sense of hunger. This advice has not lost its relevance to this day. The fact is that the signal of full saturation comes to the brain about 20 minutes after the fact of normal hunger and filling of the stomach. If you often ignore this rule, then excess calories are guaranteed. And this is a direct way to create fat reserves and pathological accumulation of body weight.

    4. Make dinner easy. Contrary to popular belief, there is no urgent need to absolutely nothing to eat after eighteen hours. Of course, if you get up at 5-6 in the morning, perhaps such a regime will be physiological for you. In all other cases, two simple rules should be adhered to: try not to eat after twelve hours after lifting and make the last meal easy enough. Of course, here again it is necessary to adhere to common sense - impressive portions of heavy, fatty and sweet food for the night, will negate all efforts to form a beautiful and harmonious figure.

    5. Drink water. Sometimes, in order to begin to lose weight, it is enough to have such a simple action as using the right amount of clean water. According to most experts, it is somewhere around 2 liters of fluid, that is, 6-8 glasses. Water is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes and is involved in reactions that take place when getting rid of excess fat. In addition, we often confuse hunger with thirst, and the use of sufficient water automatically reduces the amount of food consumed.

    6. Control the amount of fat in the diet. Reasonable restriction of calories coming from excessively fatty foods is simply necessary for effective weight loss. First, physiologically fat serves as a reserve source of energy and therefore it is much easier for our body to put it aside for storage than to directly spend it on providing energy needs. Secondly, 1 gram of fat is equivalent to 9 kilocalories in contrast to 4 kilocalories contained in the same amount of proteins or carbohydrates. At the same time, it is not necessary not to use lipids completely, but it is also dangerous for health. Therefore, try to adhere to the recommended norms of consumption, not exceeding them, but also not falling below the necessary minimum.

    7. Restrict the consumption of sweet food. Sweet food provokes a strong release of insulin - a hormone involved in the process of accumulation of fats. In addition, because of the sudden jumps in blood glucose, the excess of simple sugars in the food stimulates the appetite, causing you to again and again consume an excessive amount of calories.

    8. Practice! For effective weight loss, it is important not only to competently approach the formulation of diet and diet. Of great importance is a sufficient level of motor activity. With well-balanced physical activity, the body not only burns excess fat directly during training, but also because of increased metabolic rate, continues this process with usual daily activities and even - at rest!

    Compliance with these simple recommendations from Vse-Sekrety.ru allows you to control body weight without resorting to the use of hard and not always harmless diets. The development of proper eating habits: a reasonable motor mode and a positive attitude - will provide you with a harmonious figure, while maintaining health, vitality and peace of mind!