  • Thoracic chondrosis: symptoms and treatment, causes, exercise therapy

    Thoracic chondrosis( osteochondrosis) of the spine is the most "tricky" and rare pathology of the spine. Degeneration of the spine of this department is quite a rare phenomenon.

    Since, firmly connected twelve vertebrae of the thoracic region, it is reliably protected by a muscular corset. It does not allow to exceed the anatomical amplitude between the vertebrae. Additional strength and elasticity are created by the ribs.

    What causes chest chondrosis?

    The most significant reason for the onset of chest chondrosis is the scoliosis formed in childhood. The development of breast chondrosis is facilitated by a variety of causes, depending:

    • from the hereditary factor;
    • excess weight, with irrational nutrition;
    • limited work movements;
    • heavy loads on the vertebrae;
    • for age and hypothermia;
    • instability of adjacent vertebral segments;
    • of nervous overstrain and bad habits;
    • from severe bruises, cracks and possible fractures.

    Symptoms of chest chondrosis

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    A distinctive feature is the manifestation of various types of pain. Thoracic chondrosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

    1. 1) The pain, called dorsago, appears as a lumbago with a prolonged, motionless position of the body. The attempt to change the position causes severe pain.
    2. 2) Restriction of movements in the vertebral parts, tension of the dorsal muscles, and pain with deep inspiration - characterize dorsalgia.
    3. 3) Internal( visceral) manifestations are caused by damage to the nerve root of the upper thoracic region, causing paroxysmal pain in the esophagus and larynx.
    4. 4) The defeat of the nerve endings in the middle thoracic region causes gastric pain, and strengthens it with prolonged rest on the back.
    5. 5) Pain manifestations in the duodenum and numbness of the anterior wall of the peritoneum causes pressure on the 8th and 9th spinal root.
    Disturbance of gastric motility, a characteristic symptom of chest osteochondrosis is manifested:

    • signs of intoxication;
    • burning in the esophagus and bloating;
    • is a painful manifestation in the left hypochondrium;
    • is diarrhea or constipation.
    Secretory and motor pathologies in the duodenum due to chest chondrosis are manifested:

    • intoxication and unpleasant eructations;
    • sensation of severity and painful manifestations in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

    Treatment of chest chondrosis

    The main diagnostic method is X-ray examination, which allows to determine the level of vertebral destruction and changes in the intervertebral space. Due to the similarity of symptoms with other diseases, differential diagnosis is carried out.

    For example - various manifestations of heart pain, characteristic of angina pectoris, or symptoms characteristic of pulmonary pathology. Based on the data of the study, clinical diagnosis and the identification of the leading symptomatology, correct medical tactics are drawn up.

    Tactics treatment of chest chondrosis and the treatment process depends on the manifestation of symptoms, clinical course, severity and related background diseases.

    The goal of the treatment of chondrosis is to eliminate pain symptoms, restore the functions of the nerve roots, prevent further structural dysfunction of the vertebrae and segments. Treatment consists of a complex phased process.

    Physiotherapeutic treatment, including:

    • electrophoresis and inductometry procedures;
    • vacuum and laser therapy;
    • treatment with diadynamic and sinusoidal-modulated currents;
    • acupuncture
    • methods of magnetopuncture and pharmacopuncture;
    Medication Therapy, consisting of:

    • from muscle relaxants and venatonics - vasoregulatory, diuretic and muscle relaxing drugs;
    • paravertebral novocain blockades.
    The choice of exercises LFK - the main stage in the treatment of chest chondrosis. It is aimed at restoring the patient's working capacity. The main emphasis is:

    • on exercises strengthening muscles - stretching the spine;
    • on gymnastics, which helps to restore the mobility of the spine;
    • exercises on setting the right breathing to improve pulmonary ventilation to remove painful symptoms with deep breathing;
    • training in relaxation techniques - quick relaxation.
    Gymnastics and exercises will give the desired result, only when all causative factors are eliminated( see exercises with osteochondrosis).If the course of treatment is not effective, taking into account the marked symptomatology, various radical, surgical techniques are used.

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