
Kefir mask for hair growth - effective masks for kefir hair

  • Kefir mask for hair growth - effective masks for kefir hair

    The hair decorating our heads live relatively little - from two to six years, after which they inevitably fall out( despite all the efforts of its "mistress").That's why on the comb every time after combing there are a few hairs( in the norm - up to 30 pieces).If the hair is long, then, in addition to falling out, they will be subject to breaking, caused most often by mechanical damage( the same comb, hair clip, elastic, etc.).

    The new young hair in place of the fallen out grows from a follicle( a hair sac located in the thickness of the epidermis) in a few weeks. If the hair leaves your head without even reaching the age of one year, or if new ones do not grow on the site long ago, then it is worthwhile to sound the alarm. In most cases, this indicates that the body is affected by some disease that affects the appearance of hair( do not forget that we are talking only about women, not balding aging men).

    However, there is another( very common) problem that worries the fair sex - too slow increase in hair length. In this case, various home recipes for masks can help, including the popular and popular among women of any age, a simple and affordable kefir mask for hair growth.

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    Bad hair

    Hair loss

    Before accelerating the growth of hair, it is worth taking care that new hair grows healthy. Do not forget that the condition of the hair is an indicator of the health of the whole organism:

    • active hair loss is observed in diseases of the endocrine system, liver and gallbladder, as well as with stress, acute forms of various diseases( when the temperature rises) and when taking certain medicationswith hair falling out usually only a couple of months after the event, which makes it difficult to establish a true cause-effect relationship);
    • too greasy hair is often accompanied by constant malfunctioning of the liver;
    • dryness of hair and scalp is a sure sign of kidney disease;
    • early gray hair is sometimes an indicator of thyroid disease;
    • dandruff - can indirectly be caused by smoking, instant coffee or periodic overheating of the head( for example, under a hat in a warm room or motor transport, and also if long thick hair dries too long after washing).

    Part with hair and recently given birth to women( this is called "postpartum alopecia"), for which this situation is a variant of the norm. In the first 2-3 months after birth, the natural hair change intensifies, which should end in about six months.

    Benefits of sour-milk products


    Sour-milk products are an integral part of folk remedies that restore beauty and health to hair. Kefir has a unique set of bacteria, vitamins and proteins that can energize hair follicles and scalp. The result of its inclusion in the composition of masks for hair growth is thick and shiny hair( the same as in Central Asian women who have used sour milk from time to time to improve their appearance).In addition, kefir masks consist only of natural living ingredients, they contain no preservatives and chemical additives.

    Advantages of mask

    Hair mask

    And now a little about how to make a kefir mask. There are several recipes for its preparation( a little later we'll talk about some of them), but the procedure itself will be the same regardless of the chosen option. Be careful not to include in the mixture those foods that you are allergic to. And, of course, the first attempt should be limited to a little less time( for example, ten minutes) to check if the kefir mask caused irritation on the skin.

    So, all the prepared ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Then the mixture is gently and evenly applied to the scalp and hair. After that, it is better to hide the hair under the shower cap or plastic bag and cover the whole "construction" with a towel.

    Please note! The recipes will differ in the time interval, during which it is recommended to "wear" the mask. Rinse the mixture with hair better with warm water and shampoo.


    Our recipes for kefir masks are not the only ones. As in most home recipes, experiment and experience are welcome.

    Please note! If you do not have kefir near you, replace it with yogurt;there is no possibility to withstand the required time of the procedure - use sour-milk products for rinsing hair before you are going to wash your hair.
    With black bread

    Recipe 1. Kefir and bread( suitable for the treatment of brittle and dry hair).Carefully knead 100-150 g of crumb of fresh black bread, add half a glass of kefir to it and just one tablespoon of any vegetable oil you have( except for sunflower).After applying the mixture on the head, keep it no more than 20 minutes. This recipe can also help cope with dandruff caused by drying out the scalp.

    Recipe 2. Feeding kefir mask with beer yeast( applied for 1 hour).In half a cup of kefir, dissolve half a tablespoon of yeast and let them brew in a warm place( for example, near the battery, the included plate) for an hour. This mixture perfectly restores dry and damaged hair dyeing.

    Be careful when using honey

    Recipe 3. Kefir and honey( suitable for restoring the structure of the hair, and to enhance their growth).To half a glass of kefir, add a half or two tablespoons of quality natural( without impurities) honey. Do not apply this mask on your hair, if you have an allergy to bee products. The mixture can be kept no more than 1 hour.

    Recipe 4. Onions and yogurt( not only help hair grow, but also save from their loss).The juice of one onion should be added to half a glass of kefir, which neutralizes its pungent smell. This mask on the hair can be kept for an hour, and then rinse with light movements with warm water with any shampoo( squeeze the usual portion of shampoo into a ladle with water, stir and then pour on the head).If the smell does not disappear, rinse the hair with water, adding a little apple cider vinegar.

    With cocoa and egg

    Recipe 5. Half a cup of kefir, a tablespoon( topped) of cocoa and yolk from 1 chicken egg can make your hair thicker by awakening asleep hair follicles.

    Recipe 6. You need 4 tablespoons of olive oil, one chicken egg( you can have three quail eggs), a little warmed honey( about a teaspoonful) and two capsules of vitamin E( one can reduce the volume by half if you have short hair), 4 tablespoons of olive oilor vitamins A-E).Apply on hair for half an hour.

    Recipe 7. Kefir or yogurt, without adding any other ingredients. Just rub them into the scalp and rinse them thoroughly with hair.

    See also:

    How to make kefir mask for face