
Mixtures used for artificial feeding, mixtures for therapeutic nutrition

  • Mixtures used for artificial feeding, mixtures for therapeutic nutrition

    Some mothers, for various reasons, have to choose the method of artificial feeding of their baby. Of course, there is nothing better than mother's milk. But do not be discouraged, because artificial mixtures, especially recently, are made as close as possible to the natural milk of a woman. In addition, the artificial mixture can be selected and based on the individual needs and condition of each baby. As for the psychological connection between mother and her child during feeding, it can also be established without special difficulties, because this relationship depends more on the presence of the mother, her touch, loving gaze, etc., rather than on the actual feeding process. By the way, in this case, and Papa can also feed his child, he is usually not bad and with great pleasure copes with this task. Therefore, minutes of feeding bring benefit and pleasure not only to the kid, but also to his father.

    As with breastfeeding, the conditions for feeding an artificial baby should be the same - a quiet and peaceful place, loving and caring parents.

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    As for the "accessories" of feeding, they, unlike the natural process, are much more painful. For example, a sufficiently large number of different graduated bottles is required, they need caps and nipples with optimal holes for the baby;brushes for washing these bottles;a pan for bottle sterilization or a special sterilizer;a thermos for the preservation of warm milk or an electric heater for bottles with milk and much more.

    But most importantly - what is the best way to feed the baby, how to choose the right formula for him, and what kind of milk are they? We'll talk about this now.

    Modern industry produces a wide variety of mixtures, all of them are very nicely packed, the labels contain a lot of valuable information, after reading which parents can find out what the mixture is made from, its calorie content, the age of the baby for which it is intended, the way of preparation of the formula and the recommendednorms of nutrition according to the age of the child. But it is worth noting that the independent selection of children's mixture, how many children of your friends she did not fit, we will not allow. For this, first of all, you need to see a doctor who, after assessing the health of the baby, will be able to appoint the most suitable formula for him. When a child grows up, you just need to be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturers of mixtures regarding the age of the baby, and carefully monitor the absence of ingredients in the mixture that are undesirable for him.

    What do you need to know about the parents of a baby-worker about milk formulas? Now in the baby food stores, there are available on sale adapted milk mixtures, partially adapted milk mixtures and mixtures of the "following formula", each of which has two subgroups: fresh and sour-milk mixtures.

    Adapted milk formulas are the most approximate for women's milk, and cow milk is used for their production. Reduction in the content of protein and calcium salts in cow's milk, the introduction of unsaturated fatty acids, an increase in the carbohydrate content, the introduction of whey proteins, and much more provide a much better assimilability of the adapted mixtures than cow's milk and unadapted mixtures, and also most closely approximate them to the chemical compositionand provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients for normal growth and development. These nutrients include not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also numerous macro- and microelements, vitamins and enzymes. But the amount of mineral salts in the adapted milk mixtures is slightly reduced in comparison with cow's milk. Specialists who develop milk formulas, this is explained by the desire to reduce the burden on the baby's kidneys, which in the first months of life are still functionally inadequate.

    For attention of parents, whose child is on artificial feeding, such adapted mixtures as Nan( Nestle, Switzerland), Similak( Abbot Laboratories, USA), Nutrilon( Nutricia, Holland), "Pre-HIPP( HIPP, Austria), Pikomil-1( Krka, Slovenia), Heinz( Heinz, USA), Hu mana 1( Humana, Germany), Enfamil( Mead Johnson, USA) and others

    As for dry fermented milk mixtures, they all contain bifidobacteria and are completely balanced products, which are obtained by fermentation in the presence of lactic acid bacteria, and then dried. The presence of bifidobacterium in the mixture allows to normalize the intestinal microflora and the functions of the baby's gastrointestinal tract and, thus, reduce the risk of intestinal infection in it, and also reduce the possibility of multiplying the pathogenic microflora in the bottle in which the mixture is prepared for the baby. Milk mixture, which has such medicinal properties, is shown to babies from birth to one year of age who are unable to eat breast milk;to children with moderately expressed functional disturbances of digestion;and also in case of the possibility of the development of the infectious process in connection with a decrease in immunity. Often sour-milk mixes doctors appoint and to kids after the transferred diarrhea. Because of easy digestibility, in which fast

    emptying of the stomach occurs, these mixtures are also shown to children prone to regurgitation.

    Milk mixtures such as Nestozhen( Nestle, Switzerland), Similak, Similak with iron( Abbott Laboratories, USA), Impress( Kruger, Germany), etc. are so-called "casein formulas" that are manufacturedon the basis of dried cow's milk, the main protein in which serves casein, without the addition of demineralized milk whey, so the mixture is less close to the protein composition of human milk. But according to the quantitative and qualitative composition of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, they are as close as possible to the milk of the mother. Such mixtures are more often prescribed to allergic children who do not tolerate cow and goat milk.

    Talking about the possible allergies of the baby to cow milk and dairy products made on its basis, I would like to note that the ideal replacement for the traditional adapted milk formulas are also adapted, milk mixtures prepared on the basis of soy or almond milk. And in recent years, soy milk has become the most widespread. The modern food industry also produces dry soy milk with a prescription for its recovery. For babies 6-12 months and older, suffering from allergies, doctors also recommend soy milk instead of cow in the same proportions for the preparation of various dishes.

    Partially adapted mixtures, as the name suggests, are only partially approximated to the composition of human milk, they lack demineralized milk whey, the fatty acid composition is not fully balanced, not only lactose is used as a carbohydrate component.

    Such mixtures include: "Baby", "Baby"( Nutricia, Russia), "Milumil", "Mi-lazan"( Germany), etc.

    At the age of six months and older, baby formulas "formula after formula" are suitable. They are designed and intended for nutrition at a subsequent age stage, which is actually indicated in their names: "NAS 6-12 with bifidobacteria"( Nestle, Switzerland), "HIPP-2"( HIPP, Austria), "Enfamil-2"( Mead Johnson, USA), Humana-2( Humana, Germany), etc. But all of them are closer to female milk to a lesser degree.

    Many of these mixtures also include bifidobacteria, able to enter the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's resistance to intestinal infections, and prevent the development of pathological microflora in the intestine.

    Specialists who develop milk formulas took care of the mothers of the toddlers, making it easier for them to prepare the milk formula for use. Very simple, but detailed instructions are written on the label of each jar of the mixture.

    But nevertheless, it should be warned that if a baby has a disability in addition to body weight, or if the selected milk mixture causes allergy symptoms, the mother should always consult a doctor and strictly follow his prescriptions.