  • Olive oil for hair

    Read in article:
    • Benefits of olive oil for hair
    • Hair masks with olive oil: recipes, rules for use
    • Videos, reviews and useful tips about the application of olive oil for hair

    Olive oil successfully restores the lifeless curls of

    Back in the days of ancient culture, Olive oil for its unique healing qualities was valued on a par with gold. Earlier, as now, it was used not only for the health of the body and for food, but also as a caring agent for the face, body and hair.

    The use of olive oil for hair ^

    It has already been scientifically proven that the components contained in olive oil have a positive effect on the condition of the head of hear.

    Among them, fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, Omega 9, Omega 3, vitamins A, D, K and E, B, microelements, phytosterols, phosphatides, polyphenols, oleocanthal and other valuable components can be mentioned.

    Regular application of olive oil for hair helps:

    • Replenish the lack of nutritional components in the structure of strands and successfully heals lifeless, damaged color and mechanical impact curls.
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    • In addition, thanks to the vitamins included in its composition, the growth of head of hair increases, dandruff and split ends are removed.
    • A trace elements( iron, calcium, sodium, etc.) contained in it, strengthen the hair bulb and prevent the premature appearance of gray hair.
    • In combination with lemon and other ingredients, gentle hair clarification with olive oil is possible.

    The best in its quality characteristics is considered unrefined olive oil, on the label it is listed as virgin, pressed mechanically without the use of chemical reagents. It retains all useful substances, since during its production the process temperature does not exceed 25 - 37 ° C.It is this product that is widely used for oral administration, dressing salads, cosmetic procedures and including as a caring agent for hair.

    According to its qualitative characteristics, refined olive oil( denoted refined) is inferior to unrefined, as the product undergoes additional processing aimed at removing odor and fatty acid content. Widely used in the preparation of dishes, because when heated does not form carcinogens.

    Hair masks with olive oil: recipes, rules of use ^

    Only an olive quality product obtained by cold pressing is able to give locks strength, shine and silkiness. It can be used as an independent tool, and as part of caring masks.

    Mask with olive oil for hair growth

    An olive mask with the addition of bee honey will help to find long strong strands.

    • For its preparation, carefully mix olive oil and liquid honey in a ratio of 3: 2.
    • Apply gruel to dry strands and spread over the entire surface.
    • The procedure time is 60 minutes.

    Mask with olive oil from hair loss

    • Prepared from onion juice, squeezed from a small bulb and three tablespoons of honey in combination with a tablespoon of olive oil.
    • The components are applied primarily to the roots and gently rubbed into the scalp with massage movements and then distributed throughout the hair.
    • The procedure will take half an hour.
    • For a better result, the head is warmed with a towel.

    Mask with olive oil for oily hair

    This mask helps to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. It is prepared as follows:

    • Raw yolks in an amount of two pieces are mixed with a large spoon of olive oil.
    • Two tablespoons of alcohol-containing beverage( vodka or cognac) are added to the mixture.
    • Apply to dirty hair for 60 minutes.

    Mask with olive oil for dry hair

    The mask of pure olive product gives the roots good nutrition.

    • Pure olive oil is heated in a water bath and rubbed into the scalp, the hair is covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel.
    • The remedy is applied to dirty curls for an hour before washing your head.

    Mask with olive oil for split ends

    • To prepare a cosmetic product, two tablespoons of olive oil is mixed with a tablespoon of 9% acetic essence and pre-whipped egg yolk.
    • Slightly warmed gruel is applied directly to the cutting ends for 30 minutes.

    Mask for lightening hair

    With olive oil, you can not only strengthen and heal the strands, but also gently lighten them.

    • According to the recipe, take cinnamon, honey, olive oil and hair balm in a ratio of 6: 4: 4: 10.
    • Mix all the ingredients and apply a brush to the curls.
    • Do not rub the product into the scalp to avoid burns.
    • 35 minutes should be kept under the cap, then walk another three hours without insulation in a plastic film.
    • For short hair, the portion should be reduced.
    We also recommend that you read the article Mask for hair with gelatin.

    Videos, testimonials and useful tips about the use of olive oil for hair ^

    Reviews about olive oil for hair growth showed that after two months of regular application( twice a week), the hair grows up to 10 centimeters. Acceleration of growth occurs due to increased circulation of blood vessels, after which hair bulbs begin to work more intensively. And, as experience has shown, in the first weeks of such procedures, the scalp can partially fall out, but in the future, the strands grow thick and lush bunches.

    Video: hair care with olive oil from the cosmetician

    Positive reviews of the mask with olive oil for strengthening and hair loss indicate the following positive results of its use:

    • After two weeks of using the treatment masks, the split ends disappeared.
    • Lifeless locks have become stronger and healthier.
    • Injured and brittle strands have become silky and smooth.
    • Less hair began to stay on the comb and after sleeping on the pillow.
    • Shevelura acquired the volume, and the touch became soft.

    Despite the positive impact of such events, there are people who believe that hair needs to be washed more often after olive oil, they get drier faster, and many masks have to be washed off several times with shampoo.

    In order for masks to be effective, you must follow the simple rules of their use:

    • Select all the ingredients in accordance with the type of hair.
    • Do not skimp on buying olive oil, because only a quality product will give a really good result.
    • All masks are always first massage movements are rubbed into the scalp, and afterwards are distributed over the entire surface of the hair.
    • The activity of substances increases, if after applying the mask, the head is warmed with a towel or a special cap.
    • To remove the mask more easily, it is first necessary to apply detergent to strands, to foam it with hands, and then to wash it off with water.
    • Do not forget that only a regular application of funds( twice a week) will give a truly amazing result.
    • Any hair procedures should be conducted for ten or twelve sessions, with a break in a month, after which if necessary, repeat the procedure.

    Hair masks with the use of olive oil will give the hair vitality, chic shine and natural beauty, you just need to remember to use them regularly. Look after yourself and be beautiful!

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