
Deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities: symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment

  • Deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities: symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment

    Statistical data on such a pathology as deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities indicate that the disease manifests itself with a frequency of 10-20%.

    At the same time, from 3-15% of patients from this population die from complications associated with the separation of thrombi and their circulation through the veins. After that, thrombi enter the pulmonary arteries, where they can cause embolization, that is, blockage of the lumen of the arteries of the lungs.

    This clinical condition is characterized by the severity of the symptoms, and it is also directly capable of leading to the death of the patient, and therefore diagnosis, detection and prevention of phlebotrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities is of crucial importance in the therapy of this disease.

    Causes of development of deep vein thrombosis

    Often, deep thrombosis of the lower extremities is provoked by trauma, which leads to a lesion of the venous wall and activation of the hemostasis process. As a result, a thrombus is formed that blocks the lumen of the deep vein of the lower leg or thigh. The symptom of such a violation is venous hyperemia of the vessels of the surface network located subcutaneously.

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    The second most common cause is pregnancy, which leads to compression of the iliac veins, and less often the inferior vena cava. As a result, venous pressure increases in the system of blood vessels located below the obstruction. Also, the development of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is possible in the early postpartum period.

    In the process of delivery, the fetus moving through the birth canal has a lot of possibilities for squeezing the iliac veins. If childbirth is delayed, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities as a result of obstruction of the venous bed is manifested most often.

    The most common cause of thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower leg or thigh in men is infection. Along with trauma, she takes the leading place among the provoking factors. The pathogenesis of this mechanism is the activation of clotting factors in response to a lesion of the vascular wall.

    Therefore, thrombi form at the site of infection, which is typical for both the venous vessel and surrounding tissues. At the same time, if injuries provoke acute thrombosis, infections are realizing factors of chronic form, that is, thrombophlebitis.

    Nonspecific causes of thrombosis

    Among the causes of thrombosis deep channel, there are so-called nonspecific causes. As a rule, these are systemic disorders, for example, DIC syndrome, shock state, venous stasis due to congenital abnormalities of the structure of the vessels, accompanied by their hypotension. Moreover, these causes, along with the presence of oncological diseases of the body, as well as obstacles to normal outflow in the iliac veins in the small pelvis may lead to a disease such as thrombosis of superficial veins of the lower extremities.

    Nonspecific causes include obesity of patients and different degrees of obesity. This leads to a worsening of blood rheology, as well as a delay. In this case, small mobility of a person is also a predisposing factor. Therefore, the treatment includes a diet for thrombosis, and physical training.

    Symptoms of thrombophlebitis and deep venous phlebitis

    Often, for a disease such as thrombosis of the veins of the lower limbs, the symptoms have common manifestations, especially at the stage of the onset of the disease. If the lumen of the vessel is not completely closed, then outflow on it is possible, which means that functional disturbances are not so pronounced.

    There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, stiffness, swelling or pastosity of the skin. Less often, venous vessels appear on its surface, which are visible in the form of enlarged cyanotic bands.

    With the progression of such a disease as deep vein thrombosis the symptoms manifest themselves more intensely. The first sign is acute soreness in the legs, as well as a feeling of heaviness in them, which increases by lunchtime. The pain is provoked by the stretching of the vessels that press on the nerve endings on the skin or in the muscles.

    There is no adequate outflow, and the patient's objective condition is aggravated by the development of varicose leg disease. It is manifested by the expansion of the venous vessels of the surface network.

    In case of varicose veins of the lower limbs, the arterial blood supply is also disturbed, because the enlarged veins, which have lost their tone, press on the arteries lying in the immediate vicinity. Squeezing their lumen, narrowing the diameter of the arteries, and therefore there are prerequisites for arterial thrombosis, as well as for muscle hypoxia, in which there is a feeling of heaviness, restraint, and sometimes they feel acute soreness. It is caused by ischemia and most manifested during physical exertion.

    Shin thrombosis mainly manifests itself in the gastrocnemius area. There is a sharp pain in it, which has a pulling character. Most of all, it manifests itself in the evening, and the pain syndrome is indicative of itself after dinner. In this case, thrombosis of the popliteal vein is very similar in symptomatology with this pathology, because the blood flows from the veins of the lower leg to the popliteal vessel. If there is a thrombosis, the clinical signs immediately do not allow us to clarify the localization of obstruction.

    Modern surgical treatment of

    There are a lot of opinions about how to treat deep vein thrombosis. The most optimal technique is endovascular balloon thromboextraction. This method allows you to eliminate the blood clot from the vessels, freeing up the blood flow. The operation is accompanied by pharmacological support, which consists in prescribing anticoagulants, otherwise the thrombotic masses will again "grow" at the site of the vessel damage. As an anticoagulant, heparin and warfarin are often used.

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