  • Treatment of sciatica nerve inflammation: symptoms, causes

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve with the localization of painful sensations directly into the lumbar region with their irradiation into various parts of the legs is called sciatica.

    A particular manifestation of sciatica is sciatica or neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. It is characterized by local inflammation of the roots of the nerve with the development of pain sensations only in the region of the lower back. Sciatica occurs mainly at the age of middle age with the same frequency among women and men.

    The sciatic nerve is one of the major nerves in the human body. It starts from the lower back with all the roots of the spinal nerves of this department and descends through the back surface of the pelvis, giving branches to various parts of the legs to the feet themselves.

    The main functions of the sciatic nerve: providing mobility and sensitivity of the lower limbs. Symptoms of sciatica are diverse and closely related to the localization of pathological changes.

    Causes of sciatic nerve inflammation

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    The following are the main causes of the disease:

    1. 1) Nerve irritation by surrounding tissues( bones, muscles, tumor, abscess, etc.);
    2. 2) Concomitant diseases, including infectious nature( diabetes, influenza, rheumatism, tuberculosis, infections in the pelvic cavity, etc.);
    3. 3) Nerve compression, the causes of which are:
    4. 4) Intervertebral hernia, which arises from the protrusion from the intervertebral disc( it performs the function of laying) through the fibrous ring of its inner contents - the pulpous core. It compresses the roots of the nerve, which provokes symptoms of sciatica nerve inflammation. Promotes intervertebral hernia: abnormal posture, elevation of gravity, etc.;
    5. 5) Change in the functioning of the sacroiliac joint, which leads to irritation of the nerve;
    6. 6) Osteochondrosis - in the translation from the Latin language "osteo" - bone, "chondr" - cartilage, "oz" - a non-inflammatory disease, in the basis of the pathogenesis of which there are degenerative changes affecting the tissues of the intervertebral discs. After a while, the disks change, around them are formed growths, consisting of bone tissue, which irritate the roots of the sciatic nerve;
    7. 7) Pear-shaped muscle syndrome, which causes irritation of the muscle tissue, as well as the nerve located next to it. As a result of this irritation, symptoms appear that are characteristic of sciatica;
    8. 8) Stenosis( stenosis) of the lumen of the spinal canal at the exit point of the roots of the sciatic nerve. A similar pathology is characteristic of elderly people over the age of 60 years. The cause of stenosis is associated with the expansion of vertebral joints, excessive formation of soft tissues surrounding the spine, which compress the roots of the nerves;
    9. 9) Spondylolisthesis - periodic slipping of the vertebrae in relation to each other, which leads to damage to the roots of the nerve and inflammation.

    Pathogenesis of

    Mechanisms that cause pinch of the sciatic nerve:

    1. 1) In the event of a mechanical trauma, neuronal damage occurs, promoting the release of inflammatory mediators;
    2. 2) Decreased immunity during supercooling, which leads to activation of opportunistic pathogens of attacking nerve;
    3. 3) Chemical agents( various poisons, medications, etc.) affect nerve cells, contributing to the disease;
    4. 4) Infectious disease agents( bacteria, viruses, etc.) affect the nerve with releasing toxins and create a favorable background for inflammation.
    Regardless of what is the provoking factor, the pathogenesis of the inflammatory reaction is reduced to the secretion of mediators, the result of which is the clinical picture of sciatica.

    Symptoms of sciatica nerve

    Pain is the first sign of sciatica nerve inflammation. According to her feelings, her character can be different. Most often, patients complain of shooting pain along the nerve( from the waist to the leg), which occurs suddenly and just as quickly passes.

    At the time of an attack, as well as after it, the patient stops and is afraid to move because of a possible relapse. In addition, pain can manifest as a burning and tingling sensation.

    Less often the patient can complain of paresthesia in the form of numbness and a sense of "goose bumps".Most often, the pain is localized in the lumbar region, rarely can be felt in the buttocks, the back surface of the legs, and also in the area of ​​the fingertips. Pain can have permanent localization, as well as migrate from one site to another.

    The physical load, torso, gravity, jump, etc. are contributing to the attack. As a rule, one leg or lower half of the trunk suffers from sciatica. In the absence of treatment, attacks of sciatica nerve inflammation occur more often, the symptoms increase. The patient begins to experience pain at rest, as well as during sleep.

    Progression of the disease is closely related to etiology. Slow progress is facilitated by chronic, sluggish infections, as well as severe, persistent physical activity, etc. Most often the disease begins with minor symptoms: mild, traumatic back pain, tensions in the legs, etc.

    Contribute to the onset of an acute attack of pain, hypothermia, overfatigue,excessive physical activity, etc.

    1. 1) Edema along the entire length of the leg or in the area of ​​large joints. It is sometimes difficult to put shoes on a damaged leg.
    2. 2) Spasm of the muscles of the lower limbs, especially in the buttocks and thighs.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Additional diagnostic methods( electromyography, radiography, tomography, etc.) help to diagnose the disease to the doctor, questioning, examination, as well as( in doubtful cases).

    As a rule, when you first visit the doctor for symptoms, the diagnosis of sciatica is established immediately.

    Sciatic nerve inflammation: treatment with

    Treatment of the disease begins with a restriction of physical activity, in order to reduce the irritant effect on the nerve roots. During the exacerbation, the use of heat, for example, warmers - is contraindicated.

    At the first symptoms of sciatica, it is necessary to consult a neurologist who will prescribe a competent treatment for sciatica nerve inflammation. From medications as conservative treatment are prescribed painkillers, anti-inflammatory, diuretics( to eliminate edema) drugs, as well as muscle relaxants( drugs that relax the muscles).

    Drugs can be given topically in the form of ointments, gels, as well as enterally( in tablets) and parenterally( in solutions in the form of injections).Radical( surgical treatment) therapy is rarely used, for example, with the intervertebral hernia.

    During the period of stifling symptoms of sciatica are effective: physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, etc.

    Prevention of recurrence of the disease after recovery is reduced to the following rules:

    1. 1) Reduction of physical stress on the spine and aching leg. For this purpose, including, it is recommended to get rid of excess weight;
    2. 2) Restrict the lifting of heavy objects, and if this is not avoided, it is recommended to lift the weights correctly, that is, squat and rise together with the load, holding it in your hands;
    3. 3) Move more, avoiding hypothermia;
    4. 4) Follow the position of the back. It is important to keep the spine straight, avoiding its curvature;
    5. 5) It is recommended to regularly perform a set of special exercises aimed at forming and strengthening the muscular corset around the spine.

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