  • Osteochondrosis: symptoms, treatment, causes, diagnosis

    Osteochondrosis is a disease with inherent dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage.

    Perhaps the development of the disease in almost any joint, but the intervertebral discs suffer most often.

    Based on the location of osteochondrosis, today there are three types of disease: cervical, lumbar and thoracic.

    There is an osteochondrosis due to a sedentary lifestyle, with a heavy load on the spine and intervertebral discs. Manifestations of osteochondrosis are familiar to many people. How to deal with it, what are the methods of treatment, and prevention you will learn in this article.

    Causes of osteochondrosis

    Many people think osteochondrosis is a problem associated with upright walking. In fact, not a single four-legged animal suffers from this. The main reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis is a disproportionate distribution of the load on the spine, while a weak muscular corset appears. That is why training based on exercises for the back, helps to cope with the disease.
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    In these situations, the likelihood of developing the disease increases:

    • muscle corset weakens with a sedentary lifestyle;
    • increased loads;
    • extra pounds;
    • a variety of back injuries;
    • incorrect posture and prolonged stay in uncomfortable back position, for example, during work;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements.
    Even with the optimal mode of the day, the development of osteochondrosis is possible due to the lack of components necessary for the body. Today, this problem is huge, since human nutrition is oversaturated with fast carbohydrates, the benefits of which are highly questionable.

    Risk Factors

    People suffer most after 30 years. Also especially at risk of representatives of inactive occupations - engineers, programmers, accountants, etc.

    An important factor is excess weight and bad habits. Osteochondrosis affects from 50 to 90% of the population of the entire planet. The first signs can appear even in the pubertal period.

    Stages of osteochondrosis of the spine

    1. The first stage of development of osteochondrosis. Reduces the height of the disk due to the dehydration of the pulpous nucleus. Pathology does not go beyond intervertebral disks.

    2. The second stage of osteochondrosis. Because of the decrease in the height of the disc, the attachment points of the ligaments and muscles approach. There is a vertebral-motor instability. Also at this stage, the vertebrae mix or slip in relation to each other.

    3. The third stage of osteochondrosis. Protrusions and prolapses appear on the intervertebral discs. Arthroses and subluxations in the intervertebral joints form.

    4. The fourth stage of osteochondrosis. At the 4th stage of the disease there is a degenerative restoration of the spine. It is characterized by adaptive changes in the spine. Our body adapts and overcomes the excessive mobility of the vertebrae. There are osteophytes or bony growths. Gradually the disease leads to the fact that the spine becomes a column - bone and motionless.

    Symptoms of osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis often develops following symptoms, which are associated with unpleasant sensations in one or more parts of the spine. Discomfort and pain can be minor, and sometimes they become dull, strong, pulling and even intolerable - at lumbago.

    In addition, there are such signs of the disease:

    • chilliness of the legs and hands, excessive sensitivity in different parts on the body.
    • pain in the shoulder, scapula, occiput, neck.
    • fast fatigue at any physical stress, and also with mental work.
    • pain giving to the feet.
    When cervical osteochondrosis occurs dizziness, reduced visual acuity, there is a rapid eye fatigue.

    With lumbar osteochondrosis, there may be problems from the sexual sphere, namely dysfunction of a different plan. That's why many male patients after the treatment of osteochondrosis activate male power. For women, the sacro-lumbar department and normalization of its work means a normal course of pregnancy and easy conception.

    Symptoms of chest osteochondrosis are: pain, numbness and the appearance of "goose bumps" near the chest, abdomen and legs. Many signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are nonspecific, so the disease is easily confused with some other pathology. However, chest osteochondrosis happens rarely.

    Diagnosis of spine osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis, diagnosed by a neurologist. The spine is examined in a standing, lying and sitting position, in motion, and also in rest. The doctor can determine the deformation and the level of the spine with a special circuit.

    Diagnostic examination includes the study of posture, the characteristic features of the body, the line of spinous processes, the lower corners of the scapula, the relief of muscles, the contours of the waist and neck are noted. Due to the feeling of the spine, it is possible to supplement the indications of the examination, to identify the location, degree of damage and its nature.

    There is an overstrain of the muscles next to the spine, muscle tone increases. The patient is often asked to bend in the spine. This allows you to determine the amplitude of motion in each department of the spine. If we talk about medical research, then especially relevant radiography, computed tomography and MRI.Thanks to modern methods, you and the doctor will be able to determine the degree of lesion of the spine, clarify the diagnosis, identify other problems and pathologies.

    After diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment and further preventive actions.

    Treatment of osteochondrosis

    It is possible to treat osteochondrosis at home. If conservative treatment is not effective, surgical or in other words surgical intervention is used. Depending on the lesion and the development of the disease, certain volumes of operation of osteochondrosis will be needed.

    The duration of therapy depends on the age-related changes, the degree of the disease, the diligence in implementing the doctor's recommendations. Often enough one or a couple of months for what worked conservative methods of treatment. If it is an operational intervention, the recovery will take about one year.

    Some patients feel pain at the beginning of therapy. This happens because the muscular system responds so much to the new influence. The pain soon disappears due to the use of modern massage techniques, manual therapy, as well as medical preparations. The patient needs will and perseverance, a certain patience until full recovery. An important positive attitude.

    What does the treatment of osteochondrosis involve? This is physiotherapy, massage, physical education, spinal traction, medications, as well as reflexology.

    1. 1) The main method is considered therapeutic exercise( see exercises for osteochondrosis).In this case, the physician prescribes special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles, developing normal movement and creating a harmonious posture. Joint gymnastics and rehabilitation equipment will increase blood circulation, improve metabolism in tissues, form a normal muscle corset, reduce the burden on the spine.
    2. 2) Physiotherapy, namely magnetotherapy, laser therapy, low frequency currents, ultrasound help relieve soreness, inflammation, and help the patient to be rehabilitated after the surgery. Due to the fact that the risk of complications decreases with the use of physiotherapeutic methods, the benefits of drug therapy increase, metabolic processes in the body and spine in particular improve, this method is very relevant.
    3. 3) Massage helps relieve tension in muscles, activate immunity, remove pain. In order for it to be effective, and not damaged the spine, you should contact a specialist.
    4. 4) Manual therapy is another method of fighting osteochondrosis. Helps to remove pain and increase range of movements, correct posture. The normal mobility of the organs is restored, the movement of lymph and blood, metabolism, immunity improves, which is extremely important for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
    5. 5) The traction or special traction of the spine improves the intervertebral space, relieves pain, restoring the harmonious shape of the spine and back, in general. For this procedure you need special equipment.
    6. 6) In case of osteochondrosis with pain, imbalance, excess kilograms and sleep problems, this method of treatment as reflexotherapy is used. The doctor influences special acupuncture points, stimulates the natural recovery of the body, leading the body into a harmonious state.
    To remove the inflammatory process, to remove pain, and also to increase metabolism in the back and spine area, medications are used, mostly pills and ointments. Fastum gel, Finalgon, Dolobene gel, Chondroxide has a different effect on tissues and on the body as a whole.

    For massage it is recommended to use bee venom and mummy. The components contained in these ointments help relieve pain, improve blood circulation, have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Analgin and Ketanov apply on the recommendation of the doctor for pain.

    Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies

    Basically, osteochondrosis at home is treated with chemical and vegetable preparations. Such folk remedies like - alcohol, turpentine, analgin, anesthetize and warm up, increase blood circulation, reduce spasm and pain.

    The following recipe will ideally help with severe pain. It is necessary to apply rubbing to the purpose of prompt removal of pain.

    After 4-5 procedures, you will notice a significant relief.


    • ten tablets of analgin;
    • is a little iodine;
    • three hundred milliliters of medical alcohol;
    • 10 ml of camphor alcohol.
    All components are mixed, dissolved. The mixture very effectively helps with pain, if it rubs sore spots. After you have applied it, you may have a burning sensation. If there are affected areas of the skin, the solution should not be used.
    If necessary, use this solution, and it will certainly relieve pain.

    What is the course therapy for osteochondrosis? If the tablets only affect slightly, use this remedy. You will feel better after a couple of months.

    So, for preparation of a medicinal mixture you need two compositions:

    1. 50 ml of camphor alcohol and vodka, 50 grams of dry mustard powder, 3 whipped egg whites. After mixing all the ingredients of the mixture, press it for 12 hours.
    2. 150 mg of vodka, 50 grams of aloe, one hundred grams of honey. This composition is also stirred until uniform and infused for the same period of time.
    Used to treat one of the spine sections.

    How to apply? It is necessary to put the mixture in the form of a compress on the troubling spine. Compresses are applied twice a day. You can use a normal cloth, wetting it with a solution. The course is the following: 3 days use composition number one, the next 3 days - a mixture at number two, then alternate them in order for three days. You can get considerable relief if you do not interrupt treatment.

    Gymnastics for osteochondrosis

    It can be performed after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

    In the cervical type of osteochondrosis, such exercises are recommended:

    • the head needs to be thrown back. With your right ear, touch the right shoulder, and after that, the left one touch the left shoulder. Repeat several times.
    • lower the chin to the neck. Gently turn your head to the left and then to the right.
    • shake your head a little, at first as if you are waving "no", and then as if agreeing with something.
    In lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended:

    • alternately raising the right leg and left hand, standing on all fours. Then vice versa.
    • twists of the torso lying on the back in different directions.
    • pulling the knees to the chest.
    • deflection and arched back, standing on the knees.
    For warm-up and effective gymnastics, use also a gymnastic big ball.

    Complications of osteochondrosis

    If you do not treat osteochondrosis, then the following complications may occur:

    • lumbago;
    • radiculitis;
    • herniated intervertebral;
    • osteophytosis;
    • VSD;
    • invalidization;
    • Migraine;
    • sciatica;
    • spondylolysis.
    You can avoid these and other consequences if consult a specialist in time.

    Prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine

    What recommendations can be given to people seeking to prevent osteochondrosis?

    1. 1) Rational nutrition. It is very important that you have enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. Spices, spices, sauces, steamed and in the oven, be sure animal protein - all this should be on your table. But the amount of salt, as well as salty foods, sugar, fast carbohydrates, grapes, alcohol, coffee should be limited. To eat is best fractionally, about five to six times a day. Do not forget about the benefits of sour-milk products: it is proved that due to a lack of calcium there is an osteochondrosis. If there is a shortage of this or that vitamin or mineral, the doctor will appoint them additionally.
    2. 2) Massage. Even alone, you can perform a daily self-massage procedure. For this, well, but gently massage your back, lower back, legs.
    3. 3) Physical education. Finding exercises for the back and the whole body is easy today. The main thing is to set aside time for this: it takes 10 minutes in the workplace or at home to ease the pressure on the spine. If you already had osteochondrosis, then perform a special stretching of the spine.
    4. 4) Swimming. If there is such an opportunity, swim in the pool on your back. This will help relieve the back.
    5. 5) More movements. At lunchtime or in the evening, walk. Such a walk, simple at first glance, will help to activate the exchange processes.

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